Patient Access

Learn how to improve patient access by verifying critical patient information and collecting patient payments prior to service.


“With our paper-based systems, we were stuck in the 1990s.” For Anthony Myers, Director of Admitting and Registration at West Tennessee Healthcare (WTH), outdated registration processes were at odds with the non-profit health system’s mission to provide exceptional and compassionate care to its patients. He says, “We knew our patients expected a more modern experience. We wanted to meet them where they are, rather than forcing them to come to the registration desk. Our goal was to make preservice registration easier and smoother for patients and staff.” With staffing shortages and revenue pressures contributing to the push for change, WTH turned to Registration Accelerator to modernize patient intake and replace clipboards with clicks. Here’s a run-down of their results. Registration Accelerator: A single tool for easy, efficient, error-free patient intake WTH is a multi-specialty health system serving 19 counties in West Tennessee and Southeast Missouri. With over 700 employees working across 90 hospitals, workflows must be tight. Myers and his team wanted to update the patient intake experience and increase reimbursements – but without placing an undue burden on staff. It was clear that a digital registration tool would be the only way to check the boxes. Having has successful outcomes using Experian Health’s products in the past, WTH selected Registration Accelerator. This digital intake solution allows staff to send a text to patients to register online, without having to come into the office, download an app or create a profile. Patients simply access the link to answer questions, sign forms, upload documents and scan their insurance cards. The data goes straight to Experian’s eCare NEXT® platform to be validated against information already held. The process is intuitive and convenient for WTH patients, while significantly reducing the workload for busy staff, who now have fewer calls to deal with. Below are some of the specific results. Digital registration's impact on patients: “Everything was quick and easy” The response from WTH patients in all age groups was overwhelmingly positive. In survey feedback, patients noted that the new online registration process had led to much shorter waiting times, which improved their overall experience of accessing care: “the wait was short, which made the appointment so much easier.” Registration completion rates corroborate the reported impact on wait times. Between July 2022 and June 2023, WTH saw an average registration completion rate of 38%, with 50% registration completion rate in June 2023 alone. Other clients using Registration Accelerator achieve similar results for this key performance indicator. “I love the new process. All you have to do is register online and all info is ready for your appointment. There’s less hassle and faster in-and-out times.” - Patient, West Tennessee Health Registration Accelerator's impact on staff: “Staff have more time for patients” By simplifying patient intake, Registration Accelerator has given staff their time back. They no longer need to spend so much time filling out forms and calling up patients to check (and re-check) their information. Reducing the admin burden means staff can spend more time focusing patients instead of paperwork. This is not only much less stressful for staff, but contributes to a frictionless experience for patients. Implementing new processes and tools can often be a daunting prospect for large health systems. But because Registration Accelerator was designed to be intuitive and integrate seamlessly with the existing eCare NEXT platform that staff already used, WTH staff were able master the new approach quickly with very minimal training. Myers says, “Training was very simple – it was clear that for staff, this solution was just another chevron in the workflow.” Watch the video: Anthony Myers discusses how Registration Accelerator helped WTH create a faster, more efficient approach to patient registration. The impact on claims rates: “Automation means registration is more accurate” Registration Accelerator automatically uploads patients’ documents and extracts data from insurance cards instead of relying on staff to transcribe information. The risk of incorrect data making its way into the system and derailing the claims process further down the line is significantly reduced. More accurate data means more claims are clean first time, giving WTH fewer denials to rework. And because staff no longer need to spend so much time on upfront data entry, they have more time to focus on other aspects of patient access that can have negative downstream effects in the revenue cycle, such as authorizations. According to Myers, “with automated data intake, self-services registrations are also more accurate, so staff can take more time on authorizations. This has a positive effect on our clean claims rate.” Registration Accelerator’s compounding positive effect on claims management is helping WTH achieve their goal to increase reimbursements. Find out more about Registration Accelerator or contact us to see how this solution can help your healthcare organization improve the patient experience and increase payments.

Published: April 22, 2024 by Experian Health

A recent Peterson-KFF brief found that around 20 million adults have unpaid medical bills, with 14 million owing at least $1,000. Data from the Survey of Income and Program Participation puts the total figure at more than $220 billion. Healthcare providers must find ways to streamline patient financial assistance screening, to help patients and prevent unpaid bills piling up from uncompensated care. Many patients who would be eligible for financial assistance miss out on much-needed discounts due to outdated screening processes, leaving their unpaid bills to linger in accounts receivable. Automated presumptive charity screening offers a cost-effective solution for healthcare providers to modernize the process and reduce avoidable write-offs. Patient financial assistance software can also aid providers in fostering compassionate patient experiences, by identifying individuals in need of help and efficiently guiding them towards appropriate financial assistance pathways. The hidden consequences of medical debt Rising costs, unexpected medical emergencies and lack of insurance are the main culprits in the growing problem of medical debt. Though uninsured rates have dropped, millions of insured Americans remain without adequate coverage: high deductibles and co-payments leave many individuals “underinsured” with out-of-pocket costs they cannot afford. Providers end up shouldering the costs, leading to revenue loss, operational strain, and impaired capacity to deliver high-quality care. In some cases, the burden of an individual's medical debt may be initially concealed from the health system, papered over with credit card bills and loans. But it does not remain hidden for long: medical debt becomes simply “debt,” as families cut back on food and clothing, fall behind on other household bills, or even declare bankruptcy. The repercussions can escalate for patients and providers as patients opt out of further care, which eventually causes their medical needs – and costs – to spiral. Creating a more compassionate financial experience for patients will help avoid these ripple effects, with benefits for providers, too. Who is eligible for patient financial assistance programs? Patients who cannot afford to pay may be eligible for support via a patient financial assistance program. These programs, offered by providers, charities and government agencies, alleviate the financial pressures on patients by covering some or all of the cost of care in the form of partial or full discounts. Providers can offer patients information and support early in their healthcare journey to help them access such programs. The challenge is figuring out who is eligible. Eligibility criteria for financial assistance is often complex, covering the individual's income, household income and size, savings and medical need. Gathering and analyzing this data using manual processes can be time-consuming and often lead to gaps and inaccuracies. These inadequate screening processes result in missed opportunities to connect patients with the financial assistance they need, and risk falling foul of charity care regulations and policies. On-demand webinar: Hear how Eskenazi Health boosted Medicaid charity approvals by 111% with financial aid automation. How to use data to identify patients eligible for financial assistance Instead of asking the patient to fill out a stack of forms and manually checking data against the Federal Poverty Level to determine eligibility for charity care, providers can get the answers they need using data analytics and automation. Patient Financial Clearance automates eligibility checks prior to service to see if patients qualify for financial assistance programs. It uses Experian data and analytics to predict the patient's ability to pay and calculate the best-fit payment plan based on individual needs and circumstances. It also generates scripts for staff to use when running the tool and helping patients find assistance, which makes for a more compassionate experience. Alex Liao, Product Manager for Patient Financial Clearance at Experian Health, says, “Many patients are unaware that they're even eligible for financial assistance and need help to navigate the process. Discussing personal finances can also be uncomfortable, so it's not uncommon for patients to avoid sharing information that could actually lead to them getting support. Automating presumptive charity screening is more efficient and reliable. It's also a lot more compassionate than the old way of collecting forms and documents. Patient Financial Clearance pulls together credit information and demographic data to determine whether the patient qualifies without long, drawn-out discussions. Patients get the help they need and providers can reduce bad debt without delay.” Case study: Discover How UCHealth wrote off $26 million in charity care with Patient Financial Clearance. Using patient financial assistance technology to create compassionate patient experiences As Liao notes, many patients feel awkward or hesitant when discussing their financial situation with a stranger. Additionally, patients are increasingly looking for digital channels to handle their administrative tasks. Experian Health's Self-Service Patient Financial Clearance option offers patients a simple and more private way to complete eligibility checks, whenever and wherever it suits them. Using a mobile and web-based platform, patients can fill out screening forms and upload supporting documents, then get real-time status updates without having to call up their providers. Information is stored securely so staff can check application status as needed. How Self-Service Patient Financial Clearance works Self-Service Patient Financial Clearance puts patients in control, so more individuals complete their applications and find out if they’re eligible for financial assistance. This frees up staff to focus on other revenue-generating tasks that require their attention. With a cost-effective, compassionate and convenient option on the table, is it time to say goodbye to paper-based presumptive charity checks? Find out more about how Patient Financial Clearance helps providers reduce bad debt and improve the patient experience by quickly and correctly checking eligibility for charity care.

Published: April 17, 2024 by Experian Health

Time is not on the side of patient intake personnel. Getting bogged down with complex manual data collection isn't ideal when a worried family member or a sick patient is in the registration seat. Yet this is a familiar problem, punctuated by the tapping of keyboard keys and the scratch of a pen on a clipboard. The pressure to process patients quickly via these manual processes often leads to errors that carry through to claims administration. Given the prevalence of claims errors and the high rate of denials, patient registration is a step in the healthcare journey that could benefit from automation and self-service. Patient registration software can improve the experience and reduce manual errors. These tools can set the stage for a better patient journey, greater staff efficiency, and faster provider payments. What is patient registration? Patient registration is collecting and recording essential information about individuals seeking healthcare services from a medical facility or provider. It is typically one of the first steps when a patient interacts with a healthcare organization. From the provider's perspective, patient registration is also the beginning of the revenue cycle. Patient registration gathers pertinent demographic, medical, and payment information to create a comprehensive and accurate record for each customer. Healthcare personnel must capture: Personal information, such as the patient's name, date of birth, gender, address, contact details, and emergency contacts. Medical history details, such as previous illnesses or surgeries, allergies, current medications, and family health predispositions. Insurance or payment details, including primary and secondary providers and policy numbers. Consent and authorizations, which are critical for regulatory compliance. Patient registration may also include the sometimes-difficult workflows where provider staff ask for co-pays or other self-pay requirements. It can be a challenging collection point; some patients may need education on the upfront, out-of-pocket payments their policies require. For providers, the registration process can serve as the baseline for patient payment accountability. It's an opportunity to provide the patient with cost estimates for their procedure. Despite federal requirements to provide these estimates, only 29% of patients report receiving this information before their procedure. Why is patient registration important? Patient registration serves several important functions: Establish the patient's medical record, which healthcare providers reference during diagnosis, treatment, and ongoing care. Ensure administrative and billing details so the provider gets paid for the services they render. The registrar can also facilitate communication between the healthcare provider and patient regarding appointment scheduling, reminders, and follow-ups. Manage compliance with various legal and regulatory requirements for patient privacy and healthcare documentation. Patient registration is a critical step in healthcare delivery, ensuring that providers capture the necessary information to deliver high-quality, personalized care while facilitating administrative and financial processes. The problem is the rate of manual errors during this process; one study showed providers frequently miss even the most basic details of patient identification. These errors cost healthcare providers $17.4 million or more annually in denied claims, but more importantly negatively impact patient care. Providers can improve the intake process by adopting better patient registration software. How can patient registration software improve the registration process? Patient registration software can significantly improve the healthcare intake process by streamlining workflows, enhancing accuracy and efficiency, and improving the overall patient experience. Streamlined workflows Experian Health's Registration Accelerator solution eliminates the scanning, faxing, and filing of patient forms. Automated patient intake also eliminates the need to call patients (and call again) to verify their data. With automated workflows, data captured with Registration Accelerator via the eCare Next® platform seamlessly flows into other Experian Health products, such as Eligibility for real-time insurance verification. It's a single source of truth for staff bogged down by multiple system logins. Training workflows improve with easy-to-use interfaces and automation to lessen the tedium and repetition of manual intake. Registration Accelerator integrates well with other Experian Health tools connected to the eCare Next Platform to streamline to streamline intake workflows. These applications can automate up to 80% of the pre-registration process. Enhanced accuracy and efficiency The “waiting room experience” often frustrates patients and their families. Experian Health's patient registration software captures financial and health information electronically, eliminating the need for paper forms Patients access the link from their favorite personal device to answer questions, sign forms, upload documents and scan their insurance cards. The data goes straight to Experian's eCare NEXT platform to be validated against information already held in the system, reducing the risk of paperwork errors that lead to claim denials. Anthony Myers, Director of Patient Access at West Tennessee Healthcare, described their patient registration as “cumbersome” before leveraging Experian Health's Registration Accelerator. He says, “We wanted to not be a bottleneck. People were waiting on us. We set the stage for the entire admission. We partnered with Experian, and the metrics went up every month,” for online registration. Capturing accurate patient data electronically from a card scan at the front end of the healthcare visit decreases the risk of a claim denial later on. Registration Accelerator eliminates the repetitive tasks often associated with intake paperwork that frustrate patients. Patient registration starts with one link sent via text. Authorization and consent forms are e-signed, turning the registration experience into an intuitive, efficient online process without clipboards or paper. Improved patient experience Providers say their patients want more digital tools. More than 80% of patients prefer an online experience. The State of Patient Access 2023 survey showed the most important digital services that improve the patient experience include: mobile device scheduling, online payments, and more digital options for managing healthcare. Experian Health's entire line of patient access software products is devoted to providing these experiences to patients while improving providers' efficiency and revenue cycle. Registration Accelerator is a patient-facing, mobile-friendly digital registration tool that improves customers' experience from the beginning of their healthcare journey. Intake teams can spend more time building patient relationships, answering questions, and setting the stage for a better experience throughout their encounter. Healthcare organizations seeking streamlined workflows, greater accuracy, and an improved patient experience at the point of registration—or throughout their journey—should contact Experian Health to discuss their options.

Published: April 15, 2024 by Experian Health

Discovering that a patient's insurance doesn't cover planned care is frustrating for patients and providers. With revenue and patient satisfaction on the line, verifying active coverage should be simple and efficient. However, the process often involves digging through an ever-expanding mountain of data, which consumes valuable time and resources. Increasing patient volumes, frequent payer updates, and new demands for pre-authorization all play a role. Additionally, the impact of nearly 12 million Americans losing Medicaid coverage since April 2023 adds to the challenge.  It's unsurprising that many healthcare organizations no longer rely on manual processes to verify a patient's insurance details. To address these issues, many providers are turning to medical insurance verification software. The CAQH 2022 Index reports that automation of eligibility and benefits verification has increased by 25% over the last 10 years, as providers turn to medical insurance eligibility verification software for more reliable results. This article looks at how these tools are helping healthcare organizations increase their profitability and the questions to consider when selecting the right eligibility verification solution. What is medical insurance verification software? Medical insurance verification software automates the process of checking that a patient's insurance information is current and correct. With just a few clicks (or just a single click when using Patient Access Curator), the software collects data from multiple sources to confirm that prescribed services or treatment are covered by the patient's health plan. Unlike manual processes that involve checking individual payer websites and cross-referencing patient data by hand, an automated solution returns accurate information in an instant. Adoption of this software has grown significantly in recent years because of its ability to drive operational efficiency and reduce revenue loss. More than 90% of medical providers now opt for electronic eligibility verification, according to the CAQH 2022 Index. The report highlights this as a top savings opportunity for the industry, having helped providers avoid almost $81m in costs arising from manual transactions. It's particularly cost-effective for smaller organizations with tighter budgets. How it works: the eligibility workflow Here's what the insurance eligibility verification process looks like in practice: As soon as the user registers the patient, they can make an eligibility request and the software immediately determines whether the patient has coverage on file and whether that coverage has been verified. An optional MBI lookup service can be used to check transactions against MBI databases to see if the patient may be eligible for Medicare. If a patient is eligible for Medicare, the response will confirm the type of Medicare and flag up any missing patient information. If they are not eligible, the transaction will be routed through the regular verification process. For non-Medicare transactions, the software will confirm any other coverage found and provide subscriber details. Benefits of medical insurance eligibility verification software for providers and patients As with all data-driven revenue cycle processes, even the smallest eligibility verification errors can result in denied claims, wasted staff time and lost dollars. Automating the process minimizes the risk of incomplete patient data, outdated insurance information and simple human mistakes. But while accuracy is paramount, the benefits of insurance eligibility software go much further: Boost cash flow and cost savings: Identifying the correct insurance coverage improves the billing process to increase and accelerate reimbursement. With fewer denied claims, more revenue comes in the door and staff time need not be spent on costly rework. Increase operational efficiency: Software automates and streamlines the verification process, saving time and reducing the burden on staff. As labor shortages persist, fewer staff may be available, so any action that makes better use of resources will result in efficiency gains and let staff focus on higher-value tasks. Simplify workflows: Busy providers don't have time for lengthy onboarding exercises or training programs. An eligibility verification product with an intuitive interface that integrates with other information management systems can shortcut the learning curve, while alerts and smart work queues help staff prioritize the right tasks. Leave room to grow: Providers need solutions that can scale in step with increasing patient numbers and administrative complexity. Medical insurance eligibility verification software can adapt to changing needs with minimal disruption. Improve the patient experience: A more reliable verification process means providers can generate accurate and timely cost estimates for patients, which makes it easier for them to understand their financial responsibility and plan for bills. And by eliminating time-consuming manual tasks, software speeds up registration and gives staff more time to focus on patient care. Again, this means more dollars coming in the door. Key features to look for in medical insurance verification software When selecting a platform, healthcare organizations should consider the following questions: Does it pull from reliable data sources? Does the software integrate with existing payer and information management systems? Is the system easy for staff to use? Does it incorporate monitoring and reporting functions? Does the supplier offer ongoing support? Experian Health's Insurance Eligibility Verification solution was developed with these questions in mind. It gathers data from more than 900 payer websites, along with other sources, to generate detailed responses. Advanced search optimization increases the chance of a positive match, so no active coverage slips through the net, while the CAQH COB Smart® Data feature enhances coordination of benefits information for accurate, real-time responses. Providers that already use Experian Health products, such as eCare NEXT®, can access Eligibility through the same interface, so staff can use it right away and generate combined performance reports. One of the major advantages of Eligibility is the optional Medicare beneficiary identifier (MBI) look-up service, as described below. And now, healthcare providers have an additional tool to add to their eligibility arsenal: Patient Access Curator. With Experian Health's recent acquisition of Wave HDC, users can leverage AI-guided data capture technology to quickly check and correct patient insurance information. Patient Access Curator not only verifies insurance eligibility, it also facilitates accelerated coordination of benefits processing, runs automated MBI checks, searches for missing coverage, and analyzes a patient's propensity to pay – all in a single click. Close the coverage gap with medical insurance verification software While insurance verification software improves eligibility review processes, one question remains: how can providers help patients who are found to have invalid coverage? One option is to help patients find alternative coverage, using a solution like Coverage Discovery. Similarly, Patient Financial Clearance can identify patients who may be eligible for Medicaid or charity assistance, and can point them toward manageable payment plans if they have a self-pay balance. In this way, automated solutions can go even further to help providers create a positive patient experience and ultimately reduce the burden of bad debt. As providers embrace the benefits of automation, selecting the right solution is crucial. Tools that integrate workflows throughout patient access and the wider revenue cycle will make it easier to manage change, maximize resources and boost profitability. Find out more about how Insurance Eligibility Verification helps healthcare organizations increase reimbursements with automated eligibility checks.

Published: March 25, 2024 by Experian Health

Patient expectations of their healthcare providers have changed. Today, patients expect providers to offer the same convenience as their favorite e-commerce site, with intuitive self-service options that put them in the driver's seat. It's a brave new world for healthcare providers, who know the patient experience is about more than providing quality care—it's also about opening a digital front door with patient access technology. What do patients want from their healthcare providers? Experian Health's State of Patient Access 2023 survey shed light on what healthcare customers want: 76% want online scheduling from their favorite mobile device. 72% want an online payment option that is mobile-friendly. 56% want more (not fewer) digital options for managing their health. Outdated manual workflows do more than bog down backend healthcare teams; there's evidence this also frustrates patients. One study showed that 85% of patients believe technology can improve communication with their providers. Beyond the convenience of self-scheduling and improved communication, there is also evidence that patient access technology improves patient safety. Most people hate paperwork, and patients are no exception. Providers can digitize many of these manual tasks. Streamlining the patient access experience online could include: Online self-service appointment scheduling. Pre-registration via a patient portal. Real-time insurance eligibility verification. Automated, accurate out-of-pocket estimates. Text and email reminders to reduce no-shows. Online bill payments with personalized payment plans. Today's patients have grown accustomed to the immediacy of online shopping thanks to vendors like Amazon. That expectation transfers to healthcare, where administrative and financial tasks can be repetitious and frustrating. Technology can improve engagement with healthcare consumers, from patient intake to bill payment, while lowering the administrative burden on medical staff. How can patient access technology make healthcare convenient? Digital technology can transform the healthcare experience into a more accessible and patient-centric model. For example, 24/7 online scheduling lets patients book appointments at their convenience from their favorite online device without lengthy phone calls or complex scheduling processes. These solutions reduce wait times and patient frustration. Providers benefit from improved call center efficiency, lower no-show rates, and higher patient satisfaction. Digital patient portals are an easy conduit to better communication and faster access to healthcare information. Patients can fill out forms, get price estimates, check test results, and update insurance details. Providers benefit from more accurate patient data, not to mention more satisfied patients. Mobile-friendly tools enable on-the-go access to patient health information. From viewing test results to communicating with healthcare providers, mobile apps empower patients to actively engage in their healthcare journey. Secure messaging platforms enable patients to interact with healthcare providers by email and text, when they want, on their chosen device. Patient access technology also streamlines labor-intensive administrative processes with digital registration systems. Patients experience reduced wait times, as these technologies expedite check-in, contributing to a more efficient and hassle-free healthcare experience. Ultimately, these tools make life for patients and providers easier. Manual healthcare workflows cause bottlenecks and mistakes that lead to increasing claims denials. Patient access technology automates many labor-intensive tasks for patients and providers, including prior authorizations, which, if declined, can delay care and negatively affect patient outcomes. Tools like Experian Health's Patient Access Curator can check patient coverage within just a few seconds, speeding up reimbursement workflows from registration through payment. The software is particularly helpful for self-pay patients, helping providers identify a clear path towards financial accountability at the beginning of the encounter. Can automation improve patient engagement? Automation technology does more than improve human workflows in the complex service delivery world. These tools engage patients across their healthcare journey, a crucial component of effective, patient-centered care. Patient engagement refers to the active involvement of individuals in their healthcare journey, and automation can play a pivotal role in facilitating this process. Patient data allows technology to personalize each encounter. Automated systems can deliver timely and tailored messages to patients, reminding them of appointments, medication schedules, and preventive care. Automated patient access technology lets patients know that their chosen healthcare provider is looking out for their well-being. These solutions help patients stay informed and create accountability for adhering to treatment plans. Behind the scenes, sophisticated analytics provide valuable insights into the health of various patient populations. Healthcare providers make data-driven decisions that can guide any intervention before issues escalate. Automation can streamline administrative tasks, allowing healthcare providers to focus more on direct patient care. Digital platforms handle appointment scheduling, prescription refills, and routine inquiries, reducing the burden on healthcare staff and patients. Automating routine processes allows healthcare professionals to spend more time on meaningful patient interactions that build stronger long-term relationships. Improve patient access technology and improve patient experiences A recent Accenture study shows healthcare consumers are willing to switch providers if their needs and preferences are not met. Millennial and Gen Z populations are six times more likely to switch providers. The study also showed patient access was the top factor when choosing to stay or leave their healthcare provider. The increasing level of consumerism in healthcare should be incentive to change for any provider with legacy technology and outdated administrative processes. Experian Health’s automated patient access solutions improve the patient's experience at each point in their encounter with their provider. To find out more, speak to the Experian Health team.

Published: March 18, 2024 by Experian Health

A recent study by Experian Health found that 62% of healthcare workers consider patient scheduling to be one of the areas hit hardest by staffing shortages. Labor gaps result in delayed patient care, staff burnout, additional hiring and training demands – not to mention snowballing overtime costs. Faced with wide-reaching financial and operational ramifications, healthcare organizations must make a strategic shift in how they manage patient scheduling. For Indiana University (IU) Health, the answer lay in using automation to handle increasing patient volumes with less staff. Justin Baur, Alex Nussman and Josh Brown of IU Health's Patient Access management team partnered with Experian Health to share how guided scheduling has allowed them to scale their operations, optimize staff efficiency and reduce scheduling errors, keeping both providers and patients happy. This article breaks down IU Health's key successes with Patient Schedule (including some that were unexpected), as discussed on the webinar. Discover how IU's strategic shift to automated scheduling not only scaled their operations and optimized staff efficiency, but also significantly reduced scheduling errors, keeping both providers and patients happy. “Guided scheduling helps us deliver better care, more efficiently” Like many healthcare organizations, changing market dynamics forced IU Health to find a fresh approach to patient scheduling. Competitor closures led to an influx of new patients, while the precarious labor market demanded a solution be found within the existing headcount. That solution was Patient Schedule, a digital scheduling platform that uses automation to support convenient patient self-scheduling, more efficient call center scheduling, and targeted patient outreach. IU Health piloted the platform across 52 service lines in 2023. Josh Brown, Program Manager for Provider Match at IU Health, outlined the key results: “We were able to accomplish some significant achievements to set our system up for success in 2024. We've booked over 230,000 patients through Patient Schedule and 35,000 through the Self Scheduling platform. It's as efficient as two schedulers doing similar work. We've had a 3% increase in one call resolutions and 16% growth in new patients since implementation. “Overall, guided scheduling has given us an opportunity to transform our operations by improving our patient access and reducing some administrative burdens. We've seen a reduction in no shows and an increase in patient engagement. By leveraging technology and data analysis, the guided scheduling platform has helped deliver better care more efficiently and effectively.” “Call Center Scheduling helps us minimize training and maximize referral capture rates.” IU Health's Patient Access Centre supports 31 specialties, 24 primary care clinics and radiology scheduling across Indianapolis, handling a total of 2.4 million calls in 2023. Finding innovative ways to meet growing demand was imperative. Justin Baur, Manager of Patient Access and Referral Management, described how Patient Schedule's Call Center Scheduling tool improves the workflow for call center coordinators: “Patient Schedule simplified processes in all our call centers so we can work with more patients and more service lines than before. Coordinators are onboarded quickly and can schedule for more service lines. Patient Schedule builds specialty considerations into the algorithm, reducing the need for subject matter experts. This increases scheduling accuracy, and reduces cancellation and reschedule rates, resulting in more effective visits between patient and provider.” The referral team also piloted Patient Schedule in urgent care and primary care facilities, successfully scheduling specialty referral appointments for patients before they leave their primary care provider's office. In the emergency department, providers can send messages to registration staff to schedule follow-up appointments. Baur says, “checkout staff can schedule patients' referrals within 3-5 minutes, instead of spending 30 minutes making follow up calls to reach those patients.” This reduces wait times, improves continuity of care, and streamlines the entire experience for patients and providers. “Self Scheduling does the work of two full time schedulers.” IU Health's pilot also involved using the platform to allow patients to book their own appointments. With Patient Schedule's Self Scheduling component, patients can make appointments online when and where it's most convenient. The sophisticated decision support technology means they only see relevant calendars and appointment types. During the pilot, almost 40% of patients opted to use self-scheduling, with 28% of those patients succeeding in booking an appointment online, significantly reducing the pressure on call centers. Josh Brown observed that “around 64% of our patients self-scheduled during non-business hours, so we're getting a lot of value-add when we're not at work. This gives us an opportunity to meet the patient when they're available. It enhances patient satisfaction and increases access to care. More than 35,000 appointments were booked using Self Scheduling, without any staff intervention, which Brown said equates to two full-time schedulers. He also observed that the platform is helping to grow IU Health's patient base and reduce no-shows: “We're seeing that the platform is very new patient-focused, with new patients accounting for over 59% of Self Scheduling bookings. With those bookings, we're seeing an 87% show rate.” Guided scheduling: the foundation of efficiency To close, the team explained how Patient Schedule had cut the time taken to secure appointments, by ensuring patients get the assistance they need and eliminating unnecessary paper-pushing. The next steps for IU Health are to roll out Patient Schedule across more specialties. They want to increase uptake of self-scheduling and ensure more patients can successfully book appointments using their preferred method. They also hope to implement location- and diagnosis-specific starting points for online bookings. By 2025, the team hopes to introduce a single phone number to cover scheduling needs across the whole state. Patient Schedule will form a key part of the solution by supporting efficient, centralized scheduling across four additional regions. Watch the webinar to hear examples on how guided scheduling was implemented in specific specialties, and find out more about using automated patient scheduling to create a resilient and efficient scheduling infrastructure that works better for patients, providers and staff.

Published: March 13, 2024 by Experian Health

There is growing concern that the healthcare industry needs more clinical and administrative staff to handle care demands. The crisis affects patients beyond treatment delays or lower care quality. Staff shortages in the revenue cycle create problems with patient engagement, billing, and collections. A recent Experian Health survey reveals unanimous concerns among providers about the challenges posed by workforce shortages. But what are the root causes of staffing shortages in healthcare? Is there a remedy for healthcare organizations struggling to find the talent they need? This article dives into the survey findings and the ways healthcare providers can address staffing shortages effectively. Finding 1: Staff turnover is a significant cause of healthcare staffing shortages. 80% of providers report turnover between 11-40%. Nearly one in 10 say turnover is between 41-60%. The causes of staff shortages were evident before COVID. A rapidly aging Baby Boomer population and limited availability of training in areas such as nursing led to predictions that looming staff shortages were on the horizon. The pandemic exacerbated the situation, leading to a mass exodus of workers and The Great Resignation. Some reports show healthcare lost 20% of its workforce, including 30% of nurses. Today, the average hospital turns over one-quarter of its staff annually, an increase of more than 6% from the prior year. As a result, the State of Patient Access 2023 reported nearly 50% of providers say access to care is worsening. Simultaneously, healthcare is bogged down with administrative tasks. Increasing evidence shows providers must turn to automation software to decrease human workloads and stretch small teams further. These automated tools can: Create a seamless registration process for patients to improve care access, reduce no-shows, and reduce provider administrative burdens. Provide 24/7 patient scheduling and put patients in charge with self-scheduling options Automate patient outreach to increase collections and improve communication. Improve claims management, reduce denials, and free up existing staff from manual tasks. Automation can improve the work-life balance of healthcare staff, potentially closing the revolving turnover door, one of the most significant causes of staff shortages. For example, IU Health implemented automated guided scheduling, which helped scale their operations, reduce scheduling errors and improve staff efficiency. Finding 2: Finding and hiring staff is an undue burden for healthcare providers. 73% of respondents said finding qualified staff is difficult. 61% reported that meeting entry-level staff's salary expectations is a challenge. Healthcare organizations feel the staffing crisis at every level. A recent Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) poll cited the difficulties in hiring revenue cycle staff: 34% of respondents stated hiring medical coders is their biggest challenge. 26% stated billers were difficult to find. One-third said finding schedulers and prior authorization staff is hard. Other hiring challenges included revenue cycle management (RCM) managers. When and if healthcare providers find staff, bringing them into the fold is costly. Experian Health's staffing survey showed most organizations struggle to meet the salary expectations of even the least experienced members of their teams. The causes of staff shortages can be remedied by leveraging new artificial intelligence (AI)-powered tools. Tools like AI Advantage™ can automate and transform claim denials management, a problem costing healthcare providers around $250 billion annually. Experian Health's State of Claims 2022 survey showed the most common causes of denied claims include: Missing or incomplete prior authorizations. Failure to verify provider eligibility. Inaccurate medical coding. AI Advantage reduces denial rates by scrubbing claims and flagging errors before submission. After claim submission, the software prioritizes the most high-value denials for correction to maximize revenue generation. Organizations like Schneck Medical Center use these tools to reduce denials by 4.6% each month. The facility also increased the speed of claims submissions. Tasks that used to take 12 to 15 minutes to rework now process in less than five minutes, lessening the need for hiring more staff and improving the workloads of their existing team. Finding 3: Burnout is a top contributor to staffing shortages. 53% of poll respondents said staff burnout is a key cause of the current staff shortage. 48% said the new expectation for schedule flexibility and hybrid work models also contributes to the healthcare workforce shortage. Burnout is one of the most significant causes of staff shortages impeding high quality care and wreaking havoc on the revenue cycle. The latest data shows the percentages of clinical and administrative burnout in healthcare is approaching or exceeding 50% in most job categories: 56% of nurses report burnout symptoms. 54% of clinical staff. 47% of doctors. 46% of non-clinical staff. Cost-cutting and increasing care demands have led to increasing fatigue in healthcare staff. But technology exists to automate back office functions that could free up staff time. For example, organizations like Kootenai Health saved close to 60 hours of staff time in over 8 weeks by automating the presumptive charity process Patient Financial Clearance. Stanford Health used Collections Optimization Manager to cut 672 hours each month from overburdened back office staff. The COVID pandemic also changed expectations about how and where Americans should work. Remote work became normal; three years post-COVID, 58% of the American workforce report working remotely at least one day a week. The same data also shows that when workers have the chance to work virtually, 87% take it. Healthcare is not immune to the desire for more schedule flexibility. Becker's Hospital Review states, “Many workers desire the ability to work remotely, even if they only get the option a few days a week. Flexibility allows people to maintain work-life balance—and in a high-burnout field like healthcare, balance can be crucial.” Surveys show 31% of healthcare roles are remote full-time while 14% offer this flexibility part-time. The problem is that many healthcare positions cannot allow this flexibility—and the industry competes with others that do. To remain competitive, healthcare organizations must embrace technology to offer work flexibility. Cloud-based digital technology is beneficial in areas like the revenue cycle. For example, automated technology from Experian Health can: Use advanced analytics to streamline workflows. Facilitate patient self-service. Minimize staff time spent on manual tasks. AI-powered automation tools can lessen staff burnout by allowing them to work smarter. These tools provide the workforce with the scheduling flexibility they desire. Eliminate the causes of healthcare staffing shortages with better technology AI and automation technology in healthcare can lessen worker fatigue, lighten workloads, and give administrative workers the schedule flexibility they demand. Experian Health offers healthcare providers better technology to improve the lives of their staff, increase patient satisfaction, and generate more revenue. Download the survey or connect with an Experian Health expert today to learn how we can help your organization tackle the causes of healthcare staffing shortages effectively.

Published: March 12, 2024 by Experian Health

In a strategic move that will take claims management to the next level, Experian Health recently acquired Wave HDC, a healthcare technology company specializing in AI-guided data capture and curation. The acquisition brings together the two companies' capabilities to offer healthcare organizations faster and more accurate healthcare coverage identification. With this acquisition comes Patient Access Curator, a new solution that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to revolutionize the claims management process. Tom Cox, President at Experian Health, says, “With our vast clearinghouse data resources and Wave HDC's technology and expertise in insurance data capture processes, Experian Health now offers the best eligibility and insurance identification products in the market.” This article gives a run-down of Patient Access Curator and how it helps providers prevent claim denials in seconds. Hear our pre-recorded session from our annual Experian Health High-Performance Summit 2024 (HPS), featuring Exact Sciences and Trinity Health, as they reveal how Patient Access Curator helped their organizations automate eligibility, reduce denials, and more, all with a single click. This session offers live Q&A with Experian Health Product Leadership. Register now Prevent denials on the front end Managing claims effectively – or more specifically, preventing denials – is one of the biggest challenges for providers. In a 2022 survey by Experian Health, 72% of respondents said reducing denials was their top priority, citing reasons including payer policy changes, reimbursement delays, and a rise in the number of errors and denials. Most issues that lead to denials crop up early in the revenue cycle, when information is missed or captured incorrectly during patient registration. For this reason, it makes sense to focus denial prevention strategies on the front end. With so much data to capture, manual strategies are bound to stumble. Unfortunately, many digital tools still require staff to check multiple payer websites and data repositories to verify insurance eligibility and check for any billable coverage that might have been missed. Experian Health's industry-leading claims management products are designed to simplify these processes. The integration of Wave HDC's AI-powered data capture technology strengthens that offer with capabilities previously not available. As Cox says: “Our mission is to simplify healthcare, and this move allows us to quickly scale our portfolio with advanced logic and AI-powered technology to help solve one of the biggest administrative problems providers face today, which is claim denials.” For Jordan Levitt, co-founder of Wave HDC, the merger is a chance to bring their unique technology to more healthcare organizations. “We believe this integration will have a powerful impact for the healthcare industry, improving financial solvency and efficiencies for providers through more accurate medical billing, resulting in potentially more reimbursement, faster.” Introducing Patient Access Curator: Claims management in a single click Wave HDC's technology captures and processes patient insurance data at registration using an “if-then” logic that returns multiple data points from a single inquiry, in 30 seconds. Through Patient Access Curator, registration staff can leverage this technology to collect and verify much of the information they need to compile an accurate claim, with just a single click. In a matter of seconds, they'll have a comprehensive readout of the following: Eligibility verification: PAC automatically interrogates 271 responses, flagging up active secondary and tertiary coverage information to eliminate coverage gaps; Coordination of Benefits (COB): Integrating with eligibility verification workflow, PAC automatically analyzes payer responses to find hidden signs of additional insurances that may be missed by a human eye, and triggers additional inquiries to those third parties to determine primacy, for faster COB processing; Medicare Beneficiary Identifiers (MBI): PAC uses AI and robotic process automation to find and fix patient identifiers so no one misses out on essential support; Coverage discovery and financial status: For patient accounts marked as self-pay or unbillable, PAC automates additional coverage searches, and provides insights into the patient's propensity to pay; Demographics: Lastly, but by no means least, the platform can quickly check and correct patient contact information. Providers can hear more about shifting denials management to the front end of the revenue cycle with Patient Access Curator on a recent on-demand webinar hosted by Jordan Levitt and Jason Considine, Chief Commercial Officer at Experian Health. On the webinar, Levitt explains that Patient Access Curator achieves such speedy results “because the underlying code acts like a Rosetta Stone, automatically translating the language of the user and the health system into the terms required by the payer.” This means data can be transferred easily between interfaces. “The answer isn't multiple clicks, running one transaction at a time. With Patient Access Curator, you can know everything about the patient to run a clean revenue cycle process and propagate only clean data downstream, all within thirty seconds.” Maximize dollars, minimize workload Patient Access Curator moves away from manual methods and verifies eligibility and coverage automatically, quickly and accurately. But the platform promises more than efficiency; with this technology, Wave HDC has prevented denials of over $1 billion since 2020. At a time when revenue cycles are under increasing pressure from changing payer rules, labor dynamics and operational constraints, the new integration offers a long-awaited boost to both reimbursement rates and productivity. Patient Access Curator is available now - learn how your healthcare organization can get started and prevent claim denials in seconds. Learn more Contact us

Published: March 8, 2024 by Experian Health

The relationship between hospitals and payers has often carried an undercurrent of tension. Stacks of paperwork, complex claims rules and manual adjustments are a recipe for disrupted cash flow and time-consuming rework. With profit margins hanging in the balance, providers need the reimbursement process to move forward without a hitch. To the relief of revenue cycle managers, recent developments in digital technology are paving the way for more effective claims management. Case in point: Experian Health's recent acquisition of Wave HDC, which brings together a suite of advanced patient registration solutions for faster and more accurate claims management at the front end of the process. Shifting sands in the hospital-payer relationship could increase denials For healthcare organizations, getting paid in full- and on-time hinges on seamless communications with payers. Any missteps can lead to revenue losses, with denied claims and delayed payments being the outcomes providers most want to avoid. Payers will automatically deny claims that have errors or missing information, while disputes and slow processing times can seriously hamper a hospital's cash flow. The sources of potential conflict have been pretty steady over time, stemming from complex billing processes, frequent changes to payers' requirements, and a lack of standardization between payers.  Tension created by the cost of services and the need to control healthcare costs is a constant in the revenue cycle. Recently, a major shift in dynamics has occurred with the widespread adoption of artificial intelligence by payers. This enables them to process – and deny – claims with unprecedented speed and scale, leaving providers struggling to catch up. On a recent webinar, Makenzie Smith, Experian Health Product Manager for AI AdvantageTM, explained how this change was reshaping the relationship between payers and providers: “So many payer decisions are now being driven by artificial intelligence. Insurers are reviewing and denying at scale using intelligent logic, leaving providers fighting harder for every dollar… Many revenue cycle managers will stick in their comfort zone because operating margins are tight and changing course seems risky. But given this change in payer behavior, the cost of staying the course could put organizations at risk.” How AI-powered revenue cycle management solutions help close the gap between payers and providers Providers are increasingly leveraging digital technology to level the playing field with payers. Integrated software and automation give revenue cycle management teams the right data in the right format and at the right time to respond to queries promptly and accurately. These solutions enable teams to work more efficiently, so they can process more claims in less time. Experian Health's flagship AI-based claims management solution, AI AdvantageTM, is a prime example. This tool predicts and prevents denials by identifying patterns in payer behavior and flagging claims with a high probability of denial so specialists can intervene before the claim is sent to the payer. This works alongside ClaimSource®, which automates clean claim submissions at scale. Using a single application, all claims are prepared and submitted with all necessary documentation, reducing the risk of denial due to missing or inaccurate information. Integrating Wave HDC's data capture technology for comprehensive claims management In November 2023, Experian Health acquired Wave HDC, which specializes in using AI-guided solutions to capture and process patient insurance data at registration with unrivalled speed and accuracy. This gives Experian Health clients access to a single denial management solution, known as Patient Access Curator. This new technology is a single click solution that spans eligibility verification, coordination of benefits, coverage and financial status checks with near-100% accuracy in less than 30 seconds. Crucial registration data can be captured in real time as soon as the patient checks in for an appointment, with no need to chase and update data post-registration. A single inquiry can search for all the essential insurance and patient demographics instantly, enabling better use of staff resources and smoother communications with payers. Tom Cox, President of Experian Health, says the move “allows us to quickly scale our portfolio with advanced logic and AI-powered technology to help solve one of the biggest administrative problems providers face today, which is claim denials.” Accurate patient data from the outset is key to preventing downstream denials, many of which originate in patient access. By reducing errors and enabling faster processing times, this comprehensive approach to denial management will help strengthen the relationship between providers and payers, ensuring timely payments and clean claims. Contact Experian Health today to find out how AI and automation can help build a successful relationship between providers and payers – and drive down denials.

Published: February 27, 2024 by Experian Health

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