Identity Management

Match, manage, and protect patient identities.


Experian Health will be at HFMA ANI again this year–booth 1025–at the Venetian-Palazzo Sands Expo in Las Vegas, Nevada. Kristen Simmons, Senior Vice President, Strategy, Innovation, Consumer Experience, and Marketing, with Experian Health, chatted with Joe Lavelle of IntrepidNOW to provide her insights on this year’s HFMA ANI conference, consumerism in healthcare and much more! Excerpt below: Experian Health booth activities  "[In our booth this year at HFMA ANI, we want to focus] around peer to peer learning and exchanges, so we are doing less selling and more engaging and more understanding. Understanding folks problems and helping to collectively arrive at solutions. We are doing a lot this year in terms of hands on demos of our solutions. We'll be showing some of our patient engagement products which include, self-service portals and mobile options for getting price estimates for applying for charity care, and setting up payment plans. Likewise, on the revenue cycle management side to automate orders with patient access functionality, contract management claims and collections, all those types of things that we do to improve efficiency and increase reimbursement for our clients. We'll also be showing off some of our identity management capabilities to match, manage, and protect patient identities so we can safe guard medical information and reduce risks for our clients. And on the care management side, our early support and sharing of post acute patient care information to help providers succeed as we all move forward into a value based paradigm." How Experian Health is addressing the need for consumerism in healthcare  "When it comes to consumerism, it's interesting when you're a company that has a lot of data and a lot of capabilities to say, 'Hey what can we do for people?' One of the things we really wanted to look at for our consumer approach, was to say, 'What is it that needs to be done?' We had some great hypotheses coming in and a lot of those were borne out but we actually undertook a big national study to take a look at what consumers biggest pain points were. It has a qualitative and a quantitative component. But, we basically looked at the entire healthcare journey so we weren't just asking them about the administrative and financial aspects of care, but also the clinical aspects. As we walked through the journey and were able to get a lot of quantitative data about all these different aspects of their healthcare journey, what actually turned out to be the most painful for the most people, were all the things around the financial equation. And, so clearly there can be pain in a clinical side, especially if you're unhealthy, you've got something chronic, you've got something terminal. There's all kinds of awful situations there but, really affecting almost everyone is a lot of the pain around the financial aspect of healthcare. So, we were able to look closely at some of those pain points and decide on some of the biggest ones that we wanted to tackle." How Experian Health is helping providers address financial pain points for patients and providers "Some of the big pain points for people is just the fact that you don't know what you're going to owe and as the patient portion of responsibility increases, understanding what you're going to be paying becomes more and more important to a consumer. So, understanding what I owe earlier, being transparent, and then helping me pay, those are some of the areas. And there are others but those are some of the absolute biggest pain points. And as you pointed out with some of our propensity to pay analytics, and some of the other capabilities that we have, we're able to help providers understand the financial situation patients are in much earlier in the process so they can get them to the right kind of funding sources. They can give them peace of mind so that they know what they're paying upfront, which may impact when they choose to go in for a major procedure or how they might want to save up for it or how they might want to access different funding sources." Listen to the full podcast

Published: June 6, 2018 by Experian Health

There's no question that portals increase patient engagement. According to the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT, almost eight in 10 patients appreciate the improved access to healthcare information afforded to them by self-service systems. Unfortunately, portal systems also offer an obvious target for healthcare hackers. Within a patient portal, criminals can steal medical identity data, which is worth somewhere between 20 and 50 times as much as financial data, such as credit card numbers. They then use the stolen information to submit fraudulent claims, fill prescriptions, and resell medical equipment. What's more, because many healthcare organizations lack proper detection tools and some patients neglect to check their explanation of benefits (EOB) statements, health data breaches tend to go undetected longer than those in other sectors. No wonder healthcare data security incidents rose 211 percent in 2017, according to the 2018 "McAfee Labs Threats Report." Protecting patients' data with technology Patient portals engender patient engagement and loyalty, but if a data breach occurs, that loyalty is quickly lost. Besides losing patients’ trust, healthcare organizations that experience a data breach face potentially severe HIPAA penalties. Healthcare firms can learn a great deal from how other industries have met similar security challenges without overburdening consumers. Providers can use best-in-class technologies, data and analytics systems, and their deep understanding of patient needs to manage risks and protect patient identities. To arm providers against breaches, Experian Health offers Precise ID® with Digital Risk Score to protect portal users’ identities from their first sign-in to their last. By automating the portal signup process, it stops false enrollments at the source. Then, using multilayer verification, it provides access protection for future sessions. Because Precise ID takes less than a second to evaluate access risks, patients don't need to sit through loading screens. On the provider side, Precise ID satisfies the Centers of Medicare and Medicaid Services' Promoting Interoperability standards, minimizing compliance risks. At a time when one in five patients withhold information from physicians because of data breach concerns, Precise ID builds trust between patients and providers by protecting patients' data from unauthorized access. Giving patients the power to access their medical information through portal technology has been one of the past decade's biggest steps forward in improving patient-provider relationships. But with that reward comes responsibility: Providers must protect portals from unauthorized access and theft of medical records. With Precise ID with Digital Risk Score, providers get the security they need, and patients get the seamless access they've come to expect.

Published: June 5, 2018 by Experian Health

As the health industry faces extraordinary changes, how can leaders better drive efficiency and optimize resources? Recently President for Experian Health, Jennifer Schulz, sat down with The Business Debate to answer this pressing question. In short, the best way to get there is to turn to data-driven technology. In this interview, Jennifer touches on some of the main barriers to efficiency in health systems: Patient financial payments and identity management. Here are some excerpts from her interview. To watch the video and read Jennifer’s editorial, please click here. Patient financial payments and price transparency “The use of technology in healthcare is slim. When a consumer in a retail experience or a financial service experience uses their mobile device, or goes online, that experience doesn't translate into healthcare. Experian Health is very focused on improving the transparency of healthcare from a financial perspective. We've launched things like patient estimators because there’s no other large purchase you make in your life that you don't know what you're about to buy. And healthcare, for the most part, this all happens after the transaction, and that type of transparency in healthcare can come with the use of technology.” Universal patient identification “Another issue is identity isn't the same when you go from system to system. Every hospital, every provider looks at you as an individual, and puts a number associated with you. That number is within their system only, and so you may go across systems, but there is no view of identity. One of the solutions we've launched here at Experian Health is the universal identity manager, and we're offering that with no charge to our clients because we think identity is the one key to provide transparency across systems.” As we have done for other industries, Experian is at the forefront of bringing this type of consumerism to healthcare. Through our data assets and technology, we empower our clients to connect with consumers through a tailored approach that is personalized along the patient journey. To learn more, visit

Published: March 13, 2018 by Experian Health

This is an exciting time for our industry, and agility and knowledge are critical for your organization to Lead the Way by meeting the growing expectations of patients and keeping pace with the ever-changing healthcare landscape. Since 2004, the Experian Health 2017 Financial Performance Summit has connected business leaders to discuss innovative ideas and solutions, allowing organizations to improve their overall financial performance and increase profits. Summit 2017 focused on collaboration, idea sharing and networking, with numerous sessions on how you can take control of your organization’s road map for growth and operational efficiency. The intimate setting of Summit 2017 allowed for unique networking opportunities, one-on-one conversations with subject matter experts and numerous breakout sessions that will provide valuable insights from industry thought leaders. The three-day Summit provided hands-on learning opportunities with product experts and the exchange of knowledge with peers in an engaging environment. The agenda featured industry-leading speakers, provider- and Experian Health-led educational sessions, a dedicated leadership track, one-on-one training, networking lunches and receptions, and evening events featuring live entertainment. Break-out sessions at the Summit covered: Claims Collections Contract Manager Patient Access Patient Engagement Price Transparency Thought Leadership If you attended the Financial Performance Summit about would like to download any of the presentations, they are available here. If you would like to attend one of our future events, please contact us.

Published: January 23, 2018 by Experian Health

Healthcare has always been driven by data, and today, providers have access to an unprecedented amount from a wide variety of sources. While this influx could be a blessing to the healthcare industry as a whole, it also poses a number of challenges, particularly when it comes to patient identity management. With a soaring volume of patient information coming in from numerous sources, identity errors become increasingly more likely, as well as the potential consequence of fatal mistakes. Keeping this in mind, the importance of effective identity management cannot be overstated. Every year, an estimated 195,000 people die due to medical mistakes. More than half of those deaths – 10 out of every 17 – are the result of identity management errors, such as duplicate records and mistaken patient identities. While current healthcare IT solutions attempt to tackle these discrepancies, they only succeed in identifying about 10 percent of all duplicate records. Consequently, patients often undergo repeated tests or receive incorrect treatment or medication that can result in adverse effects to their health. Also, there is limited coordination of patient data throughout the healthcare ecosystem. The main culprit of this is the lack of secure data transfers that compromise patient records and identity. This raises the question: How can healthcare organizations better manage the massive amounts of data related to each patient’s medical identity? Luckily, such issues can be improved with Experian Health’s Universal Identity Manager (UIM), which creates a single identity for individual patients across multiple disparate healthcare databases. Upgrade your identity management system The ability to share patient information across multiple healthcare organizations with different care management programs is at the core of optimizing overall patient care. Properly utilizing patient and population health data can dramatically improve an organization’s efficiency, raise its quality of care, and lower its readmissions rate. For patient data to be useful, however, providers require a robust infrastructure that allows for secure, precise, and accurate storage of patient data. The same framework should be able to assign patients unique identities across the entire network. In turn, a single, universal patient identity system allows for better analytical insights and more effective care personalization. This kind of management system also allows an organization to add relevant data to a patient’s medical profile faster and more accurately, creating an improved dynamic database that can develop personalized patient engagement and care plans. How Experian Health’s universal identity management software helps Administrative slip-ups in healthcare can have drastic consequences for a patient’s health and wellbeing. Eliminating these inaccuracies is the main goal of Experian Health’s UIM solution. Experian Health has the benefit of leveraging data assets available to us from being part of broader Experian. As a result, the identity management software generates and assigns a unique identifier to each patient that remains consistent across various healthcare systems, such as hospitals, therapeutic facilities, pharmacies, and healthcare payers. Drawing on decades of experience in identity management, Experian Health's multi-matching methodology approach eliminates duplicate and erroneous data through comprehensive search and alert processes. It provides a high degree of likeliness because it expands beyond the limitations of the conventional single-matching methodology that most health systems use today. Even records created on disparate healthcare systems can be automatically analyzed and assigned to the appropriate patient identity. In addition to eliminating discrepancies that could affect the quality of patient care, universal identity management also reduces medical and billing errors, ultimately minimizing an organization's risk of fraud. The solution also works in tandem with Experian Health’s suite of patient engagement and transparency tools, including its Patient Self-Service portal, to further optimize an organization’s ability to deliver personalized, high-quality care. Unique patient identifiers are critical for healthcare organizations to reduce the risks of inaccurate and duplicate records that lead to errors and low-quality care. Combined with Experian Health's suite of patient engagement and price transparency tools, its identity management software is a leap toward making efficient and reliable interoperability more possible across the healthcare ecosystem.

Published: January 9, 2018 by Experian Health

The MongoDB Innovation Awards celebrate organizations building the world's most innovative applications, recognizing those with a transformative impact on their respective sectors. Recently, Experian Health was recognized for our innovation in healthcare. Our Universal Identity Manager (UIM), which integrates with MongoDB to accurately sequence patient data, can accurately match, manage and protect patient identity. Drawing on more than 40 years of experience managing identities across various industries, Experian Health’s interoperable patient identification solution leverages consumer credit data to improve record quality. Our UIM creates a unique, universal patient identifier to identify patients and link their records to allow entities (pharmacy, lab, payer, and provider) with disparate databases, systems, and data formats to share a single view of the same patient. Accurate and complete information is securely exchanged, minimizing medical and billing errors, and fraud. “We leverage MongoDB to deliver UIM information in real-time – and that makes performance critical,” said Michael Ochs, chief technology officer of Experian Health. “If patient data is delivered out of sequence, it can create multiple issues in the delivery and accuracy of patient information. This technology makes the interoperability and exchange of information across the healthcare ecosystem is an achievable goal. With UIM, it is possible to successfully address problems caused by data integration challenges and fluid patient data.” Our consumer demographic information combined with reference data and referential matching methodologies allow the UIM to achieve higher matching rates and mitigate matching challenges associated with data quality. “We encourage health organizations to adopt universal patient identifiers because there is a well-documented need for it – the absence of which poses both business and safety issues,” said Jennifer Schulz, group president of Experian Health. “Our UIM batch product is being offered to organizations at no charge* to provide a universal patient identifier that will help address the complexities of managing patient identification by identifying consumers in the healthcare ecosystem more accurately.” Michael accepted the award on behalf of Experian Health at the annual MongoDB World event in Chicago on June 21, where he joined 13 other innovative companies being awarded in different categories. This award for Experian Health comes shortly after being recognized in the healthcare industry by Healthcare Informatics as no. 45 on the list of “Top 100 Companies by Revenue.” *Offer is limited to Experian Health’s UIM Batch Process product and shall remain open for such time as Experian Health may decide.

Published: July 12, 2017 by Experian Health

Phillip Scott of NCPDP attended HIMSS17 and took some time to chat with IntrepidNOW about NCPDP's strategic alliance with Experian Health and the benefits of a universal patient identifier. Below is an excerpt from that interview. "Well, I have to say with NCPDP’s reputation of neutrality is it’s been a key to our business, our business model. We bring all parties to the table. It’s big in collaboration and all of our standards and best practices come from a consensus building environment. Well, having said that, we have been looking for some time at a relationship that could create a unique patient identifier, at least our version of what that would be. We vetted a number of different companies and actually started working on this in 2013. The good fortune brought us in touch with Experian [Health], and we come together nicely, culturally. We both spent a tremendous amount of effort working for the common good, and the solution that Experian [Health] brought to our vision for what a unique identifier was made for a great opportunity there, and we’ve been very excited about that offering. That UPI, that universal patient identity, would go to that number and when they marry my prescription or my pharmacy benefits to my medical benefits. Then it can move over and move out of pharmacy and over into the health systems. So not only is it great service, it’s just fun to think about it. So our effort gives you 2 versions of a flavor, we as an American consumers are all about instant gratification, right? So this gives you instant gratification because Experian [Health]'s identifying the numbers and identifying those patients uniquely, and sending it back to you, that is an instant gratification." Listen to the full podcast Learn more about Experian Health's Universal Identity Manager solution

Published: April 28, 2017 by Experian Health

During HIMSS17, Experian Health's Nicole Rogas, Senior Vice President of Sales, sat down with IntrepidNOW to discuss the healthcare industry, challenges providers are facing and women in health IT. Excerpt below. "’s an industry that changes consistently, and Experian Health has the data and the history to be able to arm both our clients, which our providers, and the consumer, which is the patient, with information to help them make better healthcare decisions. We are hearing more about it in IT and as well as other areas of healthcare really nationally. Women do play a very important role in the future of healthcare, and I think the focus on it now brings to light some of the sort of special issues and challenges we face as women that are very different than what man may face as they grow their career. ...a lot of the challenges for our providers is to understand how to function as a business, and I know that that might sound crazy, but healthcare is always been a service, and most of our economies today, most of our people today believe that it’s really their right to (have) healthcare, and I think what’s happening is our healthcare providers are having to function more like a business organization to ensure that they are providing care at really great quality care, but in an efficient way. They are able to build and get reimbursed for that care, and then that they are able to arm their patients with the right information pre and post care to help keep them engaged in both their financial and their clinical journey. So I just think it’s a big time in our industry." Listen to the full podcast

Published: April 26, 2017 by Experian Health

Experian Health was honored to host Frank Abagnale, one of the world’s foremost experts on identity theft, forgery, and embezzlement, during our #JointheConversation radio show at HIMSS17. You’ll know Frank from the great movie and book, Catch Me if You Can.  Frank has been a consultant to the FBI for over 41 years. He also developed a fraud detection technology called the 41st Parameter that Experian purchased in 2013 and it now operates in 80 countries around the world. Frank was honored to be selected by HIMSS this year to lead a presentation called “Stealing Your Life” where he focused on identity theft in healthcare and represented Experian Health to discuss this topic. His presentation focused on the significance of fraud in today's healthcare world; illustrating the enormity of identity theft crimes and how they affect an individual's life in many areas including health insurance, credit, income taxes including refunds, banking, just to name a few. Hear Frank’s assessment of healthcare’s susceptibility to breaches, the current state of cybersecurity, privacy and identity theft, as well as helpful strategies to personally avoid becoming a victim of identity theft. Listen to the complete podcast Learn about our Identity Management solutions

Published: April 3, 2017 by Experian Health

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