

This quarter’s State of the Automotive Finance Market report provides a stark reality check for anyone making doomsday predictions about a subprime bubble in the auto industry. While delinquent payments are slightly on the rise, data from the report show that the auto lending industry has responded by reining in loans to subprime consumers. Results found that newly originated loans to prime borrowers jumped two percent to encompass nearly 60 percent of auto loans financed in Q3 2016. Moreover, loans extended to consumers in the subprime tier fell 4.5 percent from the previous year, and loans to deep-subprime consumers dropped 2.8 percent to the lowest level on record since 2008. When considering delinquent payments, there’s no extreme cause for concern either as overall 30-day delinquencies remained flat from the previous quarter, and overall 60-day delinquencies showed a slight uptick to 0.74 percent in Q3 2016 (0.67 percent in Q3 2015). The move in Q3 to more prime and super prime customers pushed the average loan scores higher for the first time in four years. For new vehicle loans, the average credit score climbed two points to 712 in Q3 2016, marking the first time average credit scores for new vehicle loans rose since hitting a record high of 723 in Q2 2012. For used-vehicle loans, the average credit score jumped five points from 650 in Q3 2015 to 655 in Q 2016. More notable news in the auto loan market – there was a slight increase in interest rates. Interest rates for the average new vehicle loan went from 4.63 percent in Q3 2015 to 4.69 percent in Q3 2016. This increase played a key role in driving more market share to the credit unions. Credit unions grew their share of the total automotive loan market from 17.6 percent in Q3 2015 to 19.6 percent in Q3 2016. For new vehicle loans specifically, credit unions grew their share by 22 percent, going from 9.9 percent in Q3 2015 to 12 percent in Q3 2016. Other key findings from the Q3 2016 report: Total open automotive loan balances reached a record high of $1.055 billion. Used vehicle loan amounts reached a record high of $19,227, up by $361. The average new vehicle loan amount jumped to $30,022 from $28,936. Share of new vehicle leasing jumped to 29.49 percent from 26.93 percent. The average monthly payment for a new vehicle loan was $495, up from $482. The average new vehicle lease payment was $405, up from $398. The average monthly payment for a used vehicle loan was $362, up from $360. The average loan term for a new vehicle was 68 months. To see the full report results, or to download the webinar and presentation, visit

Published: December 1, 2016 by Melinda Zabritski

It’s more than mercury that will be up this summer. As temperatures climb, so do automotive sales, which often reach annual highs during the warmest months of the year. Fueled by pent-up demand coming out of the recession, historically low interest rates, and increased competition among both manufacturers and lenders, auto sales are continuing to be a bright spot in the U.S. economy. Summer sales spike According to recent research by Experian Automotive, 2015 sales of new non-luxury vehicles began rising in May and peaked in August at nearly 20 percent above the monthly average for the year. It is not surprising, given the number of notable manufacturer marketing campaigns that often air through the summer months, beginning with Memorial Day and running all the way through Labor Day weekend. The projection is that this trend will continue in 2016. Financing moves metal Financing continues to play an important role in facilitating new car sales. Experian research shows a consistent increase in the percentage of new vehicles sold with financing with the trend reaching a period high of 85.9 percent in Q4 2015, a 2.3 percent increase over the previous year. The increased financing, is due in part, to continued post-recession liquidity. As the economy has rebounded, lenders have re-emerged with attractive financing rates for buyers. In addition, captive lenders are continuing to support manufacturers with 0 percent subvention offers to increase sales. Total loan value is on the rise as well, reaching $29,551 in Q4 2015, a 4.1 percent increase over the previous year. Average MSRP is trending up too, but at a slower year-over-year rate of 3.6 percent. The slower growth in MSRP relative to total loan value is leading to increased loan-to-value ratios which reached 109.4 percent in Q4 2015. The increases in loan value and MSRP are putting pressure on monthly payment with average new vehicle payments reaching $493 per month on new loans in the fourth quarter. Seeking relief, consumers are turning to longer loan terms and leasing to maintain lower payments. As a result, average new vehicle loan terms ticked slightly higher to 67 months while lease penetration on new vehicles reached 28.9 percent, a 19 percent increase over the previous year. Leveraging the trends Timing is everything when it comes to auto lending. Direct mail remains an effective communication tool for lenders, but mass mailers without regard to response rates yield poor ROIs and put future campaigns in jeopardy. Targeting consumers who are most likely to be in the market at a point in time can increase response rates and improve overall campaign performance. Experian’s In the Market Model – Auto leverages the power of trended credit data to identify consumers that will be most receptive to an offer. By focusing on high-propensity consumers, lenders can conduct more marketing campaigns during the year with the same budget and achieve supercharged results. Context-based marketing allows lenders to tailor offers by leveraging insights on a consumer’s existing loans. Product offers can additionally be customized based on estimated interest rates, months remaining, or current loan balance on open auto loans. Targeted refinance offers can also be delivered to consumers with high interest rates or focus new-loan offers on consumers with minimal months or balance remaining on existing loans. Understanding current auto loans allows lenders to target offers that are relevant to their prospects and gain an advantage over the competition. Increases in loan-to-value (LTV) ratios at origination and longer loan terms are putting many consumers in deep negative equity positions. As a result, many consumers will not qualify for refinance offers without significant down payments leading to low underwriting conversion rates and poor customer experience. Lenders seeking to improve on these metrics should leverage Experian’s Auto Equity Model, which provides an estimate of the amount of equity a consumer has in their existing auto trades. Focusing refinance offers on consumers with negative equity, while suppressing those with deep negative positions, can help improve response rates while minimizing declines due to LTV requirements. Takeaways Lenders should be gearing up for the summer auto sales spike. Proactive strategies will allow savvy marketers to deploy capital and grow their portfolio by taking advantage of customer insight. Timing and context matter, and as auto sales trends reveal, now is the opportune time to optimize marketing efforts and capitalize on the season.

Published: June 8, 2016 by Kyle Matthies

As automotive leasing trends to new heights, a rapid influx of off-lease vehicles are returning to market. Experian Automotive’s latest infographic explores the surge in off-lease vehicles, including which models and vehicle segments are most popular. Click here to download this infographic.  

Published: April 6, 2016 by Jordan Takeyama

In recent years, leasing has strongly returned as an option for consumers to choose when looking to get into a new vehicle and maintain an affordable monthly payment. Experian Automotive’s latest infographic examines the lift in leasing, as well as key attributes in the auto finance market. Click here to download the PDF.  

Published: March 21, 2016 by Jordan Takeyama

Environmentally friendly, lower fuel costs and tax incentives. These are all words that describe alternative-powered vehicles, and serve as reasons why many car shoppers flocked to their local dealerships over the past several years with the intent of “going green” with their next vehicle. However, that trend seems to be fading into the past. As gas prices continue to trend downward, we have seen more and more consumers steer away from hybrids. In fact, according to Experian’s recent Automotive Market Trends and Registrations analysis, when it came to fuel type, hybrids only made up 2.5 percent of the vehicles registered in the third quarter of 2015. This was a 19.2 percent drop from a year ago. Meanwhile, gas-powered vehicles dominated the market at nearly 94 percent. Furthermore, the analysis found that the hybrid car was the vehicle segment that suffered the second largest year-over-year decrease in registrations and its second consecutive quarterly decline, reducing by 19 percent. Conversely, the upper premium sports car (including vehicle models, such as the Porsche 911, Jaguar XJ and BMW 6-Series) saw the highest percentage increase, growing by 45 percent over the same time period. From an overall market perspective, the analysis found that through the third quarter of 2015, new vehicle registrations increased by 5.5 percent from the previous year – a clear sign that the market continues to trend in a positive direction. As previous Experian analyses have indicated, as long as consumers continue to stay on top of their monthly payments, the boom in new vehicle sales will be a positive sign for the industry. The analysis also examined the demographic characteristics of the new vehicle buyer, and found that nearly 50 percent of the new vehicle purchasing power in the U.S. falls to consumers between the ages of 40-69. What’s more, individuals with incomes from $50,000-$100,000 made up 35.5 percent of all new vehicle buyers. Like many things in life, the automotive market is ever changing. At one moment, a segment of vehicles could be selling like hot cakes, and the next moment suffer a steep decline in sales. Gaining insight into these types of trends enables manufacturers and retailers to better understand the fluctuations in the market, and more easily position their businesses for success. And the better positioned they are for success, the more “green” these companies will see.

Published: December 15, 2015 by Brad Smith

Key drivers to auto financial services are speed and precision. What model year is your decisioning system? In the auto world the twin engineering goals are performance and durability. Some memorable quotes have been offered about the results of all that complex engineering. And some not so complex observations. The world of racing has offered some best examples of the latter. Here’s a memorable one: “There’s no secret. You just press the accelerator to the floor and steer left. – Bill Vukovich When considering an effective auto financial services relationship one quickly comes to the conclusion that the 2 key drivers of an improved booking rate is the speed of the decision to the consumer/dealer and the precision of that decision – both the ‘yes/no’ and the ‘at what rate’. In the ‘good old days’ a lender relied upon his dealer relationship and a crew of experienced underwriters to quickly respond to a sales opportunities. Well, these days dealers will jump to the service provider that delivers the most happy customers. But, for all too many lenders some automated decisioning is leveraged but it is not uncommon to still see a significantly large ‘grey area’ of decisions that falls to the experienced underwriter. And that service model is a failure of speed and precision. You may make the decision to approve but your competition came in with a better price at the same time. His application got booked. Your decision and the cost incurred was left in the dust – bin. High on the list of solutions to this business issue is an improved use of available data and decisioning solutions. Too many lenders still underutilize available analytics and automated decisions to deliver an improved booking rate. Is your system last year’s model? Does your current underwriting system fully leverage available third party data to reduce delays due to fraud flags. Is your ability to pay component reliant upon a complex application or follow-up requests for additional information to the consumer? Does your management information reporting provide details to the incidence and disposition of all exception processes? Are you able to implement newer analytics and/or policy modifications in hours or days versus sitting in the IT queue for weeks or months? Can you modify policies to align with new dealer demographics and risk factors? The new model is in and Experian® is ready to help you give it a ride.  Purchase auto credit data now.

Published: October 8, 2015 by Guest Contributor

Since Henry Ford invented the assembly line and mass automotive production began, the primary objective of all manufacturers and dealers has been to move new vehicle inventory off the lot year after year. But nowadays finding the right automotive customer can be a challenging task. Where do they live? How old are they? How much do they make? By leveraging data to answer these questions, manufacturers can market to the appropriate audience and manage inventory accordingly. In fact, a recent Experian analysis of the automotive market found that the top 10 states accounted for nearly 60 percent of all new vehicle registrations during the second quarter of 2015, led by California at 12.6 percent. The remainder of the top 10 included Texas (9.9 percent), Florida (7.9 percent), New York 5.7 percent), Pennsylvania (4.4 percent) Ohio (3.9 percent), Illinois (3.8 percent), Michigan (3.7 percent), New Jersey (3.5 percent) and Georgia (2.8 percent). Diving a bit deeper, the analysis also showed that through May 2015, nearly 50 percent of all new vehicle buyers fell within the 40-69 age range. Furthermore, 17.9 percent were between the ages of 50-59. The analysis also found that individuals with incomes from $50,000-$100,000 were the most active new car shoppers during the same time period, equating to nearly 36 percent of the market. Other findings include: Los Angeles and New York were the two DMAs with the highest market share for new vehicle registrations at 6.8 percent and 6.7 percent, respectively Toyota (13.5 percent), Ford (11.6 percent) and Chevrolet (10.8 percent) were the top 3 brands with highest new vehicle market share among retail buyers through Q2 2015 Entry-level CUVs accounted for the highest percentage of new vehicle registrations at 14.6 percent, followed by the small economy car (11.0 percent) and full-sized pickup trucks (10.7 percent) Leveraging data and analytics gives manufacturers and dealers a competitive advantage by enabling them to better understand the entire automotive market, specifically new vehicle trends. With these actionable insights, automotive companies will be positioned to make more confident inventory decisions and target specific consumers. And by better understanding whom they are targeting, manufacturers and dealers will be able to check their primary objective off the list.

Published: September 18, 2015 by Brad Smith

Driver of success: Mitigate auto lending risk A culture of learning is a key driver of success. Does your risk culture continue to adapt? There are many issues within auto lending that are unique to other financial services ecosystems: the direct versus indirect relationship, insights of the asset influencing the risk insights, new versus used vehicle transactions influencing risk and terms, and more. However, there is one universal standard common to all financial services cultures — change.. Change is constant, and an institution’s marketing and risk organizations need to be constantly learning to stay abreast of dealer, consumer, competitor and regulatory issues. No one has said it better than Jack Welch: “An organization’s ability to learn, and translate that learning into action rapidly, is the ultimate competitive advantage.” This statement was quickly followed by a command: “Change before you have to.” So the challenge for the portfolio manager is to ensure there are the system features, data sources, management reporting structures, data access features, analytic skills, broad management team skill sets, and employee feedback and incentive plans to drive the organization to a constant state of renewal. The challenge for many smaller and midsize lenders is to determine what systems and skills need to be in-house and what tasks are better left for a third party to handle. For consumer-level data, vehicle history and valuation data, and fraud alert flags, it seems reasonable to leverage solutions from established third parties: credit reporting agencies. After that, the solutions to the many other needs may be more specific to the lender legacy skill set and other support relationships: Are there strong in-house data-management and analytic skills? There is a significant difference between management information and data analysis driving policy and portfolio performance forecasts. Does the internal team have both? Is the current operating platform(s) feature-rich and able to be managed and enhanced by internal resources within tight time frames? Is the management team broadly experienced and constantly updating best-practice insights? Is the in-house team frequently engaged with the regulatory community to stay abreast of new mandates and initiatives? There is a solution. Experian® offers the data, software, solutions, management information, analytic solutions and consulting services to tie everything together for a lender-specific best configuration. We look forward to hearing from you to discuss how we can help.

Published: September 15, 2015 by Guest Contributor

Financing my first car was a bittersweet feeling. I was thrilled at the thought of purchasing a new vehicle, yet I was dreading haggling the price with the dealer. As a millennial, I feared the rising prices for new cars, and knew that I needed to find a way to make the vehicle more affordable. That said, I decided to look at used cars. Clearly, I’m not the only car shopper going through this experience. Many consumers are exploring new options to keep their monthly payments down, whether it’s extending the length of their loan, or turning to leases. Sometimes it’s both. According to Experian Automotive’s Q2 2015 State of the Automotive Finance Market report, the average loan amount for a new vehicle reached $28,524, while the average loan amount for a used vehicle hit $18,671, a second quarter high and an all-time high, respectively. Subsequently, the increasing loan amounts also caused the average monthly payment for new ($483) and used ($361) vehicles to increase. Interestingly, the $122 difference in average monthly payment was also a second quarter high, furthering the need to make car payments affordable. As such, consumers continued to take out leases. During the second quarter, leasing accounted for 26.9 percent of all new vehicle transactions, reaching an all-time high. While leasing continues to be a popular option among car shoppers to keep monthly payments down, we’re beginning to see these consumers take it a step further. Sure 36-month term leases are still the most popular, however the percentage of leases extending past the 36 months into the 37- to 48-month range has increased by 18 percent. Furthermore, the average lease payment dropped $13 from a year ago, reaching $394. Findings from the report also showed that consumers continued to lengthen their loan terms, especially for used vehicles. The percentage of used vehicles financed for 73- to 84-months increased by 14.8 percent from Q2 2014 to reach 16.1 percent – the highest percentage of record. New vehicles financed for the same term length climbed 19.7 percent from the previous year to reach 28.8 percent. If the trend continues, we can only expect vehicles to become more expensive and harder to keep within budget. That said there are ways to keep monthly payments within reason. Just as I did, consumers will need to explore the different options available and work with the financing tool that best meets their needs. If they can do that, it will just be the sweet feeling of purchasing a car.

Published: September 10, 2015 by Jordan Takeyama

Some of my fondest memories on road trips as a child were the games we were able to play. I’m sure many kids played “I Spy” and did “Sing-a-longs,” but my go-to game was “Slug Bug” (It’s a game where you get points for spotting a Volkswagen Beetle). While it’s been quite some time since I’ve played the game, I still find myself very aware of the different types of vehicles around me. As a matter of fact, if I were to play the game today, I’d probably rack up a number of points for the amount of cross-over utility vehicles (CUVs) I’ve seen on the road lately. There are quite a few. After reviewing Experian Automotive’s most recent Market Trends and Registration analysis, it all made sense. During the first quarter of 2015, the entry-level CUV was the top new registered vehicle segment, up 6.3 percent from a year ago. It also marked the fifth consecutive quarter that the entry-level CUV was the top-selling new vehicle segment. It was followed by the small economy car and a full-sized pickup truck. The analysis also found that it wasn’t just the CUV that saw an uptick in new registrations. In fact, seven of the top 10 new registered vehicle segments saw increases in sales from a year ago, and 16.6 million new vehicles overall found their way onto U.S. roads in the first quarter of 2015. The spike in new registrations combined with fewer vehicles going out of operation drove the number of vehicles on the road to nearly 253 million, its highest level since the second quarter of 2008. As CUVs continue to stand on top of the mountain of new vehicle sales, and small economy cars sprint pass the full-sized pickup truck, you might think similar patterns have emerged in the overall number of vehicles on the road. But it’s not necessarily the case. Despite falling to the third most purchased new vehicle segment, full-sized pickup trucks remain the most popular vehicle on the road, making up roughly 15 percent of the market. That said, entry-level CUVs have seen the most dramatic increase, rising 12.2 percent from a year ago. Trends in the automotive market can sometimes appear to be cyclical, which is why it’s important for the industry to pay close attention to the data sets available to them. By leveraging the data, dealers, retailers, and manufacturers can benefit from the insights to make better business decisions, whether it’s relocating inventory or adapting to consumer demand. Similarly, identifying what vehicles consumers are driving, can do more than help you win in “Slug Bug,” it can help you win in the market.

Published: June 25, 2015 by Roslyn Whitehurst

Nowadays, whenever you hear news about the automotive industry, a negative tone tends to pop up. Whether it’s the increase in lending to subprime consumers, or the lengthening in loan terms, the stories lead one to believe that the industry is headed toward another “bubble.” However, that’s not necessarily the case. When we look at the data, the automotive finance market actually demonstrates a strong industry as a whole. Yes, it’s true that subprime lending is up. But, lending has increased across all risk tiers. In fact, loans to super prime consumers have actually seen the largest increase in volume compared to last year, approximately 8.5 percent. To take it a step further, the market share of loans to subprime consumers has decreased from a year ago. At its bare bones, what it means is that consumers are not only purchasing cars, but they are taking out loans to do so. Furthermore, given the percentage of loans extended to each risk tier, we see that lenders have not opened up their portfolios to increased risk. Both of which are positive indications of a strong market. We’ve also seen a steady increase in the length of loan terms. However, before anyone comes to any rash conclusions, it’s not as ominous a sign as it may seem. As cars and trucks have become more expensive to purchase, the easiest way for consumer to keep their monthly payments affordable has been to extend the life of their loans. That said, it’s critical for consumers to understand that by taking out a longer loan, they may need to hold onto the vehicle longer to avoid facing negative equity should they trade it in after a few years. An alternate route many consumers have taken to keep their monthly payments affordable has been leasing. In the first quarter of 2015, we saw leasing account for 30.2 percent of all new financed vehicles – its highest level on record. At the end of the day, consumers are continuing to purchase vehicles and that’s a positive sign for the industry. By gaining a deeper understanding of current automotive financing trends, lenders will be able to use the data and insights to their benefit by better meeting the needs of the marketplace and mitigating the risk of their portfolios. And if they do that, the good times can continue to roll for the industry.

Published: June 10, 2015 by Melinda Zabritski

Every time I turn on my television, look out my window or drive into the office, I always see hybrid or electric vehicles on the road. These days it seems like almost everyone is going green. With all the alternative-powered vehicles out there, you’d think that the market is simply booming, right? Would you believe me if I told you that the percentage of newly registered alternative-powered vehicles in 2014 actually declined from the previous year? It’s true. With this revelation, we actually took a deeper look into the alternative-powered vehicle market to see what else we can discover. Here’s what we found: Did you know that consumers who buy “Green” vehicles, purchase them in cash at a higher rate than those that buy more traditional models? Again, it’s a fact. The point is, there are many stereotypes and misnomers about alternative-powered vehicles, as well as the consumers who purchase them. But, just as there are hundreds of stereotypes, there also is an abundance of data to help confirm or reject them. At Experian, we’re committed to using our data for good by providing information into the market to help dealers, manufacturers and consumers better understand the environment we live in – whether we are talking broadly about what metal is moving or more specifically providing actionable insights into who is “going green”. For instance, consumers purchasing an alternative-powered vehicle tend to be a lower credit risk than those purchasing a traditional model. Nearly 83 percent of consumers who purchased a “Green” vehicle fell within the prime credit category, while the same could only be said for 71.5 percent of consumers who purchased gas-powered models. Additionally, of the top five alternative-powered vehicle models in 2014, three of them came from the Toyota family. The Toyota Prius and Prius C were in the top two, while the Camry was in the number four position. The Ford Fusion and Nissan Leaf made up the third and fifth spots, respectively. It’s these insights that enable the automotive industry and its consumers to take the appropriate action and make the best decisions for them. For consumers, gaining insight into the market allows them to paint a clearer picture of what options are most popular and available. For dealers and manufacturers, they are able to gain a better understanding of consumer demand and provide inventory that meets the needs of the market. The fact of the matter is, opportunity exists everywhere you look, you just have to know what you’re looking for. You can’t let preconceived notions or ideas dictate future decisions. By leveraging data and insight, the automotive industry is able uncover the unknowns and put itself in a good position to succeed, while helping consumers purchase vehicles that meet their specific lifestyle.

Published: May 26, 2015 by Melinda Zabritski

In today’s world, it seem as though there is a statistic that we can apply to just about anything.  Whether it’s viewership of the Super Bowl, popularity of breakfast cereal or the number of red M&Ms that come in a pack, I bet the data is out there. In fact, there is so much data in the world that Emery Simon of the Business Software Alliance once said that if data were placed on DVDs, it would create a stack tall enough to reach the moon. But let’s take a step back. If you break it down to its bare bones, all data is, is a bunch of numbers. Until you can understand what those numbers mean, data by itself isn’t that helpful. Delivering data insights in order for our clients to make better decisions is at the core of everything we do at Experian. We are continuously looking for ways to use our data for good. This is especially critical for the automotive industry, including dealerships, manufacturers, lenders and consumers alike. For example, with data and insights, manufacturers and dealerships can better understand what vehicles consumers are purchasing, as well as where certain vehicle segments are most popular. This information can help them decide which vehicles models are performing or where to move inventory. For automotive lenders, gaining insight into the shifts in consumer payment behavior, enables them to take the appropriate action when making decisions on loan terms and interest rates. By leveraging this information, lenders are able to minimize their own risk and improve profitability. On the consumer side, a vehicle is often the second largest purchase they will make. It’s important, especially when purchasing a used vehicle, to get as much information as possible to make the best decision. Vehicle history reports contain hundreds of data points from a variety of sources that provide insight into whether a vehicle has been in an accident, has frame damage, and odometer fraud, among other things. Consumers are able to take these insights to assist in the car buying process to ensure the vehicle is safe and meets their own standards. Leveraging the information available to make better decisions across the board will help the industry and consumers cruise down the highway of success. And that’s how we roll …

Published: March 13, 2015 by John Gray

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