Tag: Revenue Cycle Management


Collections were tough even before COVID-19 hit. Provider’s bottom lines were already strained, and the high-deductible trend continued, putting patients on the hook for a bigger chunk of their medical bills.   A highly volatile – but improving – employment environment hasn’t helped, and some patients’ ability to pay hasn’t kept pace with their growing financial responsibilities. Many have new health plans, lapsed coverage or are more focused on other debts, making collections even less predictable. Providers may also feel that payer policy changes haven’t made recouping lost pandemic revenue any easier, with some losing two whole business days per week to completing prior authorizations. It’s no wonder that nearly one in five providers have overhauled their patient collections strategy in the last year.   Now, after a year of the pandemic’s impact on revenue, three dominant trends continue in this space: rising patient balances, an accelerated move toward innovative payment experiences that are moving toward digital engagement as a preferred option to paper or “payment at the counter,” and a realization that compassion is a key factor in solving this challenge.   Avoiding new pitfalls in patient collections   Go-to strategies for improving patient collections before the pandemic might have only included offering more patient payment options, doing more to check for missing coverage, or focusing efforts on patients who are most likely to pay. These are sensible options but, if implemented poorly, they’re more of a band-aid than a cure. Some shortcomings include:   Models relying on historical payment data don’t show the full picture Providers know that focusing their collections efforts on patients who are most likely to pay is the most efficient approach. But determining a patient’s ability to pay on historical payment data alone is likely to be unreliable.   Experian Health’s research suggests that when a collections model relies on historical data alone, around 50% of accounts end up being worked on the basis of no data at all. New accounts are assigned to a “highly likely to pay” segment, whether or not that reflects the reality of their situation. This model costs four times more than utilizing Experian Health’s Collections Optimization Manager, which can predict the ability of patients to pay, even without historical payment, by using multiple data sources.   Collections based on limited data will require more resources to work more accounts, but which ultimately will collect the same as collections based on multiple data sources.   Beware of artificial claims about artificial intelligence To streamline workflows and avoid losing staff hours to inefficient processes, many providers are turning to automated patient collection solutions. Artificial intelligence in healthcare is an exciting prospect, but not all solutions are what they seem.   Matt Baltzer, Product Director at Experian Health, says:   “Many collections tools claim to use artificial intelligence when they’re really using basic automations based on incomplete data. Since the quality of the output is only as good as the data that’s put in, the insights generated by these tools will be severely limited.”   To solve the collections workflow challenge, providers need an end-to-end strategy that integrates multiple high quality data sources, intelligent analytics and a responsive platform that learns and adapts in order to prioritize patients and communicate with them in a way that makes collections easier. Cash payments and price transparency can be part of, but not all of, the solution One way to smooth out a bumpy revenue cycle is to offer discounts to patients who pay in cash. It saves on admin costs and guarantees at least some of the bill will be paid. While this makes sense for minor ailments, admin and treatment costs for chronic conditions and major medical events remain persistently high. A resilient collections strategy needs to work across the board, addressing the many treatments, procedures and care plans that providers deliver and manage every day.   Requirements for improved collections, post-COVID-19 The cohesive, integrated model that providers need has the following key elements:   Multi-data sources for comprehensive analysis Optimal collections modeling uses different sources of data to build a more reliable prediction about a patient’s ability to pay. Combining credit data, behavioral modeling and socio-economic insights can help providers better understand their patients’ financial situation and group them accordingly – quickly and accurately.   Convenience and clarity for patients and staff Automated workflows with easy-to-use interfaces will make collections easier for staff, and eliminate time-wasting manual tasks. At the same time, a smoother, more targeted collections process means staff can engage with patients on the basis of accurate information, with fewer (and less stressful) calls and emails.   Advanced data analytics and automation for fewer errors and denials In-depth data analytics allow providers to screen and segment patients quickly to help prioritize accounts by payment probability, to achieve a higher rate of collections. A tool such as Collections Optimization Manager will evaluate collection performance in real-time, to help providers forecast patient payments and avoid bad debt. Expert consultancy support to stay on top of industry trends With the payments landscape in constant flux, having an expert on hand to help navigate the changes and advise on industry trends is a major asset. Experian Health’s team stands ready to help providers monitor and improve collections with industry insights and best practice strategies.   Find out how Collections Optimization Manger can help your organization avoid patient collections pitfalls and reduce lost revenue in the wake of the pandemic.

Published: April 27, 2021 by Experian Health

Product featured in this article: Coverage Discovery As of the end of March 2021, more than 53 million Americans have been fully vaccinated, allowing for cautious optimism as we prepare for the next phase of the COVID-19 journey. Unfortunately for pharmacists, the vaccination program has compounded many of the challenges of the last 12 months. Shots may be free to patients, but someone has to pay for them – and getting reimbursed is proving to be a major pain. Complicated billing processes, extra billing audits and mountains of extra paperwork, rejected claims and slow payments are not exclusive to pharmacies helping vaccinate America. With the coronavirus pandemic continuing to muddy the insurance landscape, getting hold of missing dollars is challenging. Healthcare reimbursements haven’t been straightforward for other providers either: widespread coverage loss and uncompensated care is putting extra strain on hospital revenue cycles. With the coronavirus pandemic continuing to muddy the insurance landscape, getting hold of missing dollars is challenging. Providers must find ways to quickly and accurately determine each patient’s coverage status to minimize bad debt. Navigating the complex world of post-COVID healthcare coverage What does the reimbursement landscape look like, one year on? After a long wait, elective procedures are back. But the surge in patient volumes means providers must be on their toes to keep track of coverage. The process for doing so must be streamlined and precise. Ramping up capacity to verify and check coverage without burdensome paperwork is a must. Patient intake is under pressure. More patients are coming through the doors as a result of elective services and vaccination programs (though not always to their usual facility). COVID-19 hasn’t gone away, and with pockets of infection spikes, safety remains a top priority. Capturing adequate insurance information in this context is no mean feat. Running automated coverage checks as soon as the patient arrives will minimize face-to-face contact during admissions and avoid delays. Patient access and collections staff are overburdened. Manual checks are difficult when staff are operating remotely or in a socially distanced environment, and patient information might be incomplete. Automated self-pay scrubbing can help handle the volume. A tool with built-in reporting can also offer insights on workflow and productivity, to help spot opportunities for quicker claims processing. New digital healthcare technologies aren’t always covered by insurers. Telehealth, a life raft during COVID-19, tends to be covered less often by private insurers, compared to Medicare and Medicaid. Coverage checks must factor this in to avoid errors and wasted time. Providers should opt for tools that sweep for payer updates to telehealth coverage to avoid unnecessary delays or denials. Employment levels may be inching upwards again, but tracking coverage remains a challenge as patients start new jobs with new health plans. In addition, checking for Medicare coverage in the midst of changing codes and protocols is time consuming and confusing. A third-party resource such as Coverage Discovery can look for all coverage options and make sure the right bill goes to the right payer. Find missing dollars with Coverage Discovery Hospitals, pharmacists and other healthcare providers can’t afford to continue losing money at a time when every dollar is needed to prepare for “after COVID-19.” Experian Health’s Coverage Discovery is a proven system for tracking down missing coverage quickly and easily, to avoid unnecessary revenue loss. Using billions of data assets and intelligent confidence scoring, it combs through multiple government and commercial payer accounts to maximize actionable coverage. Staff can trust the outputs and focus their attention where it’s really needed. By making coverage identification more efficient and accurate, it’s a shot in the arm for providers in need of faster reimbursements. Contact us to see how Coverage Discovery can be easily integrated into your revenue cycle, so you can maximize reimbursements over the coming weeks and months.

Published: April 13, 2021 by Experian Health

As every healthcare executive knows, a healthy revenue cycle relies on precise paperwork. That’s why all Medicare providers should be paying close attention to the revised medical necessity form, which will be mandatory starting January 1, 2021. Failure to use the new Advance Beneficiary Notice of Non-coverage (ABN) form could lead to denied claims, financial penalties and a subpar patient experience. We interviewed Theresa Marshall, senior director of data compliance at Experian Health, about what’s changed and what providers can do to prepare. What is a medical necessity form? Medicare only pays for services and procedures considered “medically necessary.” In situations where a procedure isn’t considered medically necessary, providers must issue the patient with an ABN which ultimately transfers financial responsibility to the patient. Services that could be considered medically unnecessary might include treatment in hospital that could have been provided in a lower-cost setting, screening or therapies that are unrelated to the patient’s symptoms, or hospital stays that exceed a specified length of time. Perhaps a patient is receiving support with personal care from a home health agency – this may not be strictly medically necessary, so the provider might anticipate that it won’t be covered by Medicare. An ABN isn’t required for services that are never covered by Medicare, such as dental care or cosmetic surgery. What’s changed on the new medical necessity form? The new form, CMS-R-131, replaces the version released by CMS in June 2017. The main change is the addition of new instructions for Dual Eligible beneficiaries. These are patients who are eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid, and most likely enrolled in the Qualified Medicare Beneficiary Program (QMB), which means Medicaid pays for any Medicare-covered services. Providers must not levy any charges against QMB patients, or they’ll face sanctions. The new instructions specify that in addition to edits that strike through specific language, “dually eligible beneficiaries must be instructed to check Option Box 1 on the ABN for a claim to be submitted for Medicare adjudication.” How should providers prepare? Should they chose, providers can start using the new form now. The important thing to remember is that they must have the new form in place by the new year. Any outdated forms after the first of the year will be invalid. Many providers are still using manual processes which require checking medical necessity rules for both Medicare and commercial payers via the CMS website, then calculating and preparing the required paperwork themselves. This can be time-consuming and vulnerable to errors, which also results in denied claims and extra days in accounts receivable (A/R) – not to mention the extra stress it causes for patients. A time-saving alternative is an automated tool such as Experian Health’s Medical Necessity. With automation, you can validate clinical orders against payer rules quickly and accurately, for cleaner claims the first time around. Medical Necessity integrates seamlessly with multiple electronic medical records (EMR), scheduling and registration systems, to run automatic checks for medical necessity, frequency and duplication. With up to half of denied claims occurring early in the revenue cycle, any actions to minimize errors and delays during registration could bring big financial benefits. Medical Necessity from Experian Health will include an automatic check of a Medicare beneficiary’s QMB status ahead of the January 2021 deadline, so the electronic ABN can be updated immediately, ready for the patient’s signature. Could this improve the patient experience? Yes, definitely. In addition to reducing manual processes, preventing denied claims and protecting against lost revenue and financial sanctions, automating medical necessity checks also creates a much less stressful experience for patients. For individuals who are financially vulnerable, any lack of clarity about their medical bills can be a huge source of worry. But when providers can quickly identify patients who shouldn’t be charged, the billing experience is a much smoother ride. Medical Necessity is just one of the many ways that Experian is working to reduce the burden on hospital resources, improve patient experiences, and ensure that hospitals are fully compensated for the care they provide. Find out how we can help your organization get your paperwork in order in time for the new ABN requirements in January 2021, so you can offer a better patient experience and reduce claim denials at the same time.

Published: November 5, 2020 by Experian Health

Can providers do anything to reduce the amount of care they give away for free, or has this become a cost of doing business? Declining Medicaid coverage, salary increases that aren’t keeping pace with rising deductibles and confusion over co-payments are creating a perfect storm for uncompensated care. Patients are responsible for a bigger chunk of their healthcare bills, while at the same time finding it harder to pay. As a result, unreimbursed costs are surging. In health system-owned hospitals, lost revenue jumped from $13.7 million to $15.6 million between 2015 and 2018, while independent hospitals saw losses rise from $4.9 million to $5.8 million in the same period. Not surprising, when more than half of consumers say they’d be unable to pay an unexpected bill of more than $1000. Reducing bad debt calls for more than a few set-and-forget tweaks to your revenue cycle management. From the moment a patient is admitted, you should be able to see exactly what coverage they have (or don’t have), so you can get them on the right track to devise payment plans, find missing coverage, or screen for financial assistance and charity eligibility. To save collections teams and patients from a painstaking manual process, more providers are turning to automated data analysis tools. Here are three ways automation can help reduce bad debt, protect your balance sheet and create a better patient experience at the same time: 1. Avoid missed coverage with better screening Why waste staff time on a treasure hunt for payments and coverage status? If your patient access team can obtain accurate financial data during the admissions process, they’ll be able to confirm active coverage quickly, or screen for Medicaid, charity or other financial assistance. This is increasingly important as the volume and complexity of your collections case mix develops. Brandon Burnett, Director of Patient Financial Services at Kaiser Permanente Northern California, says: “Coverage has gotten a lot more complex – patients show up in multiple venues of care and they don't have their insurance card, or they don't know what coverage they have… It’s critical that our team has tools they can use to help drive decisions and navigate those patients into the appropriate program.” Automation allows this to happen more reliably and more efficiently. Burnett says: “At Kaiser, we’ve implemented the financial assistance screening tools and the patient identity screening tools to help us identify what our members would be able to pay at the point of service, and how we would manage them in the back end if they end up with a patient balance. Before we had these tools, we were really blind as to what our patients were going to be able to pay.” At Kootenai Health in Idaho, an automated financial clearance tool helped save 60 hours of staff time in eight weeks. With an overall accuracy of 88%, patients were assigned to the most appropriate financial pathway (such as customized payment plans or checking for financial assistance). This helped eliminate the need for unnecessary charity applications and avoiding write-offs – such as the $200,000 bill for one patient, later discovered to be eligible for Veterans’ benefits. 2. Provide more compassionate financial counselling According to Burnett, “The ultimate goal is to have a positive impact on our patients. Nobody wants to go to hospital. Nobody wants to have surgery. Having solutions which allow decisions both at the point of care and in the pre-service cycle are critical in enabling patients to make decisions.” When patients are kept in the loop and can be active participants in their healthcare journey, you can work with them to manage their financial obligations in a way that works for them. With data-driven software, you can evaluate their ability to pay so you can offer the most appropriate payment plan and ultimately see fewer amounts written off. Additionally, automated data analytics can help make the whole process more compassionate, allowing you to tailor the way you communicate with patients based on their preferences and offer more convenient ways for them to pay. 3. Reduce manual touchpoints for better use of staff time The volume of patients applying for charity support is trending up, so it’s important that providers are able to manage the rising numbers of complex cases. Automating the coverage checking and clearance process can help reduce pressure on staff, minimize errors and increase productivity. They’ll be able to focus their attention where it’s needed most, and you can cut your reliance on external vendors. The scale of the challenge means providers need to think about a completely different way of working. It’s not enough to paper over existing processes. As Burnett says: “You can't take a solution and put it over an old process. Part of the enhancements with this technology is being able to evaluate your current workflows. That's where the real power is – in the cost savings and the time savings. If you take an updated process along with the updated technology, that's when you get maximum results.” Automated tools can help by giving you the necessary data insights to improve your workflows and processes, while integrating cutting-edge technology for more efficient and accurate patient screening. Find out more about how Coverage Discovery and Patient Financial Clearance could help your organization reduce bad debt and offer a more compassionate patient financial experience.

Published: April 22, 2020 by Experian Health

Did you know a whopping 90% of missed revenue opportunities can be linked to denied claims? At a time when providers are working to make up this lost revenue, they are also dealing with patients who are expected to cover more of their medical bills through out-of-pocket expenses. High-deductible health plans, free-care programs and crowdfunding are more prominent, leaving hospitals vulnerable to the patient’s ability to pay. Add in the rise of value-based care, and it’s no secret patients expect an experience that matches their interactions with other consumer services. They’re more engaged in their health and know they have options. Patient collections are down, but expectations are up. Loyalty wavers somewhere in the middle. How should providers respond? Legacy revenue systems aren’t set up for financial models based on value over volume, so providers need to adapt. It’s vital to find ways to help patients navigate the financial side of healthcare and make patient collection processes as efficient as possible. What does value-based care mean for your revenue cycle? Shifting to value-based reimbursements, patient-centric incentives and quality of care programs means your clinical and revenue cycle workflows need to be better connected. Patients must receive consistent and accurate communications throughout their healthcare journey, setting them up for the best possible health outcome and payment options. When the care and finance functions work together, your patient records can be kept up to date and the next admin task will be triggered at the right time. Here are some things your revenue cycle management (RCM) process might be missing: clear and convenient processes for patientsaccurate patient identification from registration to billingability to collaborate with payers to customize workflowsstreamlined workflows to reduce time and resources spent on avoidable tasksautomated processes to support effective collections and spot root causes of denialsreal-time reporting to help improve performance over time [Source: Frost and Sullivan] Data, analytics and automation can help you create more agile processes to minimize revenue leakage and create a better financial experience for patients. 3 ways to close the gaps in a value-based RCM model 1. Use consumer data to help patients make informed decisions A major cause of denied claims stems from patients being unsure about what their treatment will cost. Others are unclear about whether they have appropriate coverage. Help your patients weigh their financial options by providing accurate estimates and working with them to check coverage. Consumer data can support this process by giving you insights into your patient’s social identity, medical history, coverage status, insurance eligibility and propensity to pay. With an intuitive billing process, you’ll improve the patient payment experience and reduce revenue leakage. 2. Use analytics to predict gaps in your revenue cycle Many top-performing health systems use advanced data analytics to predict where the bottlenecks, errors and denials might creep in, so they can take swift action to address them and keep their patients and C-suite happy. For example, with analytics, you can get to know your patients better so you can segment them according to their financial responsibility and ability to pay. Not only does this mean you can focus your collections efforts more effectively, but you’ll have the right insights to help patients navigate the payment process with personalized nudges and relevant messaging. In addition, analytics have a huge role to play in eliminating avoidable denials resulting from unreliable or inaccurate patient data. You’ll be able to spot patterns in denials, so you can implement checks and processes to avoid them in future. 3. Put the right tools in place to close the gaps Close the widening gap between claims and collections starts by ensuring your patients are aware of their financial responsibility. A self-service patient portal could give your patients convenient access to their information in a time and place that suits them. They’ll be able to schedule appointments, enroll in payment plans, and apply for charity. They’ll see real-time, transparent and accurate information about price estimates and their eligibility and coverage. When the financial experience is transparent and frictionless, patients are more likely to feel satisfied and less likely to shop around for care – not to mention being better prepared to meet payment deadlines. And internally, data-driven automated software can help you monitor and manage every step of your revenue cycle. You can make life easier for clinicians and management teams with EHR-integrated dashboards, web-based financial reporting and timely alerts for the relevant teams. Schneck Medical Center used Experian Health’s Denials Workflow Manager to automate tedious manual processes, freeing up staff time and optimizing claims follow-up and collection: “No longer are we waiting 30 to 45 days to review denials. We can review them on the day of [submitting] if we choose to.” (McKenzie Smith, Director of Patient Financial Services)  It’s simply no longer viable to use RCM processes that aren’t integrated across your entire digital ecosystem. Providers that can offer a convenient and personalized consumer experience, automate collections workflows and join the dots between clinical care and revenue management will have the competitive advantage in the era of value-based care. Learn more about how your organization can use data to predict and close gaps in your revenue cycle.

Published: January 3, 2020 by Kerry Rivera

  Recently I had the opportunity to present at a regional chapter of the National Association of Healthcare Access Management about the growing need for business intelligence to improve patient access functions, as well as revenue. In speaking with attendees, it became clear that automating the patient access workflow with real-time data can create a more efficient and accurate process. Here’s how. As the responsibility for paying healthcare bills increasingly falls to patients themselves, patient access can make or break the revenue cycle. From registration and verifying insurance details, to scheduling appointments and collecting cash payments—this is the front line for the financial side of the patient experience. When you consider that half of denied claims occur earlier in the revenue cycle at the point of registration, improving those early-stage patient access processes is the obvious place for providers to look when seeking to minimize lost revenue. Revenue loss in patient access is mostly due to errors in patient identification, inadequate data analytics and inefficient workflows. If front and back office teams were better connected and able to work together quickly to communicate and resolve issues, many of these errors could be prevented. Without reliable tools and workflows to support this, those teams often must resort to manual fixes for any errors that arise. Unfortunately, this takes time and effort, blocking opportunities to find new ways to improve decision making and business performance. Healthcare is becoming more competitive. Providers must work to leverage the right data in the right way to safeguard profits and offer a better patient experience. That said, where should you start? Doing more with less requires the right data insights There are two sides to the solution: first, you need to be sure your data is accurate from the start. Around a third of denied claims are caused by inaccurate patient identification, while 12% of patient records are duplicates. Cleaning up your data with high-quality demographic data can help eliminate preventable denials. Secondly, you need to be able to draw insights from your data to help make smarter decisions in the future. Let’s say you notice a spike in late payments from a certain population. Why is that? Looking at historical data on patient and payer behavior can point to emerging trends and help you figure out where to focus your efforts in response. Or perhaps you’ve recently added a new function to your patient portal. Analytics can help you see if and how patients are using it and evaluate its overall performance. Once you have your data and analytics in place, you can start to use it to make improvements. Automating the patient access workflow with real-time data can create a more efficient and accurate process. It will also help link front and back office staff with shared systems that minimize errors and wasted staff time. 3 ways to use data analytics to streamline patient access For providers looking to streamline their early revenue cycle processes using the power of data, three areas to focus on are: Creating a better patient experience Increasing numbers of self-pay patients means patient loyalty is a growing priority for providers. Creating a positive, straightforward patient financial experience is essential for hospitals and health systems looking to reduce the stress and anxiety many patients feel when dealing with healthcare bills. Using data insights to identify the sticky parts in your patient access processes can help you spot opportunities to improve the consumer experience. For example, are patients receiving duplicate communications because the system is failing to update demographic information? Are there bottlenecks or backlogs that are creating stressful delays for patients? A business intelligence tool such as Revenue Cycle Analytics can help you pinpoint the root cause of delays and errors so you can work to fix them—and level-up your patient experience. When Martin Luther King Jr. Community Hospital (MLKCH) realized patient registration in their busy Emergency Room was a bottleneck and source for claim denials, they implemented an automated platform to streamline their registration process and improve the data being captured at the point of registration. Lori Westman, patient access manager at MLKCH says: “We get fewer denials because we’re getting true verification data, and our patient volumes continue to increase. So the fact that we can take off two to three minutes, at least, on half of our registrations is speeding up the work for the team, and the turnaround time is much better for the patients.” Uncovering potential revenue loss Analytics can show you exactly where your revenue cycle is losing money. Using appropriate benchmarks and custom KPIs, you can analyze accounts across the entire cycle to make sure your existing revenue cycle solutions are performing optimally and identify new opportunities for improvement. By gathering together multiple data streams into a single dashboard, you’ll get an at-a-glance view of your revenue cycle performance, so you can drill down to the root cause of denials. This also helps link up your front and back office staff. Rather than working retrospectively to address issues as they happen, your back office team can use insights from whole system data reporting and analytics to give front office staff immediate feedback on where denials are occurring. Monitoring payer rules and performance With American hospitals footing the bill for more than $620 billion in uncompensated care over the last two decades, it’s vital to verify a patient’s insurance options as soon as they set foot in the hospital. With up to date information on payer rules and a robust process for finding missing coverage, you can avoid protracted negotiations with payers and focus on denials, rejections and exceptions. A payer dashboard can also help you assess how payers are performing against one another, so your discussions around timely payments will be based in fact. By analyzing performance around pre-service, point of service and post-service, you’ll be better placed to work more closely with payers to minimize the risk of both late payments and denied claims. Learn more about how data analytics and an automated patient access workflow can help eliminate costly denied claims, boost revenue cycle performance and improve the patient financial experience. Steven Thiltgen is Director of Analytics Consulting for Experian Health

Published: December 3, 2019 by Steven Thiltgen

Imagine being able to offer your patients a financial experience that doesn’t stress them out. That makes patient billing quick and simple. That knocks off a few minutes from each patient registration. And that even boosts your revenue. These are just some of the benefits attendees at last week’s Cerner Health Conference were considering as they discussed opportunities for faster innovation, smarter working and transformation in the future of healthcare technology. When it comes to working smarter, attendees seemed to agree that one aspect of the healthcare experience comes out top for providers and patients alike: the cost of care. This is especially true because patients are increasingly responsible for paying their healthcare costs. And since the way services are reimbursed is constantly changing, patients are often left in the dark about how much they’ll have to pay, or how they’ll be able to afford it. Patients are struggling under the weight of financial burden We know this can have serious implications for their physical, emotional and financial health. A recent survey by the Nationwide Retirement Institute showed that as many as one in three patients aged 25-45 are delaying medical care because they’re worried about the cost, instead keeping their fingers crossed and hoping that the issue will disappear by itself. A third shop around for better prescription prices, with many not taking their meds as often as instructed in order to save money. More than half of patients wouldn’t be able to afford an unexpected bill over $1000, while a staggering 530,000 families are bankrupted by medical costs every year. Healthcare providers often end up bearing the burden of uncompensated care, or waste valuable time and resources working to uncover missing or undisclosed coverage. Either way, all this wrangling for payment has a major impact on the organization’s bottom line as well as the patient financial experience. To tackle some of these challenges, we’ve teamed up with Cerner® to support healthcare organizations to provide more compassionate and convenient billing practices. At last week’s conference, we launched the Cerner Consumer Financial Engagement suite, a newly embedded experience within Cerner’s Consumer Framework that will optimize the billing process for both patients and providers, powered by Experian® data. 3 ways the Cerner Consumer Financial Engagement suite can optimize your patient collections One of the biggest pain points for patients when it comes to managing their healthcare bills online is needing to switch between different systems for different administrative tasks. This new partnership will let patients who use the Cerner Consumer Framework access and manage all aspects of their online healthcare account in one place, creating a more convenient financial experience. The new tool will help providers improve patient collections in three ways: Smarter patient engagement When you have insights into your patients’ financial circumstances and propensity to pay, you can make more informed decisions about how to approach collections and get them on the right program from the start. Using Experian’s industry-leading datasets, providers will be able to use the Consumer Financial Engagement suite to spot patients who may benefit from alternative payment plans or financial assistance and make personalized offers that are compassionate and relevant. Giving patients a one-stop-shop for managing bills Patients are coming to expect a better experience – similar to what they might see in online retail and financial services. When it’s easy for them to settle their bills, they’re more likely to conclude their healthcare journey on a positive note and feel reassured about sticking with your organization the next time they need care. With an all-in-one patient dashboard showing current billing information, insurance deductible status, transparent cost estimates and tools to activate pay plans or financial assistance, the Cerner Consumer Framework creates a frictionless and transparent billing experience, leading to fewer late or unpaid bills and more satisfied patients. Simple and efficient collections When it comes to payments, proactive communication can help ward off some of the sticker shock that comes with unanticipated treatments and bills. The new financial engagement tool uses a simple interface that makes medical billing clear and quick for patients. When consumers aren’t put-off by the technology, they’ll be more likely to act promptly to get billing out of the way. In addition, providers will be able to add their own branding, so the patient experience is consistent from start to finish. Creating a positive patient financial experience powered by reliable data In today’s climate of increasing costs, big data and healthcare consumerism, data and analytics are now the driving force behind an efficient revenue cycle. Person-centered healthcare services that prioritize quality and patient outcomes should be a given, but the financial experience is an integral part of the total equation. This is especially true when we consider that the three biggest pain points for consumers during their healthcare journey are all related to payments! Learn more about how data-driven technology, such as the new Cerner Consumer Financial Engagement suite, can help you offer patients a better financial experience and optimize revenue at the same time.

Published: October 15, 2019 by Experian Health

Managing the revenue cycle draws in considerable resources for healthcare organizations, even when it’s working as planned. The American Medical Association puts direct transaction costs and inefficiencies associated with the “claims management revenue cycle” at around 25-30% of overall healthcare spending. But when errors are made and claims end up being denied, providers could end up missing out on as much as   The total revenue leakage is probably higher, when you consider the opportunity cost of staff time spent sorting out denials. Among the most common reasons for denials are missing or incorrect billing information, non-covered charges for care, and absent authorizations. Thankfully, these are all issues that can be minimized with the right strategies and tools. By optimizing your revenue cycle from the outset so that claims are right first time, you can save hassle and expense later on. Here are 7 ways to proactively reduce claim denials in your health system. Figure out why claims are denied First things first. You need to understand where denials are occurring in your revenue cycle and why. You can determine the root cause of denials by analyzing data that’s already available to you alongside information on industry trends. A business intelligence tool can help you use advanced data analytics to find opportunities for improvement, and generate actionable insights that are focused on your specific KPIs. Once you know where the weak points are, you can get the ball rolling with solutions. Prioritize the big-impact fixes In all likelihood, most providers will have the opportunity to improve the claims process at several points in the revenue cycle. You can’t do everything at once, so identify the areas with the greatest potential impact on your hospital’s bottom line. Can denials be traced to a particular department, service line or physician? Has a certain payer changed their approach? Compare the cost of implementing processes to tighten up the weak points in the cycle with the amount of revenue likely to be recovered to ensure you get the biggest ROI for your efforts. Automate patient access for more accurate claims Up to half of denied claims occur early in the revenue cycle, during patient access and registration. Automating the patient access workflow with real-time data can create a more efficient and accurate process, linking front and back office staff with shared systems that minimize errors and staff time. Martin Luther King Community Hospital experienced these efficiencies first-hand, when they integrated eCare NEXT® within their existing Cerner® system. As a result, their registration process became more streamlined, enabling them to cut two to three minutes from more than half of their registrations. Ensure patient matching is as accurate as possible Incorrect patient matching is a major source of revenue leakage for many providers, with around a third of claims denied on the basis of inaccurate patient identification. When it costs $25 to rework a claim and around $1000 for each mismatched pair of records, that’s a lot of lost revenue. Resolve your patient identities with the most robust data sources, and not only will you reduce claim denials, you’ll also have a more complete picture of each patient, which in turn will give them a better patient experience. Streamline prior authorization checks A survey by the American Medical Association found that prior authorization checks created a substantial burden for providers, with physicians spending an average of nearly 15 hours per week dealing with related tasks. For patients, this process can lead to delayed or even abandoned treatment. Using automated software, you can check claims against payer rules for medical necessity, frequency, duplication and modifiers, so you can quickly spot any claims that may be denied and correct them before submission. Process claims effectively Once you’ve streamlined the front-end of the claims process, you should of course look for ways to improve efficiencies throughout the rest of the cycle and immediately before the claim is sent to the payer. In fact, providers are expected to invest up to  , as the need to crack down on denials grows. Submitting claims in the correct format is a common and frustrating challenge. Since each payer has different requirements and formatting preferences for claim forms, edits should be customized. A revenue cycle service provider can help you build these custom edits and check each claim line by line, so you can submit with confidence and avoid having to redo them later. Monitor and analyze your revenue cycle Regular analysis is essential to consistently improve denial rates. By monitoring your internal processes across a range of metrics, you can gain a holistic view of the entire revenue cycle to see where there are further opportunities to optimize performance and prevent denials. When you have confidence in the freshness and accuracy of your data – including patient access data, payer performance information and patient matching – you can make confident decisions about exactly what needs to happen to improve your claims denials. Learn more about how leveraging data-driven insights to tighten up your claims management systems and take proactive steps to find lost revenue.  

Published: July 30, 2019 by Experian Health

Over the last twenty years, American hospitals have provided more than $620 billion of uncompensated care for cases where no payment was made by a patient or insurer. This includes financial assistance, where hospitals provide care at a reduced cost for those unable to cover their full bill, and bad debt, where patients have not applied for financial assistance and cannot or will not pay their bill. Despite extensions to Medicaid coverage under the Affordable Care Act, the number of uninsured people in the United States is still approaching 30 million. For these often-vulnerable populations, safety-net hospitals provide essential care regardless of the patient’s ability to pay. But safety-net hospitals are themselves under increasing financial pressure, experiencing more than double the uncompensated care costs of other acute hospitals. And when safety-net hospitals are closed down or struggle to meet demand, nearby hospitals must cover the shortfall in care. It’s a problem for everyone. A Kellogg Insight report found that when more people are uninsured, hospitals bear the cost by providing uncompensated care to the tune of $900 for each additional uninsured patient. Craig Garthwaite, Assistant Professor of Strategy, describes hospitals as “insurers of last resort”: “People are still going to the emergency room and they are still receiving treatment – so the cost is still there. When governments do not provide health insurance, hospitals must effectively provide it instead.” Hospitals might respond to the burden of uncompensated care in three ways: shifting the cost of care to other payers, cutting the cost of services to all patients and removing unprofitable services, or accepting lower total profit margins. All have the potential to damage quality of care as well as revenue and workflow. But beyond these major systemic responses, there are steps providers can take to reduce their risk of unpaid care and optimize their existing revenue framework. Protect your revenue by finding missing coverage quickly The new reimbursement landscape forces providers to manage more self-pay patients, with high-deductible health plans and health savings accounts. This puts a lot more responsibility and stress on patients themselves, who may not be able to afford their co-payments. Uncovering missed or undisclosed insurance coverage is also costly and time-consuming for providers. Regardless of ability to pay, if your patients are wrongly classified as uninsured or as having only one insurance option, you’re likely to lose revenue. As the financial risk of uncompensated care continues to grow, there are important questions for healthcare executives to consider: How do you decrease your accounts receivable balances and self-pay write-offs? How do you increase cash flow from re-billed claims? Are you missing any opportunities to bill additional payers for services? Are you identifying coverage for emergency department inpatients in time to meet your notice of admission requirements? The answers boil down to having the right processes in place to discover which patients can and cannot afford to pay, ideally before they go through the billing system. When you know this, you can move quickly to direct them to alternative sources of funding. How to find insurance coverage to avoid bad debt and charity write-offs An automated coverage discovery solution could help you identify patient accounts that don’t have sufficient insurance coverage, without the expense and hassle of engaging a collections agency. This proactive software integrates with your revenue cycle to search government and commercial payers automatically, so you can find insurance coverage that may have been missed or forgotten. It relies on multiple data sources and reliable demographic information to detect any inaccurate financial classifications and alternative coverage options. It can also shed light on product usage, productivity and financial results, which may help you fine tune your revenue cycle in other ways. Murry Ford, Director of Revenue at Grady Health System explains how Coverage Discovery allows his team to identify an accurate coverage match for patients without the patient having to share this information: “We use Coverage Discovery when the patient is admitted… the system automatically attaches the coverage to the patient’s account. No one has to get involved – it’s touchless, it’s seamless, and it’s worked really well for us. It’s brought in revenue that we would not have identified otherwise.” Every dollar found in this way is a dollar you’re not writing off to bad debt, or spending on unnecessary patient collections and admin. Mike Simms, Vice President of Revenue Cycle at Cone Health says: “Coverage Discovery is wonderful... After every admission, the next day we get a file which gives us insurance on those that we’ve missed. We can add that insurance to the patient account and bill the insurance company. In the end it helps us resolve accounts in a timely manner. Since we’ve been using Coverage Discovery, we’ve received over $3 million in payments, and that’s more than a 300% ROI.” An automated solution like this can be plugged in immediately to handle unresolved accounts for you, resulting in faster and more accurate collections, greater patient satisfaction, and improved staff workflow – ultimately reducing your organization’s risk of uncompensated care. Learn more about how Coverage Discovery Manager works.

Published: June 4, 2019 by Experian Health

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