All posts by Experian Health


Multi-specialty, academic, non-profit healthcare delivery system increases productivity and improves resource efficiency The prior and pre-authorization inquiry and submission processes within patient access can be challenging for healthcare providers, as it’s often manual, cumbersome, and steps within the process can be missed or poorly integrated—frustrating both staff and patients. Experian Health’s Authorizations helped one of its healthcare delivery system clients increase efficiency and empower staff to spend more time with patients to discuss estimated liability and financial responsibility and provide them with payment plan options. “We needed an authorization solution that was integrated within our Epic workflow, easy-to-use and that our team could rally behind. We found that solution in Experian Health’s Authorizations tool.” —Director, Pre-service Center, multi-specialty, academic non-profit healthcare delivery system Inquiries are now automated and take place behind the scenes without user intervention. Submissions guide the user through the workflow, auto-filling all payer data and only prompting the user only when manual intervention is required. Hear more about this client’s success using Authorizations. Read the full case study.

Published: June 8, 2017 by Experian Health

During HIMSS17 in Orlando, Jason Wallis, Senior Vice President, Patient Access at Experian Health, sat down with IntrepidNOW to talk patient access and how Experian Health's solutions help providers across the revenue cycle. Excerpt below: "We have the eCare NEXT platform that drives a lot of our integration and patient access products. So anywhere from orders, all the way back to collecting payment from the patients, so right identity, checking eligibility, authorizations, medical necessity, patient estimates and then a tool to collect payment from that patient for those estimates. ...we’ve really taken this eligibility rail that has been pretty standard in the industry, and we’ve added a lot of content and innovation on top of those rails. So I almost call our clearing house a content network. So we drive more value in that transaction by normalizing, cleaning the data and enriching it with other data assets, so that downstream our clients and our products are better because of that advanced content. ...our integrated platform takes this data and be able to start chaining products together, and deliver back to the provider an exception based workflow that really has their staff only looking and working when something’s gone wrong. And the more we can automate around products and even products chaining off of other products, so eligibility to notice of admission, we are able to remove some of those manual single point solutions because it’s integrated in a single workflow." Listen to the full podcast Learn more about Experian Health's patient access solutions and eCare NEXT platform  

Published: May 10, 2017 by Experian Health

Phillip Scott of NCPDP attended HIMSS17 and took some time to chat with IntrepidNOW about NCPDP's strategic alliance with Experian Health and the benefits of a universal patient identifier. Below is an excerpt from that interview. "Well, I have to say with NCPDP’s reputation of neutrality is it’s been a key to our business, our business model. We bring all parties to the table. It’s big in collaboration and all of our standards and best practices come from a consensus building environment. Well, having said that, we have been looking for some time at a relationship that could create a unique patient identifier, at least our version of what that would be. We vetted a number of different companies and actually started working on this in 2013. The good fortune brought us in touch with Experian [Health], and we come together nicely, culturally. We both spent a tremendous amount of effort working for the common good, and the solution that Experian [Health] brought to our vision for what a unique identifier was made for a great opportunity there, and we’ve been very excited about that offering. That UPI, that universal patient identity, would go to that number and when they marry my prescription or my pharmacy benefits to my medical benefits. Then it can move over and move out of pharmacy and over into the health systems. So not only is it great service, it’s just fun to think about it. So our effort gives you 2 versions of a flavor, we as an American consumers are all about instant gratification, right? So this gives you instant gratification because Experian [Health]'s identifying the numbers and identifying those patients uniquely, and sending it back to you, that is an instant gratification." Listen to the full podcast Learn more about Experian Health's Universal Identity Manager solution

Published: April 28, 2017 by Experian Health

During HIMSS17, Experian Health's Nicole Rogas, Senior Vice President of Sales, sat down with IntrepidNOW to discuss the healthcare industry, challenges providers are facing and women in health IT. Excerpt below. "’s an industry that changes consistently, and Experian Health has the data and the history to be able to arm both our clients, which our providers, and the consumer, which is the patient, with information to help them make better healthcare decisions. We are hearing more about it in IT and as well as other areas of healthcare really nationally. Women do play a very important role in the future of healthcare, and I think the focus on it now brings to light some of the sort of special issues and challenges we face as women that are very different than what man may face as they grow their career. ...a lot of the challenges for our providers is to understand how to function as a business, and I know that that might sound crazy, but healthcare is always been a service, and most of our economies today, most of our people today believe that it’s really their right to (have) healthcare, and I think what’s happening is our healthcare providers are having to function more like a business organization to ensure that they are providing care at really great quality care, but in an efficient way. They are able to build and get reimbursed for that care, and then that they are able to arm their patients with the right information pre and post care to help keep them engaged in both their financial and their clinical journey. So I just think it’s a big time in our industry." Listen to the full podcast

Published: April 26, 2017 by Experian Health

Last week, Experian Health announced the launch of Patient Schedule, an innovative new solution that allows for real-time integration across organizations to streamline active patient self-service appointment scheduling, powered by MyHealthDirect. During HIMSS17, Jason Kressel, SVP Product and Account Management of MyHealthDirect, sat down with IntrepidNOW for a discussion about online patient scheduling. Excerpt below: "I think healthcare organizations are recognizing that in order to be competitive that they have to offer services that patients are demanding. And so while offering online scheduling for patients is a different way for patients to access healthcare providers requiring a little bit of a change to the provider workflow, ultimately they’re seeing the value of doing that because patients are more adherent to the services that they are supposed to be obtaining, and they’re happier when they come into the physician’s office. So there’s definitely work that’s done with the healthcare organizations to explain the changes in workflow, and what it means to make online scheduling accessible for their communities. But at the end of the day I think they all recognize the value of offering those types of services and are slowly shifting to full adoption. ...So one of the things that we will be working on is, from that Experian patient portal once they have a patient engaged through that channel, allowing the patient to search for a provider and book an appointment directly from the Experian patient portal. Another example, Experian Health does a lot of work around order management, if a hospital creates an order for a service that should take place in an ambulatory setting, right now they can manage the order but they can’t schedule the appointment for that, so we’ll also be incorporating the ability to schedule directly from the Experian Health platform." Listen to the full podcast Read our press release, "Experian Health and MyHealthDirect team up to improve practice workflow with cloud-based patient scheduling across healthcare networks" Learn more about Patient Schedule  

Published: April 24, 2017 by Experian Health

Earlier this year, Experian Health joined forces with to empower companies to recapture lost revenue, control costs and better serve patients. At HIMSS17, Brad Bostic, CEO of HC1 sat down with IntrepidNOW's Joe Lavelle to discuss this and healthcare industry trends. Excerpt below: "...our customers has really span medical laboratories, health systems and post-acute care providers. And the common challenge that these organizations face is that they’re so intensely focused on their internal clinical quality and processes and how do you code for things to make sure that they can get billed, that it’s difficult for them to rise up to the level of truly seeing the full picture of what they’re doing with their customers, and understanding holistically where do I have areas that I need to focus to be able to perform better financially? ...what we’ve done is we’ve really built this partnership to bring healthcare relationship management together with the best of Experian Health’s products in the eCare NEXT and payer alerts areas, and what eCare NEXT and payer alerts do in combination with our HIPAA compliant HC1 platform is that we’re able to bring this level of financial risk stratification to the picture, so that if I’m a lab I can see across all the different providers that are referring to me and all the different patients that are flowing through, where are the places where I might be exposed to where I might not get reimbursed? And it’s doing this on the front end of the process rather than having it be an unpleasant surprise later on in the process that you haven’t gotten paid." Listen to the full podcast Explore our revenue cycle management solutions

Published: April 19, 2017 by Experian Health

Jason Considine, Senior Vice President, Patient Collections & Engagement, with Experian Health, sat down with Joe Lavelle from IntrepidNOW at HIMSS17 to talk patient engagement. Excerpt: "I think hospitals have spent tons of money really customizing the clinical experience for the patient over the last really 10 years and if you go into any hospital large hospital in America today, you’re going to feel like your care has been customized for you. But when you exit the care delivery mechanism and you get into the billing process, I still see providers treating patients kind of in a one size fits all method, and that’s where I see a lot of patient engagement changing from a financial perspective is using the power of information like what Experian has. We know what a patient’s financial disposition is, whether they can pay their bill or not, whether they qualify for the hospital’s financial assistance mechanism or not, and we can be more proactive in building that relationship and sending them offers to pay their bill and customize those types of engagements more appropriately for that you unique patient’s needs. We are the Best in KLAS vendor for patient access solutions, the eCare NEXT products suite. We are very focused on taking those tools that have been adopted by providers across the United States and making them patient facing. And so we have portals that can be accessed from any mobile device and from a desktop or laptop, and give the patient the ability to shop for care using self-service estimates. Pay their bill online and set up new payment plans and really communicate with their providers in the mechanism in vehicles in which they want to do it." Listen to the full podcast Learn about our Collections and Patient Engagement solutions.

Published: April 10, 2017 by Experian Health

Experian Health was honored to host Frank Abagnale, one of the world’s foremost experts on identity theft, forgery, and embezzlement, during our #JointheConversation radio show at HIMSS17. You’ll know Frank from the great movie and book, Catch Me if You Can.  Frank has been a consultant to the FBI for over 41 years. He also developed a fraud detection technology called the 41st Parameter that Experian purchased in 2013 and it now operates in 80 countries around the world. Frank was honored to be selected by HIMSS this year to lead a presentation called “Stealing Your Life” where he focused on identity theft in healthcare and represented Experian Health to discuss this topic. His presentation focused on the significance of fraud in today's healthcare world; illustrating the enormity of identity theft crimes and how they affect an individual's life in many areas including health insurance, credit, income taxes including refunds, banking, just to name a few. Hear Frank’s assessment of healthcare’s susceptibility to breaches, the current state of cybersecurity, privacy and identity theft, as well as helpful strategies to personally avoid becoming a victim of identity theft. Listen to the complete podcast Learn about our Identity Management solutions

Published: April 3, 2017 by Experian Health

The future for patient engagement becomes more clear every time we go out and do focus groups with providers and their patients. And what we are hearing from our clients and providers is that 40% of all their patients are on charity and 40% are on payment plans. So you are looking at about 80% of their patients needing charity or payment plans. And a lot of that is manual processes inside of the provider. And we also heard from a lot of consumers and patients that there is confusion about how they can afford their care. Clearly the thing that is on the top of our minds given this rising out of pocket expenses, is how can we anticipate what a patient needs when they leave the hospital using the Experian credit data? And then how can we proactively reach out to that patient with something that could be an activation offer for their charity care or their payment plan immediately after their service? We feel is this is a much more compassionate approach than what happens today. Leveraging the Experian credit data to be more proactive and predictive is a much more compassionate approach that will shift the patient’s behavior instead of the scenario where that patient takes their statement for $500 and put it under the stack of their bills. That one size fits all approach is not going to work anymore. We are moving to a very personalized patient engagement strategy that is more aligned with the patients’ needs and then give the patient all the digital automation tools so they can go and automate it and be done with it very quickly and they can focus on their health. Listen to the complete podcast Learn about our Patient Engagement solutions

Published: March 24, 2017 by Experian Health

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