Have you seen the latest Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) class action lawsuit? TCPA litigations in the communications, energy and media industries are dominating the headlines, with companies paying up to millions of dollars in damages. Consumer disputes have increased more than 500 percent in the past five years, and regulations continue to tighten. Now more than ever, it’s crucial to build effective and cost-efficient contact strategies. But how? First, know your facts. Second, let us help. What is the TCPA? As you’re aware, TCPA aims to safeguard consumer privacy by regulating telephone solicitations and the use of prerecorded messages, auto-dialed calls, text messages and unsolicited faxes. The rule has been amended and more tightly defined over time. Why is TCPA compliance important? Businesses found guilty of violating TCPA regulations face steep penalties – fines range from $500 to $1500 per individual infraction! Companies have been delivered hefty penalties upwards of hundreds of thousands, and in some cases, millions of dollars. Many have questions and are seeking to understand how they might adjust their policies and call practices. How can you protect yourself? To help avoid risk for compliance violations, it’s integral to assess call strategies and put best practices in place to increase right-party contact rates. Strategies to gain compliance and mitigate risk include: Focus on right and wrong-party contact to improve customer service: Monitoring and verifying consumer contact information can seem like a tedious task, but with the right combination of data, including skip tracing data from consumer credit data, alternative and other exclusive data sources, past-due consumers can be located faster. Scrub often for updated or verified information: Phone numbers can continuously change, and they’re only one piece of a consumer’s contact information. Verifying contact information for TCPA compliance with a partner you can trust can help make data quality routine. Determine when and how often you dial cell phones: Or, given new considerations proposed by the CFPB, consider looking at collections via your consumers’ preferred communication channel – online vs. over the phone. Provide consumers user-friendly mechanisms to opt-out of receiving communications At Experian, our TCPA solutions can help you monitor and verify consumer contact information, locate past-due consumers, improve your right-party contact rates and automate your collections process. Get started
Consumer behavior is constantly evolving — from the channels they prefer to the economic trends spurring varying interest and activity. It’s no surprise that businesses find it challenging to know what their customers want today or tomorrow. But knowing and understanding this information is essential to growing your bottom line. Through years of working with businesses across every vertical, we’ve found that a solid approach to growing your business revolves around your customers. The better you know your customers, the better you can achieve your goals. Seeing the future. How well can you identify and rank your current customer population? Are you leveraging that insight to acquire new customers, manage current customers and prioritize collections efforts? If so, you’re probably using custom models in your business strategy. But if your organization is like many businesses, you may use a more traditional approach. In our highly competitive market, strategy and decisions must be based on the right data and insights. No excuses. The data is there, and we can help you turn it into actionable insights. Implementing a custom model can maximize your return on investment and help you make more profitable business decisions — now and in the future. No palm reading required. Without visiting your local fortuneteller, you still can predict the future. You need a model, but not the “runway” type. What constitutes a highly predictive and effective model? Many factors. A highly predictive custom model should incorporate robust data, advanced modeling methodologies, analytical expertise and attributes. Having these foundational components is essential to knowing your customers and making confident decisions. Models aren’t one-size-fits-all. When you take an innovative approach to model development, the model is targeted to support your specific business goals while providing the documentation required for regulatory reviews. Consider these items as you develop your custom model: Data — It all starts with the right data. Combining multiple data assets — your master-file data, our credit data and any additional data sources — is key to developing a robust model development sample. In other words, a model development sample should represent your future through-the-door population. Model design — To ensure the custom model is designed to help you achieve your specific goals, you’ll want to incorporate the latest analytics and modeling methodologies. An experienced analytics team will be essential here. Segmentation — With the right model development and segmentation strategies, you can identify optimal segments that will result in a more predictive custom model. This way, each consumer is scored on a scorecard developed using a credit profile similar to theirs. Validation — To ensure the model’s predictive ability and longevity, validate each custom model on a holdout sample and compare it with other scores to ensure it accounts for the current and future (through-the-door) consumer populations, as well as policy rule and behavioral changes. Regulatory review — Don’t forget about the documentation needed for compliance. While audits are unpleasant , fines and extensive scrutiny can significantly impact your business. Take your fortunetelling to the next level. Machine learning is all the rage. This cutting-edge technology can be embedded in your predictive models to help uncover patterns in data that may not be apparent otherwise. This can be done by comparing the performance of the machine learning model with your existing models. Once you know that machine learning can add the lift you’re looking for, you can apply that methodology to develop a custom model focused on stability, cost-efficiency, transparency and predictive performance. Predicting behavior across the Customer Life Cycle. How can a custom model benefit you? From improving baseline performance and increasing profitability by approving more good accounts to uncovering opportunities within your target market, custom models can provide the confidence needed to grow your business. Which one of these models can help you achieve your business goals? When it comes to accurately predicting customer behavior, you don’t need a crystal ball. You need a well-built, highly predictive custom model. Use the data that’s available to gain insight into your customers and grow your bottom line. If you need help, we’re here. We have the data, analytics and expertise to help you get started.
It's been over 10 years since the start of the Great Recession. However, its widespread effects are still felt today. While the country has rebounded in many ways, its economic damage continues to influence consumers. Discover the Great Recession’s impact across generations: Americans of all ages have felt the effects of the Great Recession, making it imperative to begin recession proofing and better prepare for the next economic downturn. There are several steps your organization can take to become recession resistant and help your customers overcome personal financial difficulties. Are you ready should the next recession hit? Get started today
Would you hire a new employee strictly by their resume? Surely not – there’s so much more to a candidate than what’s written on paper. With that being said, why would you determine your consumers’ creditworthiness based only on their traditional credit score? Resumes don’t always give you the full picture behind an applicant and can only tell a part of someone’s story, just as a traditional credit score can also be a limited view of your consumers. And lenders agree – findings from Experian’s 2019 State of Alternative Credit Data revealed that 65% of lenders are already leveraging information beyond the traditional credit report to make lending decisions. So in addition to the resume, hiring managers should look into a candidate’s references, which are typically used to confirm a candidate’s positive attributes and qualities. For lenders, this is alternative credit data. References are supplemental but essential to the resume, and allow you to gain new information to expand your view into a candidate – synonymous to alternative credit data’s role when it comes to lending. Lenders are tasked with evaluating their consumers to determine their stability and creditworthiness in an effort to prevent and reduce risk. While traditional credit data contains core information about a consumer’s credit data, it may not be enough for a lender to formulate a full and complete evaluation of the consumer. And for over 45 million Americans, the issue of having no credit history or a “thin” credit history is the equivalent of having a resume with little to no listed work experience. Alternative credit data helps to fill in the gaps, which has benefits for both lenders and consumers. In fact, 61% of consumers believe adding payment history would have a positive impact on their credit score, and therefore are willing to share their data with lenders. Alternative credit data is FCRA-compliant and includes information like alternative finance data, rental payments, utility payments, bank account information, consumer-permissioned data and full-file public records. Because this data shows a holistic view of the customer, it helps to determine their ability to repay debts and reveals any delinquent behaviors. These insights help lenders to expand their consumer lending universe– all while mitigating and preventing risk. The benefits can also be seen for home-based and small businesses. Fifty percent of all US small businesses are home-based, but many small business owners lack visibility due to their thin-file nature – making it extremely difficult to secure bank loans and capital to fund their businesses. And, younger generations and small business owners account for 58% of business owners who rely on short term lending. By leveraging alternative credit data, lenders can get greater insights into a small business owner’s credit profile and gauge risk. Entrepreneurs can also benefit from this information being used to build their credit profiles – making it easier for them to gain access to investment capital to fund their new ventures. Like a hiring manager, it’s important for lenders to get a comprehensive view to find the most qualified candidates. Using alternative credit data can expand your choices – read our 2019 State of Alternative Credit Data Whitepaper to learn more and register for our upcoming webinar. Register Now
Alex Lintner, Group President at Experian, recently had the chance to sit down with Peter Renton, creator of the Lend Academy Podcast, to discuss alternative credit data,1 UltraFICO, Experian Boost and expanding the credit universe. Lintner spoke about why Experian is determined to be the leader in bringing alternative credit data to the forefront of the lending marketplace to drive greater access to credit for consumers. “To move the tens of millions of “invisible” or “thin file” consumers into the financial mainstream will take innovation, and alternative data is one of the ways which we can do that,” said Lintner. Many U.S. consumers do not have a credit history or enough record of borrowing to establish a credit score, making it difficult for them to obtain credit from mainstream financial institutions. To ease access to credit for these consumers, financial institutions have sought ways to both extend and improve the methods by which they evaluate borrowers’ risk. By leveraging machine learning and alternative data products, like Experian BoostTM, lenders can get a more complete view into a consumer’s creditworthiness, allowing them to make better decisions and consumers to more easily access financial opportunities. Highlights include: The impact of Experian Boost on consumers’ credit scores Experian’s take on the state of the American consumer today Leveraging machine learning in the development of credit scores Expanding the marketable universe Listen now Learn more about alternative credit data 1When we refer to "Alternative Credit Data," this refers to the use of alternative data and its appropriate use in consumer credit lending decisions, as regulated by the Fair Credit Reporting Act. Hence, the term "Expanded FCRA Data" may also apply in this instance and both can be used interchangeably.
Financial institutions preparing for the launch of the Financial Accounting Standard Board’s (FASB) new current expected credit loss model, or CECL, may have concerns when it comes to preparedness, implications and overall impact. Gavin Harding, Experian’s Senior Business Consultant and Jose Tagunicar, Director of Product Management, tackled some of the tough questions posed by the new accounting standard. Check out what they had to say: Q: How can financial institutions begin the CECL transition process? JT: To prepare for the CECL transition process, companies should conduct an operational readiness review, which includes: Analyzing your data for existing gaps. Determining important milestones and preparing for implementation with a detailed roadmap. Running different loss methods to compare results. Once losses are calculated, you’ll want to select the best methodology based on your portfolio. Q: What is required to comply with CECL? GH: Complying with CECL may require financial institutions to gather, store and calculate more data than before. To satisfy CECL requirements, financial institutions will need to focus on end-to-end management, determine estimation approaches that will produce reasonable and supportable forecasts and automate their technology and platforms. Additionally, well-documented CECL estimations will require integrated workflows and incremental governance. Q: What should organizations look for in a partner that assists in measuring expected credit losses under CECL? GH: It’s expected that many financial institutions will use third-party vendors to help them implement CECL. Third-party solutions can help institutions prepare for the organization and operation implications by developing an effective data strategy plan and quantifying the impact of various forecasted conditions. The right third-party partner will deliver an integrated framework that empowers clients to optimize their data, enhance their modeling expertise and ensure policies and procedures supporting model governance are regulatory compliant. Q: What is CECL’s impact on financial institutions? How does the impact for credit unions/smaller lenders differ (if at all)? GH: CECL will have a significant effect on financial institutions’ accounting, modeling and forecasting. It also heavily impacts their allowance for credit losses and financial statements. Financial institutions must educate their investors and shareholders about how CECL-driven disclosure and reporting changes could potentially alter their bottom line. CECL’s requirements entail data that most credit unions and smaller lenders haven’t been actively storing and saving, leaving them with historical data that may not have been recorded or will be inaccessible when it’s needed for a CECL calculation. Q: How can Experian help with CECL compliance? JT: At Experian, we have one simple goal in mind when it comes to CECL compliance: how can we make it easier for our clients? Our Ascend CECL ForecasterTM, in partnership with Oliver Wyman, allows our clients to create CECL forecasts in a fraction of the time it normally takes, using a simple, configurable application that accurately predicts expected losses. The Ascend CECL Forecaster enables you to: Fulfill data requirements: We don’t ask you to gather, prepare or submit any data. The application is comprised of Experian’s extensive historical data, delivered via the Ascend Technology PlatformTM, economic data from Oxford Economics, as well as the auto and home valuation data needed to generate CECL forecasts for each unsecured and secured lending product in your portfolio. Leverage innovative technology: The application uses advanced machine learning models built on 15 years of industry-leading credit data using high-quality Oliver Wyman loan level models. Simplify processes: One of the biggest challenges our clients face is the amount of time and analytical effort it takes to create one CECL forecast, much less several that can be compared for optimal results. With the Ascend CECL Forecaster, creating a forecast is a simple process that can be delivered quickly and accurately. Q: What are immediate next steps? JT: As mentioned, complying with CECL may require you to gather, store and calculate more data than before. Therefore, it’s important that companies act now to better prepare. Immediate next steps include: Establishing your loss forecast methodology: CECL will require a new methodology, making it essential to take advantage of advanced statistical techniques and third-party solutions. Making additional reserves available: It’s imperative to understand how CECL impacts both revenue and profit. According to some estimates, banks will need to increase their reserves by up to 50% to comply with CECL requirements. Preparing your board and investors: Make sure key stakeholders are aware of the potential costs and profit impacts that these changes will have on your bottom line. Speak with an expert
What is CECL? CECL (Current Expected Credit Loss) is a new credit loss model, to be leveraged by financial institutions, that estimates the expected loss over the life of a loan by using historical information, current conditions and reasonable forecasts. According to AccountingToday, CECL is considered one of the most significant accounting changes in decades to affect entities that borrow and lend money. To comply with CECL by the assigned deadline, financial institutions will need to access much more data than they’re currently using to calculate their reserves under the incurred loss model, Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses (ALLL). How does it impact your business? CECL introduces uncertainty into accounting and growth calculations, as it represents a significant change in the way credit losses are currently estimated. The new standard allows financial institutions to calculate allowances in a variety of ways, including discounted cash flow, loss rates, roll-rates and probability of default analyses. “Large banks with historically good loss performance are projecting increased reserve requirements in the billions of dollars,” says Experian Advisory Services Senior Business Consultant, Gavin Harding. Here are a few changes that you should expect: Larger allowances will be required for most products As allowances will increase, pricing of the products will change to reflect higher capital cost Losses modeling will change, impacting both data collection and modeling methodology There will be a lower return on equity, especially in products with a longer life expectancy How can you prepare? “CECL compliance is a journey, rather than a destination,” says Gavin. “The key is to develop a thoughtful, data-driven approach that is tested and refined over time.” Financial institutions who start preparing for CECL now will ultimately set their organizations up for success. Here are a few ways to begin to assess your readiness: Create a roadmap and initiative prioritization plan Calculate the impact of CECL on your bottom line Run altered scenarios based on new lending policy and credit decision rules Understand the impact CECL will have on your profitability Evaluate current portfolios based on CECL methodology Run different loss methods and compare results Additionally, there is required data to capture, including quarterly or monthly loan-level account performance metrics, multiple year data based on loan product type and historical data for the life of the loan. How much time do you have? Like most accounting standards, CECL has different effective dates based on the type of reporting entity. Public business entities that file financial statements with the Security and Exchange Commission will have to comply by 2020, non-public entity banks must comply by 2022 and non-SEC registered companies have until 2023 to adopt the new standard. How can we help: Complying with CECL may require you to gather, store and calculate more data than before. Experian can help you comply with CECL guidelines including data needs, consulting and loan loss calculation. Experian industry experts will help update your current strategies and establish an appropriate timeline to meet compliance dates. Leveraging our best-in-class industry data, we will help you gain CECL compliance quickly and effectively, understand the impacts to your business and use these findings to improve overall profitability. Learn more
Consumer credit trends are continuously changing, making it imperative to keep up with the latest developments in originations, delinquencies on mortgages, credit cards and auto loans. By monitoring consumer behavior and market trends over time, you can predict and prepare for potential issues within each market. In this 30-minute webinar, our featured speakers, Gavin Harding, Experian Senior Business Consultant, and Alan Ikemura, Experian Data Analytics Senior Product Manager, reveal Q1 2019 market intelligence data and explore recent advances in consumer credit trends. Watch our on-demand webinar
You’ve Got Mail! Probably a lot of it. Birthday cards from Mom, a graduation announcement from your third cousin’s kid whose name you can’t remember and a postcard from your dentist reminding you you’re overdue for a cleaning. Adding to your pile, are the nearly 850 pieces of unsolicited mail Americans receive annually, according to Reader’s Digest. Many of these are pre-approval offers or invitations to apply for credit cards or personal loans. While many of these offers are getting to the right mailbox, they’re hitting a changing consumer at the wrong time. The digital revolution, along with the proliferation and availability of technology, has empowered consumers. They now not only have access to an abundance of choices but also a litany of new tools and channels, which results in them making faster, sometimes subconscious, decisions. Three Months Too Late The need to consistently stay in front of customers and prospects with the right message at the right time has caused a shortening of campaign cycles across industries. However, for some financial institutions, the customer acquisition process can take up to 120 days! While this timeframe is extreme, customer prospecting can still take around 45-60 days for most financial institutions and includes: Bureau processing: Regularly takes 10-15 days depending on the number of data sources and each time they are requested from a bureau. Data aggregation: Typically takes anywhere from 20-30 days. Targeting and selection: Generally, takes two to five days. Processing and campaign deployment: Usually takes anywhere from three days, if the firm handles it internally, or up to 10 days if an outside company handles the mailing. A Better Way That means for many firms, the data their customer acquisition campaigns are based off is at least 60 days old. Often, they are now dealing with a completely different consumer. With new card originations up 20% year-over-year in 2019 alone, it’s likely they’ve moved on, perhaps to one of your competitors. It’s time financial institutions make the move to a more modern form of prospecting and targeting that leverages the power of cloud technology, machine learning and artificial intelligence to accelerate and improve the marketing process. Financial marketing systems of the future will allow for advanced segmentation and targeting, dynamic campaign design and immediate deployment all based on the freshest data (no more than 24-48 hours old). These systems will allow firms to do ongoing analytics and modeling so their campaign testing and learning results can immediately influence next cycle decisions. Your customers are changing, isn’t it time the way you market to them changes as well?
The universe has been used as a metaphor for many things – vast, wide, intangible – much like the credit universe. However, while the man on the moon, a trip outside the ozone layer, and all things space from that perspective may seem out of touch, there is a new line of access to consumers. In Experian's latest 2019 State of Alternative Credit Data report, consumers and lenders alike weigh in on the growing data set and how they are leveraging the data in use cases across the lending lifecycle. While the topic of alternative credit data is no longer as unfamiliar as it may have been a year or two ago, the capabilities and benefits that can be experienced by financial institutions, small businesses and consumers are still not widely known. Did you know?: - 65% of lenders say they are using information beyond the traditional credit report to make a lending decision. - 58% of consumers agree that having the ability to contribute payment history to their credit file make them feel empowered. - 83% of lenders agree that digitally connecting financial account data will create efficiencies in the lending process. These and other consumer and lender perceptions of alternative credit data are now launched with the latest edition of the State of Alternative Credit Data whitepaper. This year’s report rounds up the different types of alternative credit data (from alternative financial services data to consumer-permissioned account data, think Experian BoostTM), as well as an overview of the regulatory landscape, and a number of use cases across consumer and small business lending. In addition, consumers also have a lot to say about alternative credit data: With the rise of machine learning and big data, lenders can collect more data than ever, facilitating smarter and more precise decisions. Unlock your portfolio’s growth potential by tapping into alternative credit data to expand your consumer universe. Learn more in the 2019 State of Alternative Credit Data Whitepaper. Read Full Report View our 2020 State of Alternative Credit Data Report for an updated look at how consumers and lenders are leveraging alternative credit data.
Earlier this month, Experian joined FinovateSpring in San Francisco, CA to demonstrate innovations impacting financial health to over 1,000 attendees. The Finovate conference promotes real-world solutions while highlighting short-form demos and key insights from thought-leaders on digital lending, banking, payments, artificial intelligence and the customer experience. With more than 100 million Americans lacking fair access to credit, it's more important than ever for companies to work to improve the financial health of consumers. In addition to the show's abundance of fintech-centered content, Experian hosted an exclusive, cutting-edge breakout series demonstrating innovations that are positively impacting the financial health of consumers across the nation. Finovate Day One Overview While fintechs, banks, venture capitalist, entrepreneurs and industry analysts ascended on the general conference floor for a fast-paced day of demos, a select subset gathered for a luncheon presented by Experian North America CEO, Craig Boundy, and Group President, Alex Lintner. Attendees were given an in-depth look at new, alternative credit data streams and tools that are helping to increase financial access. Demos included: Experian Boost™: a free, groundbreaking online platform that allows consumers to instantly boost their credit scores by adding telecommunications and utility bill payments to their credit file. More than half a million consumers have leveraged Experian Boost, increasing their score by an average of 13 points. Cumulatively, Experian Boost has helped add more than 2.8 million points to consumers’ credit scores. Ascend Analytical Sandbox™: A first-of-its-kind data and analytics platform that gives companies instant access to more than 17 years of depersonalized credit data on more than 220 million U.S. consumers. It has been the most successful product launch in Experian’s history and recently earned the title of “Best Overall Analytics Platform” at this year’s Fintech Breakthrough Awards. Alternative Credit Data: Comprised of data from alternative credit sources, this data helps lenders make smarter and more informed lending decisions. Additionally, Experian’s Clear Data Platform is next-level credit data that adds supplemental FCRA-compliant credit data to enrich decisions across the entire credit spectrum. This new platform features alternative credit data, rental data, public records, consumer-permissioned data and more Upon conclusion of the luncheon, Alpa Lally, Experian’s Vice President of Data Business at Consumer Information Services, was interviewed for the HousingWire Podcast with Jacob Gaffney, HousingWire Editor in Chief, to discuss how new forms of data streams are helping improve consumers’ access to credit by giving lenders a clearer picture of their creditworthiness and risk. “Alternative credit data is different than traditional credit data and helps us paint a fuller picture of the consumer in terms of their ability to pay, willingness to pay and stability. It helps consumers get better access overall to the credit they deserve so that they can actively participate in the economy,” said Lally. Finovate Day Two Overview On the last day of the conference, expert speakers took to the main stage to analyze the latest fintech trends, opportunities and challenges. Alex Lintner and Sandeep Bhandari, Chief Strategy Officer and Chief Risk Officer at Affirm, participated in a fireside chat titled “Improving the Financial Health of America’s 100 Million Credit Underserved Consumers.” Moderated by David Penn, Finovate Analyst, the session explored the latest innovations, trends and technologies – from machine learning to alternative data – that are making a difference in positively impacting the financial health of Americans and expanding financial opportunities for underserved consumers. The panel discussed the efforts made to put financial health at the center of their business and the impact it’s had on their organizations. Following the fireside chat, Experian hosted a second lunch briefing, presented by Vijay Mehta, Chief Innovation Officer, and Greg Wright, EVP Chief Product Officer. The lunch included exclusive table discussions and open conversations to help attendees leave with a better understanding of the importance of prioritizing financial health to build trust, reach new customers and ultimately grow their business. "We are actively seeking out unresolved problems and creating products and technologies that will help transform the way businesses operate and consumers thrive in our society. But we know we can't do it alone," Experian North American CEO, Craig Boundy said in a recent blog post on Experian's fintech partnerships and Finovate participation. "That's why over the last year, we have built out an entire time of account executives and other support staff that are fully dedicated to developing and supporting partnerships with leading fintech companies. We've made significant strides that will help us pave the way for the next generation of lending while improving the financial health of more people around the world." For more information on how Experian is partnering with fintechs, visit experian.com/fintech or read our recent blog article on consumer-permissioned data for an in-depth discussion on Experian BoostTM.
It’s been over 10 years since the first rumblings of Great Recession started in 2008. Today, Americans are experiencing high levels of consumer confidence, marked by high employment rates and increasing credit balances over last year. What have we learned over the last decade? And how do we compare to our behaviors then? Experian released the 9th annual state of credit report, which provides a comprehensive look at the credit performance of consumers across America by highlighting consumer credit scores and borrowing behaviors. Who’s faring the best since the recession? According to the data, younger consumers. “We’re continuing to see the positive effects of economic recovery, especially among younger consumers,” said Michele Raneri, Vice President of Analytics and Business Development at Experian. “Since the recession, responsible credit card behaviors and lower debt among younger consumers is driving an upward trend in average credit scores across the nation. Over the last ten years, those 18 – 21 increased their credit scores by 23 points on average compared to those 18-21 ten years ago.” As a whole, 2018 was a year marked by financial reform, consumer protection and the return of volatility for the financial markets. A large portion of the analytics from this year’s report took a close look at the credit behaviors of today and compared them to 2008, the year the US headed into the worst recession in 80 years. 10-Year Lookback 2008 2017 2018 Average number of credit cards 3.40 3.06 3.04 Average credit card balances $7,101 $6,354 $6,506 Average number of retail credit cards 3.03 2.48 2.59 Average retail credit card balances $1,759 $1,841 $1,901 Average VantageScore® credit score [1,2] 685 675 680 Average revolving utilization 28% 30% 30% Average non-mortgage debt $23,929 $24,706 $25,104 Average mortgage debt $191,357 $201,811 $208,180 Average 30 days past due delinquency rates 5.4% 4.0% 3.9% Average 60 days past due delinquency rates 2.9% 1.9% 1.9% Average 90+ days past due delinquency rates 7.1% 7.3% 6.7% In regards to credit scores, the average VantageScore® credit score increased 5 points from last year, reaching 680 , while still down from 2008. Segmented by state and gender, Minnesota had the highest credit scores for both men and women. Data also showed that women had higher credit scores than men, consistent with 2017 and 2008. The past year has been flooded with headlines illustrating increased spending for American consumers. How do the numbers compare with 2008 data? In comparison with 10 years ago, the number of retail trades since 2008 are down, while average balance is up, according to Experian’s State of Credit Report. Additionally, the number of credit cards is down for all age groups, and balance is also down for consumers 22-71 years of age. Average revolving utilization has creeped up in the past decade, but only two percentage points from 28% to 30%, while both average non-mortgage and mortgage debt has increased 5% and 9% respectively. Not surprisingly, the report reflects that delinquency rates have also increased over 20% since 2008, though down from last year. In conclusion, there’s a lot to learn from both 2008 and 2018. One of the most important and resonating takeaways might be that while fortune may not seem to favor the young, younger consumers are exhibiting responsible behaviors and higher credit scores, setting a precedence for consistent and better financial health in the future. Learn more Experian Boost can help consumers instantly improve their credit score by incorporating their positive payment history from utility and phone bills, among other consumer-permissioned data. [1] VantageScore® is a registered trademark of VantageScore Solutions, LLC. [2] VantageScore® credit score range is 300-850 Calculated on the VantageScore® model. Your VantageScore® credit score from Experian indicates your credit risk level and is not used by all lenders, so don’t be surprised if your lender uses a score that’s different from your VantageScore® credit score.
Millions of consumers lack credit history and/or have difficulty obtaining credit from mainstream financial institutions. To ease access to credit for “invisible” and below prime consumers, financial institutions have sought ways to both extend and improve the methods by which they evaluate borrowers’ risk. This initiative to effectively score more consumers has involved the use of alternative credit data.1 Alternative credit data is FCRA-compliant data that is typically not included in a traditional credit report and is used to deliver a more complete view into a consumer’s creditworthiness. “Alternative credit data helps us paint a fuller picture of a consumer so they can get better access to the financial services they need and deserve,” said Alpa Lally, Vice President of Data Business at Experian. Experian recently sponsored the FinovateSpring conference in San Francisco, where Alpa had a chance to sit down with Jacob Gaffney, Editor-in-Chief of the HousingWire News Podcast, to discuss ways consumers can improve their credit scores. As an immigrant, Alpa spoke personally about the impact of having a limited credit history and how alternative credit data can help drive greater access to credit for consumers and profitable growth for lenders through more informed lending decisions. Highlights include: How alternative and traditional credit data differ Types of alternative credit data being used by lenders How “credit-invisibles” can best leverage alternative credit data Alternative credit data product solutions, including Experian BoostTM Listen now 1When we refer to “Alternative Credit Data,” this refers to the use of alternative data and its appropriate use in consumer credit lending decisions, as regulated by the Fair Credit Reporting Act. Hence, the term “Expanded FCRA Data” may also apply in this instance and both can be used interchangeably.
Consumer credit trends and markets are constantly evolving, particularly when it comes to originations and delinquencies on mortgages, credit cards and auto loans. According to Experian research, over 2.7 million out of 89 million active automotive loans and leases are either 30 or 60 days delinquent. Triggers that signal a greater likelihood of consumers falling delinquent on loans, mortgages and credit card payments, include high-interest rates, a high utilization rate and recent derogatory trades. By tracking and forecasting consumer trends over time, you can more easily predict consumer behavior and better prepare for potential issues within each market. Join Gavin Harding, Experian Senior Business Consultant, and Alan Ikemura, Experian Data Analytics Senior Product Manager, during our live Quarterly Credit Trends webinar on May 30 at 2:00 p.m. ET. Our expert speakers will provide a view of the real estate market and share insights on the latest consumer credit trends. Highlights include: 2019 economic drivers Q1 2019 origination and delinquency trends Mortgage Home equity Bankcard Auto Register now
Day 2 at this year’s Vision conference was fueled with new technology and inspiration. The morning session opened with Robert Boxberger, Experian President, Decision Analytics, and also featured two live demos, one on Experian’s solution for the upcoming CECL compliance deadline and the second for mobile credit, including two use cases on instant issuance and lead generation, which has resulted in a 28% conversion rate of hot leads for one of Experian’s marquee clients. Keynote Speaker: Aimée Mullins "Get comfortable with the uncomfortable" was just one of the mantras shared on Tuesday morning by Aimée Mullins, an actor, Olympian, TEDTalk speaker, and one of the youngest honorees to be inducted into the National Women’s Hall of Fame, among many other accomplishments. “It is our uniqueness that’s our greatest asset that we can leverage for our greatest strength,” said Mullins during her keynote centered on achieving the “impossible.” As a bi-lateral amputee (or “double BK” also known as double below-the-knee amputee, as she referenced), Mullins had doctors and experts tell her and her parents what she would not be able to do. Instead, she encouraged Tuesday’s audience to never stop thinking like a child, to use their curiosity to find new ways where you want to go, and to practice curiosity like a sport to keep from getting comfortable, and therefore static. “It made my not knowing what I can do so much more powerful than an expert's presumption of what he thought I could do,” she said. Session Highlights – Day 2 Consumer Trust What engenders trust as consumers? And what does it take to build online trust? With 51% of new account fraud victims personally knowing the perpetrator and 3.4 billion total losses from fraudulent account openings (Javelin Feb 2019), there are five key components to building trust: digital adoption, transparency, fraud management, recognition and authentication. Today’s consumers want to use the digital channel, have both security and ease of access, be recognized, know how their personal information is being used, and engage and trust with biometrics. Artificial Intelligence – Chat Bots and Beyond According to Gartner, “'Conversational AI-first' will supersede ‘cloud-first,’ ‘mobile first’ as the most important high-level imperative for the next 10 years.” As evidenced by Google Duplex’s realistic conversations with humans, including the use of “uh” and “um,” conversational AI is positioned to redefine the next generation of human interface, aimed at achieving better customer satisfaction and elevate the customer relationship. Marketing Analytics The marketing analytics landscape is changing. Today’s marketing problems – including the always limited budget and need to produce greater ROI – require tactical strategies to target the right consumers. Enter Experian’s AscendTM marketing platform. Leveraging this tool, including its neural networks that were demonstrated Monday morning, helps gain new insights into consumer behavior. Fraud in the Digital Wild West A panel discussion featuring representatives from Merchant Risk Council, USAA and Alliance Data compared fighting fraud to herding cats. Challenges discussed included the ongoing struggle to find balance between limiting friction during the authentication process, while also protecting customers, as well as fraudsters’ tendencies to tap into victims’ emotions and curiosity (think phishing schemes). As one of the panelists offered as a piece of advice, “Fraudsters share best practices, so should we.” Visibility for the Invisibles People are more than the sum of their parts. The traditional credit score may show a consumer’s reputation, but layering trended and alternative data sets adds their character. Not only can trended data and alternative credit data – including leveraging education attributes – make invisible consumers visible, they can also reveal that a consumer with a presumably superlative credit score is actually a “credit zombie.” These data sets enable the opportunity to create first chances, drive second chances and re-evaluate risk, while also driving a strong growth strategy. CECL After reviewing the basics of CECL and the upcoming deadlines (ranging from Q1 2020 to Q1 2022), a review of CECL compliance challenges and potential product changes preceded a modeling techniques case study and a list of key impacts to businesses. Those impacts include: product profitability, loss forecasting methodology, data management and processes and capital ratios. Experian’s CECL forecasting solution leverages Experian’s extensive historical data and Ascend Analytical Sandbox. Using a best practice modeling pipeline to improve efficiency and reduce operational risks, the solution combines advanced machine learning, traditional model techniques and modeling experience to improve performance and reduce risk of overfitting. Keynote Speaker: Kobe Bryant Kobe Bryant closed out the day with stories from his highly-decorated 20-year career with the Los Angeles Lakers, some tips on trash talk and lessons in leadership. “I had to figure out how to be undeniable,” Bryant said, on competing for minutes at the start of his career. In addition to his basketball legacy, including wining five NBA championships, being named an NBA MVP, a two-time NBA Finals MVP and winning two Olympic gold medals, Bryant also launched the Kobe and Vanessa Bryant Family Foundation, hosts the Kobe Academy and has formed Kobe Inc. He’s a storyteller, an Oscar winner, and his name has become synonymous with standing for uncompromising excellence. How to be successful? “Make sure you have the right people on the team,” Bryant said. “Passionate. Borderline obsessive.” One of his key takeaways from his basketball career that translates to his leadership on and off the court happened when his pre-game and game time thinking shifted from internal to external. “You have to put yourself 2nd, 3rd, 4th…you have to put the team first,” Bryant said. For more coverage, follow #ExperianVision on Twitter or check the Experian Insights LinkedIn page.