Healthcare leaders often zero in on how uninsured rates affect their bottom line. But another patient group presents a quieter financial dilemma for providers: those with multiple active health plans. In these cases, it's important to ensure each plan pays the right amount – in the right order. Should any confusion arise, providers may end up with their claims being denied, resulting in underpayments. This is where the coordination of benefits (COB) process comes in. What is coordination of benefits (COB) and why is it important? When a patient is covered by more than one plan, the “coordination of benefits” process kicks in to help health plans figure out their respective payment responsibilities. With patients often having multiple insurance policies, ensuring that each policy pays its share is vital. The purpose of coordination of benefits is to prevent overpayment or duplication of benefits, ensuring that the total benefits paid do not exceed the actual cost of the service received. Integrating a digital COB solution within registration and scheduling workflows can help providers ensure they bill primary and secondary payers correctly, preventing unnecessary claim denials. Challenges of coordination of benefits Coordination of Benefits is a pivotal aspect of RCM, but it's not without its hurdles. Here's a look at the complexities that often arise: Overlapping Policies: Determining which policy pays first can be confusing. Patients with dual coverage might not always be aware of the hierarchy, leading to billing complications. And many legacy systems only select the primary, without consideration for secondary or tertiary. And regional plans add another layer of complexity. Claim Denials: Incorrect coordination of benefits can lead to claim denials or overpayments. This not only affects revenue but also strains the patient-provider relationship when patients are billed incorrectly. Administrative Burden: Manual COB verification is time-consuming and prone to errors. Staff often spend hours cross-referencing policies, which could be better spent on patient care. Coordination of benefits: the dream vs. reality In an ideal world, patients would register for care weeks ahead of their scheduled treatment. During the registration process, they would inform the provider of all their active insurance coverage, with correct and complete details close to hand. No plan would go unmentioned, and no policy number misplaced. Registration staff would quickly enter the information into their EMR without error, so coverage could be verified in real-time. The reality is far different. Recent findings show that 65% of consumers struggle to understand what their health insurance covers. They do not carry copies of their insurance cards. They may not be aware that they are covered under a relative's health plan. Patient access teams are under-staffed and over-stretched, with little time to ask guiding questions that would uncover additional insurance. Coordination of benefits efforts should start as soon as it becomes apparent that a patient has active coverage under multiple plans. Unfortunately, the messy reality of coverage discovery and patient registration means patients and providers are left in the dark until a claim is denied. The payer rejects the claim for a COB-related reason, leaving billers with no clue how to resolve it. The problem gets worse from there. Automating coordination of benefits for faster, cleaner claims As with all aspects of healthcare billing, there are many complex rules and regulations governing COB transactions. Under HIPAA, health plans and payers (including Medicare and Medicaid) must coordinate benefits for each patient and determine the primary and secondary payers. Tracking this manually is extremely challenging for providers: using the information provided by the patient (which may or may not be accurate), staff would contact each payer by phone or email to verify coverage. They would then review the COB rules and guidelines for each health plan to determine the primary payer and follow specific rules for billing secondary payers. It's no wonder that COB transactions are now among the most automated administrative tasks. Automating coordination of benefits not only saves staff time, but also increases the chances of finding all active coverage, collating complete insurance profiles for the patient, and making an accurate primacy determination. Digital systems also make it easier for providers and payers to communicate with one another, facilitating smoother dispute resolution and regulatory compliance. Patient Access Curator brings real-time COB to EH clients In late 2023, Experian Health acquired Wave HDC, bringing clients a new and unrivalled package of real-time coverage and benefits solutions based on AI-powered data curation. This new solution, Patient Access Curator, helps healthcare billing teams prevent claim denials in seconds through real-time data analysis. This includes COB curation, which automatically analyzes payer responses to identify hidden cues that staff cannot see. If other insurance is identified, the tool alerts the user and triggers additional queries to verify active coverage and build a complete insurance profile for the patient. Each policy is then analyzed further to determine the patient's primary, secondary and tertiary coverage, reliably sifting out any non-billable coverage. Since 2020, the technology powering Patient Access Curator has prevented denials amounting to more than $1 billion. Integrating coordination of benefits automation yields savings throughout the revenue cycle Integrating COB automation with other RCM tools, such as coverage discovery and eligibility verification, means providers can prevent and manage denials in a single workflow. Doing this during patient registration allows teams to resolve issues in the early stages of the revenue cycle, rather than wait to deal with them once claims are denied. While catching errors on the front-end results in faster patient registration and clean claims first time, the tool adds value later in the revenue cycle, too. Streamlining the correction process prevents revenue loss and reduces the need for manual intervention. Here's how these use cases look in practice: In one multistate practice, the technology automated COB curation with insurance verification during patient registration. This enabled primary coverage corrections for 12% of patient registrations and identified undocumented Medicare and Medicaid coverages for 6% of registrations. Left unchecked, these omissions would have resulted in denials, delays, and missed revenue opportunities. The technology was deployed in the denials workflow at a large health system, where it identified COB corrections for 92% of all COB denials. Of these, 60% were immediately refiled to the correct primary payer, minimizing delays in revenue recovery. In the remaining claims, the tool found evidence of inaccurate or outdated third-party liability records within payer claim adjudication systems. Providers urgently need revenue cycle processes to be as efficient and reliable as possible – especially when dealing with patients with multiple, complex health plans. A powerful denial prevention solution that slots neatly into the registration workflow means they can maximize revenue with minimal human intervention. And with accurate results delivered in seconds, Patient Access Curator could be just what the doctor ordered. Get in touch today to find out more about coordination of benefits automation and discuss other ways to increase efficiency on the front-end of the revenue cycle, using Patient Access Curator.
Discovering that a patient's insurance doesn't cover planned care is frustrating for patients and providers. With revenue and patient satisfaction on the line, verifying active coverage should be simple and efficient. However, the process often involves digging through an ever-expanding mountain of data, which consumes valuable time and resources. Increasing patient volumes, frequent payer updates, and new demands for pre-authorization all play a role. Additionally, the impact of nearly 12 million Americans losing Medicaid coverage since April 2023 adds to the challenge. It's unsurprising that many healthcare organizations no longer rely on manual processes to verify a patient's insurance details. To address these issues, many providers are turning to medical insurance verification software. The CAQH 2022 Index reports that automation of eligibility and benefits verification has increased by 25% over the last 10 years, as providers turn to medical insurance eligibility verification software for more reliable results. This article looks at how these tools are helping healthcare organizations increase their profitability and the questions to consider when selecting the right eligibility verification solution. What is medical insurance verification software? Medical insurance verification software automates the process of checking that a patient's insurance information is current and correct. With just a few clicks (or just a single click when using Patient Access Curator), the software collects data from multiple sources to confirm that prescribed services or treatment are covered by the patient's health plan. Unlike manual processes that involve checking individual payer websites and cross-referencing patient data by hand, an automated solution returns accurate information in an instant. Adoption of this software has grown significantly in recent years because of its ability to drive operational efficiency and reduce revenue loss. More than 90% of medical providers now opt for electronic eligibility verification, according to the CAQH 2022 Index. The report highlights this as a top savings opportunity for the industry, having helped providers avoid almost $81m in costs arising from manual transactions. It's particularly cost-effective for smaller organizations with tighter budgets. How it works: the eligibility workflow Here's what the insurance eligibility verification process looks like in practice: As soon as the user registers the patient, they can make an eligibility request and the software immediately determines whether the patient has coverage on file and whether that coverage has been verified. An optional MBI lookup service can be used to check transactions against MBI databases to see if the patient may be eligible for Medicare. If a patient is eligible for Medicare, the response will confirm the type of Medicare and flag up any missing patient information. If they are not eligible, the transaction will be routed through the regular verification process. For non-Medicare transactions, the software will confirm any other coverage found and provide subscriber details. Benefits of medical insurance eligibility verification software for providers and patients As with all data-driven revenue cycle processes, even the smallest eligibility verification errors can result in denied claims, wasted staff time and lost dollars. Automating the process minimizes the risk of incomplete patient data, outdated insurance information and simple human mistakes. But while accuracy is paramount, the benefits of insurance eligibility software go much further: Boost cash flow and cost savings: Identifying the correct insurance coverage improves the billing process to increase and accelerate reimbursement. With fewer denied claims, more revenue comes in the door and staff time need not be spent on costly rework. Increase operational efficiency: Software automates and streamlines the verification process, saving time and reducing the burden on staff. As labor shortages persist, fewer staff may be available, so any action that makes better use of resources will result in efficiency gains and let staff focus on higher-value tasks. Simplify workflows: Busy providers don't have time for lengthy onboarding exercises or training programs. An eligibility verification product with an intuitive interface that integrates with other information management systems can shortcut the learning curve, while alerts and smart work queues help staff prioritize the right tasks. Leave room to grow: Providers need solutions that can scale in step with increasing patient numbers and administrative complexity. Medical insurance eligibility verification software can adapt to changing needs with minimal disruption. Improve the patient experience: A more reliable verification process means providers can generate accurate and timely cost estimates for patients, which makes it easier for them to understand their financial responsibility and plan for bills. And by eliminating time-consuming manual tasks, software speeds up registration and gives staff more time to focus on patient care. Again, this means more dollars coming in the door. Key features to look for in medical insurance verification software When selecting a platform, healthcare organizations should consider the following questions: Does it pull from reliable data sources? Does the software integrate with existing payer and information management systems? Is the system easy for staff to use? Does it incorporate monitoring and reporting functions? Does the supplier offer ongoing support? Experian Health's Insurance Eligibility Verification solution was developed with these questions in mind. It gathers data from more than 900 payer websites, along with other sources, to generate detailed responses. Advanced search optimization increases the chance of a positive match, so no active coverage slips through the net, while the CAQH COB Smart® Data feature enhances coordination of benefits information for accurate, real-time responses. Providers that already use Experian Health products, such as eCare NEXT®, can access Eligibility through the same interface, so staff can use it right away and generate combined performance reports. One of the major advantages of Eligibility is the optional Medicare beneficiary identifier (MBI) look-up service, as described below. And now, healthcare providers have an additional tool to add to their eligibility arsenal: Patient Access Curator. With Experian Health's recent acquisition of Wave HDC, users can leverage AI-guided data capture technology to quickly check and correct patient insurance information. Patient Access Curator not only verifies insurance eligibility, it also facilitates accelerated coordination of benefits processing, runs automated MBI checks, searches for missing coverage, and analyzes a patient's propensity to pay – all in a single click. Close the coverage gap with medical insurance verification software While insurance verification software improves eligibility review processes, one question remains: how can providers help patients who are found to have invalid coverage? One option is to help patients find alternative coverage, using a solution like Coverage Discovery. Similarly, Patient Financial Clearance can identify patients who may be eligible for Medicaid or charity assistance, and can point them toward manageable payment plans if they have a self-pay balance. In this way, automated solutions can go even further to help providers create a positive patient experience and ultimately reduce the burden of bad debt. As providers embrace the benefits of automation, selecting the right solution is crucial. Tools that integrate workflows throughout patient access and the wider revenue cycle will make it easier to manage change, maximize resources and boost profitability. Find out more about how Insurance Eligibility Verification helps healthcare organizations increase reimbursements with automated eligibility checks.
Labor shortages and the uptick in claim denials are undoubtedly putting heavy financial strain on healthcare providers. Could automated claim denial prevention help ease the pressure? In a recent webinar, Jason Considine, Chief Commercial Officer at Experian Health, and Jordan Levitt, Co-founder at Wave HDC (recently acquired by Experian Health), discussed strategies to tackle denials head-on in the coming year. This article summarizes the key insights, including a new automated one-click denial prevention tool that shifts denials management to the front end of the revenue cycle. 5 revenue cycle challenges causing claim denials and strained margins To start, Considine opened the webinar with a discussion of the root causes of denials. These often originate during registration, and for many providers, “registration and data integrity continue to be a problem.” A fifth of denials are attributed to just five key issues: Coordination of benefits (COB) denials, which account for a major portion of denials as more patients have secondary and tertiary coverage; Contingency fees, which eat up margins in exchange for information that providers should be able to obtain themselves during registration; Labor costs, which can increase with labor-saving automations that push manual input downstream; Epic plan mapping, which becomes increasingly complex and error-prone as payer requirements evolve; Transactional pricing, where “pay-per-click” pricing models disincentivize providers from using registration tools to find patient information during registration. These interrelated issues should be solved with one up-front revenue cycle management (RCM) solution, rather than piecemeal fixes that are implemented later. According to Considine: “Vendors tend to offer ways to solve these problems after the patient leaves, but really we should have gotten the right information right up front. Pushing problem-solving downstream means you need more people to manage these solutions, you've got more vendors to manage, and you end up staffing denial management departments and throwing more people at the problem.” Shifting from denial management to denial prevention Part of the challenge is the sheer volume of patient information that must be collected from the start. Staff interact with multiple systems to collate, check and coordinate data on eligibility, COB, Medicare Beneficiary Identifiers, demographics and coverage. Many of these data points can be points of failure if the wrong information is captured and penetrates the rest of the system. This makes patient access the perfect place to solve the denials problem. Levitt says this is exactly what Wave HDC set out to do when they developed the technology that underpins Patient Access Curator. “The answer isn't multiple clicks, running one transaction at a time. With Patient Access Curator, you can know everything about the patient to run a clean revenue cycle process and propagate only clean data downstream, all within two to thirty seconds.” Patient Access Curator prevents denials by capturing all patient data at registration through a single click solution that returns multiple results in less than a minute. It's fast because the underlying code acts like a Rosetta Stone, automatically translating the language of the user and the health system into the terms required by the payer. This means data can be transferred easily between interfaces. Levitt explained how the tool builds a “perimeter defense against bad data,” by ensuring data accuracy from the start. Bad data is less likely to propagate through the system, which reduces the risk of denials. As a result, clients using the tool have been able to reduce contingency volume by over 60%. Introducing the next generation of smart RCM technology Many organizations are investing in staffing to address claim denials, but this approach is not effective in the long run. Levitt described how preventing denials calls for technology that's built for today's challenges. “Most tools out there are built to manage the problems of the last twenty years. But twenty years ago, we didn't really have COB issues. Patients were either insured or uninsured. Now, some are over-insured and some are under-insured. You see more patients come in with one insurance card in their hand, but with two, three, or four other coverages. It's much more complex. Patient Access Curator makes it simple by bundling all the transactions into one.” The technology uses artificial intelligence, in-memory analytics, and robotic process automation to verify eligibility and COB, find and fix patient identifiers, check contact information, and generate information about the patient's propensity to pay. And the result? Providers can simplify denials management even as the insurance and operational landscape becomes more complex. Watch the webinar to hear the full discussion and find out more about how Patient Access Curator helps healthcare organizations capture accurate patient information at registration with a single click.
Patient expectations of their healthcare providers have changed. Today, patients expect providers to offer the same convenience as their favorite e-commerce site, with intuitive self-service options that put them in the driver's seat. It's a brave new world for healthcare providers, who know the patient experience is about more than providing quality care—it's also about opening a digital front door with patient access technology. What do patients want from their healthcare providers? Experian Health's State of Patient Access 2023 survey shed light on what healthcare customers want: 76% want online scheduling from their favorite mobile device. 72% want an online payment option that is mobile-friendly. 56% want more (not fewer) digital options for managing their health. Outdated manual workflows do more than bog down backend healthcare teams; there's evidence this also frustrates patients. One study showed that 85% of patients believe technology can improve communication with their providers. Beyond the convenience of self-scheduling and improved communication, there is also evidence that patient access technology improves patient safety. Most people hate paperwork, and patients are no exception. Providers can digitize many of these manual tasks. Streamlining the patient access experience online could include: Online self-service appointment scheduling. Pre-registration via a patient portal. Real-time insurance eligibility verification. Automated, accurate out-of-pocket estimates. Text and email reminders to reduce no-shows. Online bill payments with personalized payment plans. Today's patients have grown accustomed to the immediacy of online shopping thanks to vendors like Amazon. That expectation transfers to healthcare, where administrative and financial tasks can be repetitious and frustrating. Technology can improve engagement with healthcare consumers, from patient intake to bill payment, while lowering the administrative burden on medical staff. How can patient access technology make healthcare convenient? Digital technology can transform the healthcare experience into a more accessible and patient-centric model. For example, 24/7 online scheduling lets patients book appointments at their convenience from their favorite online device without lengthy phone calls or complex scheduling processes. These solutions reduce wait times and patient frustration. Providers benefit from improved call center efficiency, lower no-show rates, and higher patient satisfaction. Digital patient portals are an easy conduit to better communication and faster access to healthcare information. Patients can fill out forms, get price estimates, check test results, and update insurance details. Providers benefit from more accurate patient data, not to mention more satisfied patients. Mobile-friendly tools enable on-the-go access to patient health information. From viewing test results to communicating with healthcare providers, mobile apps empower patients to actively engage in their healthcare journey. Secure messaging platforms enable patients to interact with healthcare providers by email and text, when they want, on their chosen device. Patient access technology also streamlines labor-intensive administrative processes with digital registration systems. Patients experience reduced wait times, as these technologies expedite check-in, contributing to a more efficient and hassle-free healthcare experience. Ultimately, these tools make life for patients and providers easier. Manual healthcare workflows cause bottlenecks and mistakes that lead to increasing claims denials. Patient access technology automates many labor-intensive tasks for patients and providers, including prior authorizations, which, if declined, can delay care and negatively affect patient outcomes. Tools like Experian Health's Patient Access Curator can check patient coverage within just a few seconds, speeding up reimbursement workflows from registration through payment. The software is particularly helpful for self-pay patients, helping providers identify a clear path towards financial accountability at the beginning of the encounter. Can automation improve patient engagement? Automation technology does more than improve human workflows in the complex service delivery world. These tools engage patients across their healthcare journey, a crucial component of effective, patient-centered care. Patient engagement refers to the active involvement of individuals in their healthcare journey, and automation can play a pivotal role in facilitating this process. Patient data allows technology to personalize each encounter. Automated systems can deliver timely and tailored messages to patients, reminding them of appointments, medication schedules, and preventive care. Automated patient access technology lets patients know that their chosen healthcare provider is looking out for their well-being. These solutions help patients stay informed and create accountability for adhering to treatment plans. Behind the scenes, sophisticated analytics provide valuable insights into the health of various patient populations. Healthcare providers make data-driven decisions that can guide any intervention before issues escalate. Automation can streamline administrative tasks, allowing healthcare providers to focus more on direct patient care. Digital platforms handle appointment scheduling, prescription refills, and routine inquiries, reducing the burden on healthcare staff and patients. Automating routine processes allows healthcare professionals to spend more time on meaningful patient interactions that build stronger long-term relationships. Improve patient access technology and improve patient experiences A recent Accenture study shows healthcare consumers are willing to switch providers if their needs and preferences are not met. Millennial and Gen Z populations are six times more likely to switch providers. The study also showed patient access was the top factor when choosing to stay or leave their healthcare provider. The increasing level of consumerism in healthcare should be incentive to change for any provider with legacy technology and outdated administrative processes. Experian Health’s automated patient access solutions improve the patient's experience at each point in their encounter with their provider. To find out more, speak to the Experian Health team.
In a strategic move that will take claims management to the next level, Experian Health recently acquired Wave HDC, a healthcare technology company specializing in AI-guided data capture and curation. The acquisition brings together the two companies' capabilities to offer healthcare organizations faster and more accurate healthcare coverage identification. With this acquisition comes Patient Access Curator, a new solution that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to revolutionize the claims management process. Tom Cox, President at Experian Health, says, “With our vast clearinghouse data resources and Wave HDC's technology and expertise in insurance data capture processes, Experian Health now offers the best eligibility and insurance identification products in the market.” This article gives a run-down of Patient Access Curator and how it helps providers prevent claim denials in seconds. Hear our pre-recorded session from our annual Experian Health High-Performance Summit 2024 (HPS), featuring Exact Sciences and Trinity Health, as they reveal how Patient Access Curator helped their organizations automate eligibility, reduce denials, and more, all with a single click. This session offers live Q&A with Experian Health Product Leadership. Register now Prevent denials on the front end Managing claims effectively – or more specifically, preventing denials – is one of the biggest challenges for providers. In a 2022 survey by Experian Health, 72% of respondents said reducing denials was their top priority, citing reasons including payer policy changes, reimbursement delays, and a rise in the number of errors and denials. Most issues that lead to denials crop up early in the revenue cycle, when information is missed or captured incorrectly during patient registration. For this reason, it makes sense to focus denial prevention strategies on the front end. With so much data to capture, manual strategies are bound to stumble. Unfortunately, many digital tools still require staff to check multiple payer websites and data repositories to verify insurance eligibility and check for any billable coverage that might have been missed. Experian Health's industry-leading claims management products are designed to simplify these processes. The integration of Wave HDC's AI-powered data capture technology strengthens that offer with capabilities previously not available. As Cox says: “Our mission is to simplify healthcare, and this move allows us to quickly scale our portfolio with advanced logic and AI-powered technology to help solve one of the biggest administrative problems providers face today, which is claim denials.” For Jordan Levitt, co-founder of Wave HDC, the merger is a chance to bring their unique technology to more healthcare organizations. “We believe this integration will have a powerful impact for the healthcare industry, improving financial solvency and efficiencies for providers through more accurate medical billing, resulting in potentially more reimbursement, faster.” Introducing Patient Access Curator: Claims management in a single click Wave HDC's technology captures and processes patient insurance data at registration using an “if-then” logic that returns multiple data points from a single inquiry, in 30 seconds. Through Patient Access Curator, registration staff can leverage this technology to collect and verify much of the information they need to compile an accurate claim, with just a single click. In a matter of seconds, they'll have a comprehensive readout of the following: Eligibility verification: PAC automatically interrogates 271 responses, flagging up active secondary and tertiary coverage information to eliminate coverage gaps; Coordination of Benefits (COB): Integrating with eligibility verification workflow, PAC automatically analyzes payer responses to find hidden signs of additional insurances that may be missed by a human eye, and triggers additional inquiries to those third parties to determine primacy, for faster COB processing; Medicare Beneficiary Identifiers (MBI): PAC uses AI and robotic process automation to find and fix patient identifiers so no one misses out on essential support; Coverage discovery and financial status: For patient accounts marked as self-pay or unbillable, PAC automates additional coverage searches, and provides insights into the patient's propensity to pay; Demographics: Lastly, but by no means least, the platform can quickly check and correct patient contact information. Providers can hear more about shifting denials management to the front end of the revenue cycle with Patient Access Curator on a recent on-demand webinar hosted by Jordan Levitt and Jason Considine, Chief Commercial Officer at Experian Health. On the webinar, Levitt explains that Patient Access Curator achieves such speedy results “because the underlying code acts like a Rosetta Stone, automatically translating the language of the user and the health system into the terms required by the payer.” This means data can be transferred easily between interfaces. “The answer isn't multiple clicks, running one transaction at a time. With Patient Access Curator, you can know everything about the patient to run a clean revenue cycle process and propagate only clean data downstream, all within thirty seconds.” Maximize dollars, minimize workload Patient Access Curator moves away from manual methods and verifies eligibility and coverage automatically, quickly and accurately. But the platform promises more than efficiency; with this technology, Wave HDC has prevented denials of over $1 billion since 2020. At a time when revenue cycles are under increasing pressure from changing payer rules, labor dynamics and operational constraints, the new integration offers a long-awaited boost to both reimbursement rates and productivity. Patient Access Curator is available now - learn how your healthcare organization can get started and prevent claim denials in seconds. Learn more Contact us
Artificial intelligence (AI) and computer automation are finally beginning to impact healthcare. Payers are implementing generative AI to improve the customer experience. Researchers at Stanford use AI to review X-rays and detect pathologies in seconds. Today, AI and automation can remind patients about appointments and even provide a portion of their treatment via robotic surgery devices. While groundbreaking AI and automation technologies are in the news, adoption by the majority of healthcare providers has been slow despite research showing these tools could eliminate up to $360 billion in spending. It's a startling statistic that illustrates the reality of AI and automation applied to the revenue cycle: These tools quite literally can pay for themselves. The case for applying artificial intelligence and automation in healthcare Successful revenue cycles depend on thousands of daily tasks, which means efficiency lies at the heart of these endeavors. However, there are a lot of improvement to be made. Experian Health's State of Claims Survey 2022 shows the current state of the average healthcare revenue cycle: Reimbursement cycles are running longer. Claim errors are on the rise. Denials are increasing. More than one-half of U.S. hospitals reported financial losses in 2022. A 2023 America Hospital Report (AHA) report showed: 84% of hospitals admit the cost of complying with payer reimbursement requirements is increasing. 95% report spending more time on pursuing prior authorization approval. Over 50% of hospitals and health systems have more than $100 million tied up in A/R for claims six months old. These challenges stem from the increasing complexities of working with third-party payers, but also the by-hand human workflows embedded within provider revenue cycles. The State of Claims Survey 2022 showed that 61% of providers say they rely too heavily on manual processes and lack the automation they need to streamline reimbursement. As costs rise and revenue cycles tighten, there is increasing pressure to do more with less—faster. However, chronic healthcare staffing shortages have only exacerbated how hard it is for providers to get paid. Technology solves many of the problems plaguing healthcare's revenue cycle. AI and automation offer better revenue cycle management tools with fewer errors, less manual work, and more streamlined processes. How AI and automation improves revenue cycles Increasingly complicated reimbursement processes are the perfect testing ground for new technologies. These tools can improve the revenue cycle from the first point of patient contact to collections long after the procedure is over. For example, AI and automation software can greatly reduce errors and increase the accuracy of claims information before submission. When billing becomes more accurate, it lessens the volume of rejected claims, which take up an inordinate amount of staff resources and lengthen the time from service delivery to reimbursement. But AI and automation also impact the backend of the patient encounter by helping collections teams prioritize accounts most likely to pay. Four applications for AI and automation in the revenue cycle include: 1. Applying automation to patient registration The revenue cycle begins at patient registration, and that's also where providers can begin to apply technology to increase cash flow downstream. Patient registration is often cumbersome, an in-person process tied to a clipboard, paper, and open office hours. Yet Experian Health's State of Patient Access 2023 report shows that 73% of patients want to handle these processes online. Self-scheduling offers patients more flexibility for scheduling appointments when they want and on their preferred digital device. It can remove the friction from a frustratingly manual paperwork process while decreasing no-shows with automated messaging by text and email. Experian Health's automated patient scheduling software reduces time spent on traditionally manual scheduling tasks by 50%. Providers that select these tools increase their patient show rate to nearly 90%. From a revenue cycle perspective, providers that implement online self-service scheduling can see up to 32% more patients each month—which is money in the bank. 2. Finding hidden financial resources to reduce bad debt Experian Health's Coverage Discovery® automates the insurance verification process to match patients' responsibility with the best financial resources possible given their policy limits. Coverage Discovery scans proprietary databases and historical information for primary, secondary, and tertiary coverage. The platform seeks to find all available financial resources to lower the volume of accounts that end up as write-offs or in collections. In 2022, Coverage Discovery found $64.6 billion in patient coverage. In 2023, this software discovered previously unknown financial options for 32.1% of patient accounts, giving these customers more options for reducing debt. 3. Preventing denials by improving data quality Many claims are rejected by payers each day simply due to human error. Some of the most common reasons for claims errors include missing or inaccurate information caused by manual processes. From eligibility verification errors to incorrect insurance details, when paperwork is still by hand and this complex, it's far more likely to make an error than not. Experian Health's Patient Access Curator software automatically verifies eligibility and coverage while scanning patient documentation for obsolete or inaccurate data. The software leverages artificial intelligence and robotic process automation (RPA) to apply computer rigor to previously manual workflows to reduce manual errors. Significantly, this new technology performs these tasks in seconds, freeing up staff time and improving the patient experience. 4. Using artificial intelligence to prevent and mitigate denials How much does the endless pursuit of denials management tie up potential revenue? One survey showed half of hospitals report more than $100 million in delayed or unpaid claims at least six months old. The good news is that 85% of the errors that lead to denied claims are preventable with the help of existing technology. Experian Health's AI Advantage™ solution works in two critical areas to prevent denials before they happen—and correct any denied claims quickly: At the front end of the claim, by correcting errors before submission. AI Advantage - Predictive Denials spots the submissions most likely to kick back from the payer. This early warning system reduces the volume of denials by flagging claims with errors stemming from human mistakes or payer requirements changes. At the back end of the claim, for those rejected by the payer. AI Advantage - Denial Triage takes the volume of claims rejections and prioritizes them by those with the highest ROI for the provider organization. Not all denials offer the same volume or potential for revenue collection. This solution helps prioritize the highest returns quickly to increase revenue collection. Benefits of applying AI and automation to healthcare's revenue cycle There is little argument across the healthcare industry that the strategies that once worked to create a healthy revenue cycle still apply. Fortunately, today's AI and automation software allow these organizations to modernize their approach to these complexities—and win the revenue cycle game. The benefits of applying modern AI and automation tools at every point of the revenue cycle are substantial: Faster and more accurate patient scheduling and registration. No more manual data searches that tie up staff time. Fewer data entry tasks that lead to errors. Fewer claim denials. Less time spent chasing claims. Fewer days in A/R. More cash on hand. A high-performing revenue cycle is possible with the latest technology tools. Experian Health offers a suite of technology solutions that utilize artificial intelligence and automation designed to get providers paid faster, free up staff time, and improve the patient experience. Improving the revenue cycle is a necessity, and Experian Health helps healthcare organizations achieve this goal.
The relationship between hospitals and payers has often carried an undercurrent of tension. Stacks of paperwork, complex claims rules and manual adjustments are a recipe for disrupted cash flow and time-consuming rework. With profit margins hanging in the balance, providers need the reimbursement process to move forward without a hitch. To the relief of revenue cycle managers, recent developments in digital technology are paving the way for more effective claims management. Case in point: Experian Health's recent acquisition of Wave HDC, which brings together a suite of advanced patient registration solutions for faster and more accurate claims management at the front end of the process. Shifting sands in the hospital-payer relationship could increase denials For healthcare organizations, getting paid in full- and on-time hinges on seamless communications with payers. Any missteps can lead to revenue losses, with denied claims and delayed payments being the outcomes providers most want to avoid. Payers will automatically deny claims that have errors or missing information, while disputes and slow processing times can seriously hamper a hospital's cash flow. The sources of potential conflict have been pretty steady over time, stemming from complex billing processes, frequent changes to payers' requirements, and a lack of standardization between payers. Tension created by the cost of services and the need to control healthcare costs is a constant in the revenue cycle. Recently, a major shift in dynamics has occurred with the widespread adoption of artificial intelligence by payers. This enables them to process – and deny – claims with unprecedented speed and scale, leaving providers struggling to catch up. On a recent webinar, Makenzie Smith, Experian Health Product Manager for AI AdvantageTM, explained how this change was reshaping the relationship between payers and providers: “So many payer decisions are now being driven by artificial intelligence. Insurers are reviewing and denying at scale using intelligent logic, leaving providers fighting harder for every dollar… Many revenue cycle managers will stick in their comfort zone because operating margins are tight and changing course seems risky. But given this change in payer behavior, the cost of staying the course could put organizations at risk.” How AI-powered revenue cycle management solutions help close the gap between payers and providers Providers are increasingly leveraging digital technology to level the playing field with payers. Integrated software and automation give revenue cycle management teams the right data in the right format and at the right time to respond to queries promptly and accurately. These solutions enable teams to work more efficiently, so they can process more claims in less time. Experian Health's flagship AI-based claims management solution, AI AdvantageTM, is a prime example. This tool predicts and prevents denials by identifying patterns in payer behavior and flagging claims with a high probability of denial so specialists can intervene before the claim is sent to the payer. This works alongside ClaimSource®, which automates clean claim submissions at scale. Using a single application, all claims are prepared and submitted with all necessary documentation, reducing the risk of denial due to missing or inaccurate information. Integrating Wave HDC's data capture technology for comprehensive claims management In November 2023, Experian Health acquired Wave HDC, which specializes in using AI-guided solutions to capture and process patient insurance data at registration with unrivalled speed and accuracy. This gives Experian Health clients access to a single denial management solution, known as Patient Access Curator. This new technology is a single click solution that spans eligibility verification, coordination of benefits, coverage and financial status checks with near-100% accuracy in less than 30 seconds. Crucial registration data can be captured in real time as soon as the patient checks in for an appointment, with no need to chase and update data post-registration. A single inquiry can search for all the essential insurance and patient demographics instantly, enabling better use of staff resources and smoother communications with payers. Tom Cox, President of Experian Health, says the move “allows us to quickly scale our portfolio with advanced logic and AI-powered technology to help solve one of the biggest administrative problems providers face today, which is claim denials.” Accurate patient data from the outset is key to preventing downstream denials, many of which originate in patient access. By reducing errors and enabling faster processing times, this comprehensive approach to denial management will help strengthen the relationship between providers and payers, ensuring timely payments and clean claims. Contact Experian Health today to find out how AI and automation can help build a successful relationship between providers and payers – and drive down denials.
Racing against the clock to troubleshoot billing issues, claims bottlenecks and staffing shortfalls are just part of an average day for healthcare revenue cycle managers. It's hard enough to maintain the status quo, never mind driving improvements in denial rates and net revenue. With integrated artificial intelligence (AI) and automation, many of these challenges in revenue cycle management (RCM) can be alleviated – and with just a single click. Real-time coverage discovery and coordination of benefits software reduces errors and accelerates accurate claim submissions. This eases pressure on busy RCM leaders, so they have the time to focus on improving the numbers that matter most. Top challenges in revenue cycle management Efficiency is the currency of revenue cycle management. Maximizing resources is not just about keeping dollars coming in the door but about making the best use of each team member's time and expertise. The ever-present call to “do more with less” is probably the biggest challenge. Breaking that down, some specific concerns that consume more time and resources than RCM managers would like, are: Complex billing procedures: With hundreds of health payers operating in the US, each offering different plans with different requirements, providers have their work cut out to ensure claims are coded and billed correctly. Any errors in verifying a patient's coverage, eligibility, benefits, and prior authorization requirements can lead to delays and lost revenue. More claim denials: Inaccurate patient information and billing codes guarantee a denial. Beyond the rework and revenue loss, denied claims leave patients with bills that should not be their responsibility to pay, causing confusion, frustration, and higher levels of bad debt. Garbage in, garbage out. Patient payment delays: A few years back, patients with health insurance represented about a tenth of bills marked as bad debt. Now, this group holds the majority of patient debt, according to analysts. The rise in high-deductible health plans combined with squeezed household budgets means patients are more likely to delay or default on payments. Providers must be on the lookout for ways to help patients find active coverage and plan for their bills to minimize the impact of these changes. How can AI-powered revenue cycle management solutions help? The Council for Affordable Quality Healthcare (CAQH) annual index report demonstrates how much time can be saved using software-based RCM technology. Case in point: switching from manual to automated eligibility and benefits verification could save 14 minutes per transaction. This adds up quickly when daily, monthly, and yearly transactions are factored in. Predictive analytics can be used to pre-emptively identify and resolve issues and support better decision-making, giving providers a head start on those elusive efficiency gains. Three specific examples of how automation, AI and machine learning can streamline the front-end and solve challenges in revenue cycle management are as follows: 1. Upfront insurance discovery to find and fill coverage gaps Confirming active coverage across multiple payers gives patients and providers clarity about how care will be financed. But this can be a resource-heavy process when undertaken manually. Coverage Discovery uses automation to find missing and forgotten coverage with minimal resource requirements. By unearthing previously unidentified coverage earlier in the revenue cycle, claims can be submitted more quickly for faster reimbursement and fewer write-offs.With Experian Health's recent acquisition of Wave HDC, clients now have access to faster, more comprehensive insurance verification software solution. The technology works autonomously to identify existing insurance records for patients with self-pay, unbillable, or unspecified payer status and correct any gaps in the patient's coverage information. The patient's details are updated automatically so that a claim can be submitted to the correct payer. 2. Real-time eligibility verification and coordination of benefits As it gets harder to figure out each patient's specific coverage details, it also makes sense to prioritize automated eligibility verification. Eligibility Verification uses real-time eligibility and benefits data to confirm the patient's insurance status on the spot.Similarly, Wave's Coordination of Benefits solution, now available to Experian Health clients through Patient Access Curator, integrates directly into registration and scheduling workflows to boost clean claim rates. It automatically analyzes payer responses and triggers inquiries to verify active coverage and curate a comprehensive insurance profile. This means no insurance is missed, and the benefits under each plan can be coordinated seamlessly for more accurate billing. 3. Predictive denials management to prevent back-end revenue loss Adding AI and machine learning-based solutions to the claims and denials management workflow means providers can resolve more issues pre-claim to minimize the risk of back-end denials. Use cases for AI in claims management might include: Automating claims processing to alleviate staffing shortages Reviewing documentation to reduce coding errors Using predictive analytics to increase operational efficiency Improving patient and payer communications with AI-driven bots All of these contribute to a front-loaded denials management strategy. While prevention is often better than a cure, AI can be equally effective later in the process: AI AdvantageTM arms staff with the information they need to prevent denials before they occur and work them more efficiently when they do.Whatever new challenges may pop up on the RCM horizon, AI and automation are already proving their effectiveness in helping providers save time and money. But more than that, they're giving busy RCM leaders the necessary tools to start future-proofing their systems for persistent and emerging RCM challenges. Learn more or contact us to find out how healthcare organizations can use AI and automation to manage current revenue cycle management challenges with a single click.