Telecommunications, Cable & Utilities
Organizations approach agency management from three perspectives: (1) the need to audit vendors to ensure that they are meeting contractual, financial and legal compliance requirements; (2) ensure that the organization’s clients are being treated fairly and ethically in order to limit brand reputation risk and maintain a customer-centric commitment; (3) maximize revenue opportunities through collection of write-offs through successful performance management of the vendor. Larger organizations manage this process often by embedding an agency manager into the vendor’s site, notably on early out / pre charge-off outsourcing projects. As many utilities leverage the services of outsourcers for managing pre-final bill collections, this becomes an important tool in managing quality and driving performance. The objective is to build a brand presence in the outsourcer’s site, and focusing its employees and management team on your customers and daily performance metrics and outcomes. This is particularly useful in vendor locations in which there are a number of high profile client projects with larger resource pools competing for attention and performance, as an embedded manager can ensure that the brand gets the right level of attention and focus. For post write off recovery collections in utility companies, embedding an agency manager becomes cost-prohibitive and less of an opportunity from an ROI perspective, due to the smaller inventories of receivables at any agency. We urge that clients not spread out their placements to many vendors where each project is potentially small, as the vendors will more likely focus on larger client projects and dilute the performance on your receivables. Still, creating a smaller pool of agency partners often does not provide a resource pool of >50-100 collectors at a vendor location to warrant an embedded agency management approach. Even without an embedded agency manager, organizations can use some of the techniques that are often used by onsite managers to ensure that the focus is on their projects, and maintain an ongoing quality review and performance management process. The tools are fairly common in today’s environment --- remote monitoring and quality reviews of customer contacts (i.e., digital logging), monthly publishing of competitive liquidation results to a competitive agency process with market share incentives, weekly updates of month-to-date competitive results to each vendor to promote competition, periodic “special” promotions / contests tied to performance where below target MTD, and monthly performance “kickers” for exceeding monthly liquidation targets at certain pre-determined levels. Agencies have selective memory, and so it’s vital to keep your projects on their radar. Remember, they have many more clients, all of whom want the same thing – performance. Some are less vocal and focused on results than others. Those that are always providing competitive feedback, quality reviews and feedback, contests, and market share opportunities are top of mind, and generally get the better selection of collectors, team /project managers, and overall vendor attention. The key is to maintain constant visibility and a competitive atmosphere. Over the next several weeks, we'll dive into more detail for each of these areas: Auditing and monitoring, onsite and remote Best practices for improving agency performance Scorecards and strategies Market share competition and scorecards
TRMA’s recent Summer 2011 Conference in San Francisco was another great, insightful event. Experian’s own Greg Carmean gave a presentation regarding the issues involved in providing credit to small-business owners. I recently interviewed Greg to get his impressions about last month’s conference. KM: I’m speaking with Experian Program Manager, Greg Carmean, who spoke at TRMA’s Summer Conference. Hi, Greg. GC: Hi, Kathy. KM: Greg, I know I’ve interviewed you before, but can you please remind everyone what your role is here at Experian? GC: Sure, I’m a Program Manager on the Small Business Credit Share side. I work with small- and medium-size companies, including telecom and cable companies, to reduce credit risk and get more value from their data. KM: Thanks, Greg. So last month, you spoke at TRMA’s Summer Conference. What did you discuss? GC: My presentation was entitled, “Beyond Consumer Credit – Providing a More Comprehensive Assessment of Small-Business Owners.” I talked about how traditional risk management tools can provide a point-in-time look at a business owner, but often fail to show the broader picture of the risk associated with all of their current and previous businesses. There is 3-4 times more fraud in small business than in consumer. Business identity theft has become a bigger issue, Tax ID verification is a common problem, and there’s a lot of concern about agents bringing in fraudulent accounts. KM: Why did you choose this particular topic? GC: Well, Kathy, small business is seen as a large area of opportunity, but there can be a lot of difficulty involved in validation, especially when it comes to remote authentication and new businesses. KM: Would you say there’s more fraud in small business than on the consumer side? GC: Believe it or not, there is 3-4 times more fraud in small business than in consumer. Business identity theft has become a bigger issue, Tax ID verification is a common problem, and there’s a lot of concern about agents bringing in fraudulent accounts. Many telecom and cable companies are beginning to adopt more aggressive, manual processes to lower the risk of fraud. Unfortunately, that usually results in lower activation. KM: What can be done about it? GC: Many telecom and cable companies are beginning to adopt more aggressive, manual processes to lower the risk of fraud. Unfortunately, that usually results in lower activation. KM: Sounds like it can be frustrating! GC: It can be, especially for the salespeople who bring in an account, and then find it’s not approved for service. Sometimes clients will pass a fraud check, but not a credit check. One of the topics I touched on is better tools that more accurately identify a small business owner's risk across all of their current and previous businesses to alleviate some of these problems. KM: Is there anything else telecom and cable companies should be doing? GC: I think the best risk-mitigation tool when it comes to account acquisition is leveraging information about both the small business and its owner. As they say, knowledge is power. KM: Definitely! Thanks again for your time today, Greg. Share your thoughts! If you attended TRMA’s Summer Conference, and especially if you attended Greg Carmean’s session, we’d love to hear from you. Please share your thoughts by commenting on this blog post. All of us at Experian look forward to seeing you at TRMA’s Fall Conference in Dallas, Texas, on September 20 – 21, 2011.
Like their utility counterparts, communications providers routinely participate in federally subsidized assistance programs that discount installation or monthly service for qualified low-income customers. But, as utilities have found, certain challenges must be considered when mining this segment for new growth opportunities, including: Thwarting scammers who use falsified income data and/or multiple IDs to game the system and double up on discounts Equipping internal teams to efficiently process the potential mountain of program applications and recertification paperwork The right tool for the job Experian’s Financial Assistance CheckerSM product is a powerful scoring tool that indicates whether consumers may qualify for low-income assistance programs (such as LifeLine and LinkUp). Originally designed for (and currently used by) utilities, Financial Assistance Checker offers risk-reduction and resource utilization efficiencies that also benefit communications providers. Automation saves time For example, Financial Assistance Checker may be used to help qualify specific individuals among new and existing low-income program participants, as well as others who may qualify but have not yet enrolled. The solution also helps automate labor-intensive manual reviews, making the process less costly and more efficient. Some companies have reduced manual intervention by up to 50% by using financial assistance scores to automatically re-certify current enrollees. Strengthen your overall game plan Experian’s Financial Assistance Checker may be used to: Produce a score that aids in effective decisions Reduce the number of manually reviewed applications Facilitate more efficient resource allocation Mitigate fraud risk by rejecting unqualified applicants Cautionary caveat Financial Assistance Checker is derived exclusively from Experian’s credit data without demographic factors. While it’s good at qualifying applicants and customers, it may not be used as a basis for adverse action or removal from a program — only to determine eligibility for low-income assistance. Today, acquisitions is the name of the game. If your growth strategy calls for leveraging subsidized segments, consider adding Experian’s Financial Assistance Checker product to your starting lineup. After all, the best offense could just be a strong defense. Link & Learn This link takes you to a short but informative video about LifeLine and LinkUp. See the FCC’s online Lifeline and Link Up program overview here. Hot off the government press! Click to see the FCC’s 6/21/11 report on Lifeline and LinkUp Reform and Modernization
For communications companies, acquiring new accounts is an ongoing challenge. However, it is critical to remember that managing new and existing accounts – and their respective risks – is of tremendous importance. A holistic view of the entire customer lifecycle is something every communications organization can benefit from. The following article was originally posted by Mike Myers on the Experian Business Credit blog. Most of us are pretty familiar with credit reports and scores, but how many of you are aware of the additional tools available to help you manage the entire credit risk lifecycle? I talk to credit managers everyday and as we’re all trying to do more with less, it’s easy to forget that opening accounts is just the first step. Managing risk on these accounts is as critical, if not more so, than opening them. While others may choose to “ship and chase”, you don’t need to. Proactive alert/monitoring services, regular portfolio scoring and segmentation are key components that a successful credit department needs to employ in the constant battle against “bad” accounts. Use these tools to proactively adjust credit terms and limits, both positively and negatively. Inevitably some accounts will go bad, but using collection research tools for skip tracing and targeting services for debt collection will put you first in line for collections. A journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step; we have tools that can help you with that journey and all can be accessed online.
By: Staci Baker It seems like every time I turn on the TV there is another natural disaster. Tsunami in Japan, tornadoes and flooding in the Mid-West United States, earthquakes and forest fires – everywhere; and these disasters are happening worldwide. They are not confined to one location. If a disaster were to happen near any of your offices, would you be prepared? Living in Southern California, this is something I think of often. Especially, since we are supposed to have had “the big one” for the past several years now. When developing a preparedness plan for a company, there are several things to take into consideration. Some are obvious, such as how to keep employees safe, developing steps for IT to take to ensure data is protected , including an identity theft prevention program, and establishing contingency business plans in case a disaster directly hits your business and doors need to remain closed for several days, weeks, or …. But, what about the non-obvious items that should be included in a disaster preparedness plan? When a natural disaster hits, there is an increase in fraud. So much so, that after Hurricane Katrina battered the Gulf, the Hurricane Katrina Fraud Task Force, now known as the National Center for Disaster Fraud, was created. In addition to the items listed above, I recommend including the following. Create a plan that will put fraud alerts in place to minimize fraud. Fraud alerts are not just to notify your clients when there is fraudulent activity on their accounts. Alerts should also be put in place to let you know when there is fraudulent activity within your own business as well. Depending on the type of disaster, delinquency rates may increase, since borrower funds may be diverted to other needs. Implement a disaster collections strategy, which may include modifying credit terms, managing credit risk, and loan loss provisioning. Although these are only a few things to be considered when developing a disaster preparedness plan, I hope it gets you thinking about what your company needs to do to be prepared. What are some things you have already done, or that are on your to do list to prepare your company for the next big event that may affect you?
Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, you are undoubtedly aware that the 4G ship has sailed into port. The 4G network is a completely different technology as compared to 3G, the network it is replacing. 3G was fast, but 4G will set the world on fire. It’s kind of like the difference between a farm tractor and a Lamborghini. Rather than just being able to check email and (slowly) surf the net (as with 3G), 4G users will be able to watch live television and rip through online content like nobody’s business. So what does this mean for communications companies? Change device, change carrier? The big question for wireless providers is whether or not customers will change carriers as they upgrade to new, 4G-supported devices. The simple answer is, it depends. Customers who are currently under contract will not likely jump ship for the simple fact that it will cost too much. For example, let’s say I want to upgrade five devices. I can probably buy these less expensively by changing carriers (due to attractive introductory offers). However, if I have to cancel three contracts prior to term end to do it, it may cost me upwards of $1,000—probably more than I can save by changing carriers. For customers who are at the end of a contract term, upgrading to 4G presents a golden opportunity to change providers, if that’s something they’ve been considering. Wireless providers will obviously need to contact these customers well before their contracts are up and make them an offer they simply can’t refuse. Other concerns for wireless providers Obviously, key players in the market have invested a significant amount of money to develop the 4G infrastructure, and sooner or later they’re going to want to recoup those costs. Introductory offers will motivate many to upgrade to 4G, but will all these new/upgrade customers be able to pay the higher monthly bills that will likely come with their new 4G devices? While locking in all these new contracts will positively affect sales quotas, it will be more important than ever to assess these customers’ cash flow situations and credit-worthiness, so they don’t end up negatively affecting the bottom line. Concerns for other telecommunications companies One other interesting aspect to consider is this: With a 4G device, consumers can effectively create their own “hot spot.” So the question is, just as many people are dropping their landlines in favor of wireless, will 4G device users decide to drop their Internet providers? How about their cable television service? I intend to revisit this topic in 3-6 months to see whether early 4G adopters are in fact jumping to different carriers and/or dropping other services. What do you think might happen as 4G becomes the new normal? Leave a comment and share your thoughts.
This paraphrased lament from Coleridge’s Rime of the Ancient Mariner may loosely reflect the predicament facing many communications companies today: afloat on vast sea of customer information, yet, lacking resources or expertise, unable to draw from it much new or actionable intelligence. Not that data mining is ever a small or insignificant task. It isn’t. Even when resources are plentiful, obstacles can loom large—especially across numerous lines of business, where risk can multiply exponentially. Siloed data, disparate customer records and other challenges also make the work difficult, as do: The dynamic nature of consumer information Inconsistent data quality and match logic throughout the enterprise The inability to reliably link active and inactive accounts failing to identify existing customer relationships at the point of application The missing link Experian has seen many communications companies overcome these issues through database linking—that is, connecting, integrating and packaging customer information from several sources into a more cohesive and accessible structure. Linking reduces risk by identifying overlap of consumers with multiple accounts across several lines of business. It also reveals duplicate records, as well as active accounts that may be current in one line of business, but delinquent or inactive in another. The benefits The broader perspective gained through database linking can drive new efficiencies and profitability in many vital areas of your business, from fraud prevention to skip tracing and collections. Should the need arise, newly linked information can also be used to locate elusive customers or former employees for legal purposes. What you can do right now Even if resources are currently limited you can still begin discovery—the process of identifying precisely what data you have, where it resides within the enterprise, how it’s being used, and by whom. This information, perhaps combined with guidance from an experienced external service, can provide a solid foundation from which to begin leveraging (and if indicated, supplementing) existing customer data. We know communications clients who have identified millions of dollars in uncollected bad debt that was linked directly to current, active customers, using a couple of “next generation” data tools. Like the old Mariner, your in-house data has a big story to tell. Question is, are you equipped to hear it? If you like this topic, click here to read the post entitled “Leveraging Internal Data to Create a Holistic View of Your Customers.
As a global leader in providing credit-decisioning information, analytical tools and marketing services to organizations and consumers, Experian is no stranger to telecommunications or to TRMA. In fact, the current TRMA home page reflects this connection, listing Experian as TRMA’s 2009 Best In Class Affiliate Award recipient and leader atop the Fall, 2010 Affiliate scorecard. Finding treasure in Vegas More importantly, however, the page reminds visitors that TRMA’s primary goal is “reducing fraud and uncollectibles in the telecom industry.” Toward that end, they’ve put together a dynamic, information-rich conference for February 22-23 entitled “Sailing towards Treasured Results.” This year, several Experian executives – including myself – will have the privilege of contributing knowledge and expertise to the proceedings. Get connected before, during and after TRMA In these days before the event, I’ll virtually introduce you to each of Experian’s TRMA speakers and give you the opportunity to learn more about them and their topics. During the conference, as time permits, some will be tweeting and blogging their thoughts, opinions and observations. They’ll analyze and unpack conference developments, and share their analysis with our followers and readers. Stop wondering, start following We expect a lot of actionable information from TRMA. So if you aren’t following us on Twitter (@experiancredit) or checking this site regularly, before, during or after the event would be the ideal time to start. You’ll gain a lot of insights from people who really understand telecom’s unique credit challenges and opportunities. And if you're attending TRMA, I certainly hope to see you there.
I love a good analogy, and living in Southern California, lately I’ve been thinking a lot about earthquakes, and how lenders might want to start thinking like seismologists when considering the risk levels in their portfolios. Currently, scientists that study earthquakes review mountains of data around fault movement, tidal forces, even animal behavior, all in an attempt to find a concrete predictor of ‘the big one’. Small tremors are inputs, but the focus is on predicting and preparing for the large shock and impact of large earthquakes. Credit risk modeling, conversely, seems to focus on predicting the tremors, (risk scores that predict the risk of individual default) and less so the large-shock risk to the portfolio. So what are lenders doing to forecast ‘the big one’? Lenders are building sophisticated models that contemplate the likelihood of the big event – developing risk models and econometric models that look at loan repayment, house prices, unemployment rates – all in an attempt to be ahead of the credit version of ‘the big one’. This type of model and perspective is at a nascent stage for many lenders, but like the issues facing the people of Southern California, preparing for the big-one is an essential part of every lender’s planning in today’s economy.
Experian Decision Analytics has recorded increased demand from the marketplace for service integrations with interactive voice response (IVR), a phone technology that allows for automated detection of both voice and touch–tones. In the past quarter, there has been a more than 70 percent increase in IVR interest and it continues to grow. Why is there a demand for knowledge based authentication through IVR? Besides consumer acceptance of out of wallet questions, there is a dramatic increase in the need for remote authentication and fraud analytics that are accurate, not a burden to the consumer, cost–effective for organizations and part of an overall risk based authentication approach. Consumers stay connected in a number of ways — phone, online, mobile and short message service (SMS) — and are demanding the means to remain safe without compromising convenience. Knowledge based authentication through IVR provides this safety. Organizations must consider all the tools at their disposal to keep consumer data protected while preserving and promoting a positive customer experience. Given the interactive nature of knowledge based authentication, it is quite adaptable to various customer access channels, such as IVR, and it enables full automation of both inbound and outbound authentication calls. We know from both our own experience and from working with clients that consumers are more connected, more mobile and more networked than ever before - and fraud trends demonstrate this increases risk. As consumers continue to expand online profiles and fraud artists continue to seek out victims, successful fraud prevention will become paramount to financial survival. Leveraging products already in use by combining the technology capitalizes on an existing investment and is good business.
In the communications industry, effective acquisition is a multi-step process, best begun by asking (and accurately answering) simple, but critical questions: Who are our best prospects? Where can we find them? What should we offer them and how? Of course, the “why” is obvious—beating competitors to the punch. The similarities of today’s increasingly undifferentiated products and services make attracting high-quality customers more critical than ever. On the surface, the “who” seems equally straightforward. But it’s surprising how many communications companies still blanket the nation with ads and offers without knowing whom they want to reach or which messages to lead with. This brings us to the “how” of effective acquisition. Banks get it right Banks provide a good acquisition model. In these days of tight budgets and high expectations, most would never dream of investing in a campaign without first creating a well-defined, data-driven segmentation strategy. To get the results they want, institutions usually establish some credit-score threshold, check past payment history and assess other factors and behaviors, before starting up their marketing machine. Not surprisingly, the rewards for this foresight often include higher response rates, lower costs and greater value per promotional dollar. What’s next? Once you zero in on a fresh crop of qualified prospects the “whats” come next: what’s the best marketing channel? What products or services should we offer? What terms? Again, clean historic data, combined with up-to-date information from surveys and questionnaires can reveal surprising insights into why customers choose your company or offer over your competitors’. In communications, as in banking, reliable data is a proven source for answers to a whole slew of customer-acquisition questions. But does it offer similar value in other phases of customer lifecycle management? And if so, how? Funny you should ask. Because that’s exactly what future posts here will cover, so please check back often.
Cell phone use on the rise A Wikipedia list of cell phone usage by country showed that as of December 2009, the U.S. had nearly 286 million cell phones in use. In parallel, a recent National Center for Health Statistics study found that one in every seven homes surveyed received all or almost all their calls on cell phones, even though they had a landline. Study results further indicated, one in four homes in the U.S. relied solely on cell phones. This statistic highlights these households had no land line at all during the last half of 2009. Since this time, the number of households that fall within this category have increased 1.8 percent. Implications for communications companies The increasing use of cell phones, coupled with the decreasing use of landlines, raises some very important concerns for communications companies: The physical address on file may not be accurate, since consumers can keep the same number as they jump providers. The increased use of pre-paid cell phones shines a new light on the growing issue that contact numbers are not a consistent means of reaching the consumer. These two issues make locating cell phone-only customers for purposes of cross-selling and/or collections an enormous challenge. It would certainly make everyone’s job easier if cell phone providers were willing to share their customer data with a directory assistance provider. The problem is, doing so, exposes them to attacks from their competition and since provider churn rate concerns are at an all-time high, can you really blame them? Identifying potentially risky customers, among cell phone-only consumers, becomes more difficult. Perfectly good customers may no longer use a landline. From a marketing point of view, calling cell phones for a sales pitch is not allowed, how then do you reach your prospects? What concerns you? Certainly, this list is by no means complete. The concerns above warrant further discussion in future blog posts. I want to know what concerns you most when it comes to the rise in cell phone-only consumers. This feedback will allow me to gear future posts to better address your concerns.
By: Kari Michel Credit bureau data has been used for many years to develop credit risk models, bankruptcy scores, profitability models, and response models to name a few. For the utility industry (water and power companies), a new score is available to help them administer more efficiently their internal low-income assistance programs. One challenge that utility companies face is to identify those consumers who clearly qualify for low-income assistance in a more automated process in order to reduce the number of applications that require manual intervention. Utility companies are starting to use scoring models to help them determine the likelihood that a customer will qualify for low-income assistance from their local utility. In a recent Experian case study, a medium-sized municipal utility company in California conducted a test using Experian’s Financial Assistance Checker to understand the benefit of using this score in their recertification process. The test showed a reduction of manual review of about 40% of the test file and they expect a 40-50% reduction in manual review in the future. The inclusion of the score in the recertification process will reduce costs and make their low income assistance program more efficient and provide an excellent example of the utility’s efforts to make a positive impact on the community.
Quite a scary new (although in some ways old) form of identity theft in the headlines recently. Here’s a link to the article, which talks about how children’s dormant Social Security numbers are being found and sold by companies online under the guise of CPN’s – aka credit profile numbers or credit protection numbers. Using deceased, “found”, or otherwise illicitly obtained Social Security numbers is not something new. Experian’s and any good identity verification tool is going to check against the Social Security Administration’s list of numbers listed as deceased as well as check to ensure the submitted number is in an SSA valid issue range. But the two things I find most troubling here are: One, the sellers have found a way around the law by not calling them Social Security numbers and calling them CPN’s instead. That seems ludicrous! But, in fact, the article goes on to state that “Because the numbers exist in a legal gray area, federal investigators have not figured out a way to prosecute the people involved”. Two, because of the anonymity and the ability to quickly set up and abandon “shop”, the online marketplace is the perfect venue for both buyer and seller to connect with minimal risk of being caught. What can we as consumers and businesses take away from this? As consumers, we’re reminded to be ever vigilant about the disclosure of not only OUR Social Security number but that of our family members as well. For businesses, it’s a reminder to take advantage of additional identity verification and fraud prediction tools, such as Experian’s Precise ID, Knowledge IQ, and BizID, when making credit decisions or opening accounts rather than relying solely on consumer credit scores.
To calculate the expected business benefits of making an improvement to your decisioning strategies, you must first identify and prioritize the key metrics you are trying to positively impact. For example, if one of your key business objectives is improved enterprise risk management, then some of the key metrics you seek to impact, in order to effectively address changes in credit score trends, could include reducing net credit losses through improved credit risk modeling and scorecard monitoring. Assessing credit risk is a key element of enterprise risk management and can addressed as part of your application risk management processes as well as other decisioning strategies that are applied at different points in the customer lifecycle. In working with our clients, Experian has identified 15 key metrics that can be positively impacted through optimizing decisions. As you review the list of metrics below, you should identify those metrics that are most important to your organization. • Approval rates • Booking or activation rates • Revenue • Customer net present value • 30/60/90-day delinquencies • Average charge-off amount • Average recovery amount • Manual review rates • Annual application volume • Charge-offs (bad debt & fraud) • Avg. cost per dollar collected • Average amount collected • Annual recoveries • Regulatory compliance • Churn or attrition Based on Experian’s extensive experience working with clients around the world to achieve positive business results through optimizing decisions, you can expect between a 10 percent and 15 percent improvement in any of these metrics through the improved use of data, analytics and decision management software. The initial high-level business benefit calculation, therefore, is quite important and straightforward. As an example, assume your current approval rate for vehicle loans is 65 percent, the average value of an approved application is $200 and your volume is 75,000 applications per year. Keeping all else equal, a 10 percent improvement in your approval rates (from 65 percent to 72 percent) would generate $10.7 million in incremental business value each year ($200 x 75,000 x .65 x 1.1). To prioritize your business improvement efforts, you’ll want to calculate expected business benefits across a number of key metrics and then focus on those that will deliver the greatest value to your organization.