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According to a recent Experian Data Quality study, three out of four organizations personalize their marketing messages or are in the process of doing so.

Published: September 29, 2014 by Guest Contributor

Fraud is not a point-in-time problem and data breaches should not be considered isolated attacks, which break through network defenses to abscond with credentials. In fact, data breaches are just the first stage of a rather complex lifecycle that begins with a vulnerability, advances through several stages of validation and surveillance, and culminates with a fraudulent transaction or monetary theft. Cyber criminals are sophisticated and have a growing arsenal of weapons at their disposal to infect individual and corporate systems and capture account information: phishing, SMSishing and Vishing attacks, malware, and the like are all attempts to thwart security and access-protected information. Criminal tactics have even evolved to include physical-world approaches like infiltrating physical call centers via social engineering attacks aimed at unsuspecting representatives. This, and similar efforts, are all part of the constant quest to identify and exploit weaknesses in order to stage and commit financial crimes. There are some companies that claim malware detection is the silver bullet to preventing fraud. This is simply not the case. The issue is that malware is only one method by which fraudsters may obtain credentials. The seemingly endless supply of pristine identity and account data in the criminal underground means that detecting a user’s system has been compromised is akin to closing the barn door after the hose has bolted. That is, malware can be an indicator that an account has been compromised, but it does not help identify the subsequent usage of the stolen credentials by the criminals, regardless of how the credentials were compromised. Compromised data is first validated by the seller as one of their “value adds” to the criminal underground and typically again by the buyer. Validation usually involves logging into an account to ensure that the credentials work as expected, and allows for a much higher “validated” price point. Once the credentials and/or account have been validated, cyber criminals can turn their attention to surveillance. Remember, by the time one realizes that credential information has been exposed, cyber criminal rings have captured the information they need – such as usernames, passwords, challenge responses and even token or session IDs – and have aded it to their underground data repositories. with traditional online authentication controls, it is nearly impossible to detect the initial fraudulent login that uses ill-gotten credentials. That is why it is critical to operate from the assumption that all account credentials have been compromised when designing an online authentication control scheme.

Published: September 29, 2014 by Guest Contributor

Consumer debt for every major consumer lending category has decreased over the past few years, except for student loans.

Published: September 26, 2014 by Guest Contributor

I have heard from a few creditors that when it comes to allocating accounts to collection agencies for recoveries creating a rule based strategy isn’t always in the cards. When clients use multiple collection agencies their ability to allocate accounts to the different agencies based on rule based strategies isn’t always available.  Some have a single setting on a billing or assignment system that indicates the account is to be assigned to Collection Agency X versus Collection Agency Y, and there is no easy method to make that assignment based on a true strategy.  Worse yet, it is often difficult to impossible to reassign that account from Collection Agency X to Collection Agency Y if the account status or risk level changes.  This means that their use of multiple collection agencies is not as “optimized” as it could be if a scripting or rule based tool was available to the business user.   Optimizing assignments means that the account is initially as well as subsequently assigned to the right agency at the right time based on its type, risk, history, balance, status and other circumstances to maximum recoveries.   This approach can make a significant difference in the recovery of bad debt. Furthermore, test results or allocations should be displayed after a script has been entered.  This usually provides a “what if” on collection agency assignments displaying the number or dollar value assigned if the rule was implemented.  That way you know if the script is correct (ballpark allocation seems reasonable), and if the allocation to any particular agency is within policy limits by dollar amount or number of accounts. Do you believe that you are optimizating your allocations to the agencies you use?  Do you have the tools you need to effectively assign each account to the right agency? Experian can help with its agency allocation and management solutions through Tallyman Agency Allocation. Learn more about our Tallyman Agency Allocation software. 

Published: September 26, 2014 by Guest Contributor

By: Maria Moynihan As consumers, we expect service, don’t we? When service or convenience lessens or is taken away from us altogether, we struggle to comprehend it. As a recent example, I went to the pharmacy the other day and learned that I couldn’t pick up my prescription since the pharmacists were out to lunch. “Who takes lunch anymore?” I thought, but then I realized that too often organizations limit their much needed services as a cost-saving measure. Government is no different. City governments, for instance, may reduce operating hours or slash services to balance budgets better, especially when collectables are maxed out, with little movement. For many agencies, reducing services is the easiest way to offset costs. Often, municipalities offset revenue deficits by optimizing their current collections processes and engaging in new methods of revenue generation. Why then isn’t revenue optimization and modernization being considered more often as a means to offset costs? Some may simply be unsure of how to approach it or unaware of the tools that exist to help. For agencies challenged with collections, there is an option for revenue assurance. With the right data, analytics and technologies, agencies can maximize collection efforts and take advantage of their past-due fines and fees to: Turn stale debt into a new source of revenue by determining the value of their entire debt portfolio and evaluating options for a stale assets sale Reduce delinquencies by better assessing constituents and businesses at the point of transaction and collecting outstanding debt before new services are rendered Minimize current debt by segmenting and prioritizing collection efforts through finding and contacting debtors and gauging their capacity to pay Improve future accounts receivable streams by identifying the best collectable debt for outsourcing What is your agency doing to offset costs and balance budgets better? See what industry experts suggest as best practices for collections, and generate more revenue to keep services fully in place for your constituents.

Published: September 24, 2014 by Guest Contributor

Collection agencies provide reports with respect to their performance and collection activities.  Depending on which system the agencies are using and the extent it has been modified, the reports may look similar, but then again the data and format may be completely different.   Finding the common data and comparing the performance of two or more agencies may become a daunting, manual task. Agency management systems have solved that problem by bringing back performance, activity and other data from the agencies back into a common reporting database.  This allows for easy comparison through tables and calculations via common data elements.  The ability to truly compare data in this way allows for a more analytical “champion/challenger” approach to managing collection agencies.  The key to champion/challenger is the ability to easily compare the performance of one or more agencies using like accounts placed at the same time.  Tracking allocations of accounts which fall into the same placement strata, split between agencies on the same allocation, makes it easy to compare recoveries of discrete, similar “sample data sets” over time for a more true comparison.  These results should lead to the allocation of more accounts of similar types to the champion, less to the challenger. Do you have the systems you need for a champion/challenger approach with respect to your collection agencies?  Experian can help with its agency allocation and management solutions through Tallyman Agency Allocation. Learn more about our Tallyman Agency Allocationsoftware. 

Published: September 22, 2014 by Guest Contributor

By: Mike Horrocks A recent industry survey was published that called out the number one reason that lenders were dissatisfied or willing to go to another financial institution (and take their book of business with them) was not compensation.  While, compensation is often thought of as the number one driver for this kind of change in your bench of lenders, it had much more to do with being able to serve customers efficiently. One of the key reasons that lenders were unhappy was that they were in a workflow and decisioning process where the lender could not close loans on time, putting stress on the loan officer's relationships and destroying borrower confidence.  Thinking of my own experiences as a commercial lender, my interactions with the private bankers, branch managers, and lenders that served every kind of customer, I would absolutely have to agree with this study.  Nothing is more disheartening then working on bringing in a client, and then having the process not give me a response in the time that my clients are expecting or that the completion is achieving. Automation in the process is the key.  While lenders still will need to be engaged in the process and paying attention to the relationship, it can be significantly refocused to other parts of the business.  This leads to benefits such as: Protecting the back office and the consistence of booking and servicing loans. Ensuring that the risk appetite is consistent for the institution for every deal. Growing a portfolio of loans that can and will adhere to sound portfolio management techniques. So how is your process supporting lenders?  Are you automating to help in areas that give you a competitive advantage with robust credit scores, decision strategies or risk management solutions that are helping close deals quickly or are you requiring a process that is keeping them from bringing more customers (and profits) in the door? Henry Ford is credited to say, “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.”   Take a closer look at your lending process.  Do you have the tools that help bring your lenders, your customers, and your organization together?  If you don’t you may be losing some of your best talent for loan production at a time when you can least afford it.

Published: September 17, 2014 by Guest Contributor

Cherian Abraham, our mobile commerce and payments consultant, recently wrote about the future of mobile banking in regards to the Apple Pay news out this week. The below article originally appeared in American Banker and is an edited version of his blog post. Editor's note: A version of this post originally appeared on Drop Labs. Depending on who you ask, the launch of Apple Pay was either exciting or uninspiring. The truth is far more complicated — particularly in terms of how it will impact the dynamics of Apple's relationship with banks. I would venture that most of the financial institutions on stage at the launch of Apple Pay earlier this week have mixed feelings about their partnership. They have had to sacrifice a lot of the room for negotiation that banks have retained with other wallet players such as Google Wallet and Softcard (the company formerly known as Isis). If you are an Apple Pay launch partner, having your credential or token on Apple Pay does not mean that you get to extend that credential into your own mobile banking app or wallet. For example, Bank A, with its credentials stored on Apple Pay, cannot leverage those credentials so that its own mobile banking app can use them to enable direct payments. Banks will have to accept that their credentials will be indefinitely locked to Apple Pay till deletion.  No bank wants its brand to be overshadowed by Apple, nor do banks want smartphone users to close their app and open up a different wallet to make a payment. But this was not up for debate with Apple, which wants to tightly control the payment experience. This should be a cause of concern for Apple Pay partner banks, for whom enabling payments outside of Apple Pay in iOS is now off the table. Banks' only hope of having an integrated payment experience is to focus on Android, which supports host card emulation technology. HCE uses software to emulate a contactless smart card and communicate with near-field communication readers. I would expect a lot of banks to revisit Android and HCE in upcoming months. That goes double for the institutions that were not chosen to partner with Apple, along with retailers who have not rejected contactless payments as a modality in stores. Given that Apple will reportedly collect fees from its partner banks when customers execute transactions on the mobile wallet, all banks should be thinking about ways that they can make their presence on other Apple offerings more lucrative. If I were them, I would begin segmenting customers who hold one of iTunes' 500 million active accounts to see which ones are affluent spenders and which cards have higher interest rates, then implement targeted customer incentive strategies to move Apple users to higher-rate cards. I would use the same tactic to convince customers to replace debit cards on file with iTunes with credit cards. But the big takeaway is that from here on out, banks can only gain incremental value from iOS. If they want to create a unified payment system that customers can use as part of their existing banking relationships, they'll have to focus on Android. Should that happen, I doubt that Apple could prevent such moves from diluting its merchant value proposition. But such moves on the part of issuers are hardly long-term strategies to incentivize frequent usage, merchant participation and overall customer value. Learn more about how Experian can help you with your mobile banking needs please visit:

Published: September 12, 2014 by Guest Contributor

Data quality continues to be a challenge for many organizations as they look to improve efficiency and customer interaction.

Published: September 8, 2014 by Guest Contributor

By: Maria Moynihan At a time when people are accessing information when, where and how they want to, why aren’t voter rolls more up to date? Too often, voter lists aren’t scrubbed for use in mailing, and information included is inaccurate at the time of outreach. Though addresses and other contact information becomes outdated, new address identification and verification has not typically been a resource focus.  Costs associated with mandated election-related communications between government and citizens can add up, especially if messages never get to their intended recipients and, in turn, Registrar Offices never get a response. To date, the most common pitfalls with poorly maintained lists have been: Deceased records — where contact information for deceased voters has not been removed or flagged for mailing Email and address errors — where those who have moved or recently changed information failed to update their records, or where errors in the information on file make it unlikely for the United States Postal Service® to reach individuals effectively Duplicate records — where repeat records exist due to update errors or lack of information standardization With resources being tighter than ever, Registrar Offices now are placing emphasis on mailing accuracy and reach. Through third-party-verified data and advanced approaches to managing contact information, Registrar Offices can benefit from truly connecting with their citizens while saving on communication outreach efforts. Experian Public Sector recently helped the Orange County Registrar of Voters increase the quality of its voter registration process. Click here to view the write-up, or stay tuned as I share more on progress being made in this area across states.

Published: September 3, 2014 by Guest Contributor

One of the challenges that we hear from many of our clients is managing multiple collection agencies in order to recover bad debts. Collection managers who use multiple collection agencies recognize the potential upside to utilizing multiple agencies.  Assigning allocate accounts to different agencies based on geography, type of account, status of account (such as a skip), first, second or third placement, and other factors may lead to greater recoveries than just using a single agency.  Also, collection managers recognize the advantage of pitting agencies against each other in a positive manner to achieve significantly better results. However this can present a challenge in that the more agencies collection managers use, the greater the risk of losing operational control. Here are some questions to ask before engaging in a multiple collection agency strategy: Do you know which agency has which accounts?  Were some accounts accidently assigned to more than one agency?  Is it easy to locate an account with an agency if it needs to be withdrawn from it? Is information flowing from one agency to another if agencies are used for second and third placements? Managing multiple agencies can get complex pretty quickly, but rather than just using one agency to avoid these complexities, there is an alternative to consider: Loss of control can be overcome with effective systems that allocate and manage accounts assigned to multiple agencies.  These systems allow for the allocation, recall, activity tracking, performance reporting, and commission calculations or vendor audits.  No more spreadsheets or other time consuming, error prone manual processes.  Experian can help with its agency allocation and management solutions through Tallyman Agency Allocation. Learn more about our Tallyman Agency Allocation software. 

Published: August 29, 2014 by Guest Contributor

More than ever before, there may now be credence in the view that the majority of consumers’ personally identifiable information (PII), user names and passwords, and even some authentication tokens have been, or are, at risk of compromise.  Between sophisticated hacking schemes and regularly reported and sometimes unreported data breaches, those charged with implementing and maintaining identity authentication and management systems must assume this to be true.  In doing so, the need for layered authentication becomes readily apparent.  Layered authentication can mean many things to many people, but I would offer it up as diversifying authentication and risk assessment techniques and processes across multiple elements and attributes throughout the customer lifecycle.  These elements and attributes corresponding techniques can include: traditional PII validation and verification identity transaction link analysis and risk attribute derivation credit and non-credit data and risk attributes identity risk scores knowledge-based authentication question performance device intelligence and risk assessment credentials biometrics and should be layered proportionally by inherent risk per application, addressable population, transaction history and types, current transaction, and access channel for example.  Industry guidance such as the FFIEC Guidance of Authentication in an Internet Banking Environment is a solid foundational direction that calls out the need for institutions to move beyond simple device identification — such as IP address checks, static cookies and challenge questions derived from customer enrollment information — to more complex device intelligence and more complex out-of-wallet identity verification procedures.  I would suggest that while this is a great start, it is by no means comprehensive.  Institutions across all markets, both private and public sectors, should be exploring all available services and technologies in an effort to reduce reliance on one or only a few methods of authentication and identity management.  Particularly, again, assuming that the one method an institution may rely on could be greatly weakened or without value if subject to mass compromise. Make sure to read our Comply whitepaper to gain more insight on regulations affecting financial institutions and how you can prepare your business.   Learn more about how your business can authenticate consumers confidently.  

Published: August 22, 2014 by Keir Breitenfeld

As data breaches continue to attract publicity, consumers are expecting more from impacted organizations.

Published: August 22, 2014 by Guest Contributor

by John P. Robertson, Senior Business Process Specialist As a Senior Business Process Specialist for the Experian Decision Analytics, John provides guidance to clients in the areas of profitability strategies for risk based pricing and relationship profitability. He assists banks in developing and implementing successful transitions for commercial lending that improve both the financial efficiency of the lending process and the productivity of the lending officers. John has 26 years of experience in the banking industry, with prior background in cash, treasury, and asset /liability management. For quite some time now, the banking industry has experienced a flat funding curve. Very small spreads have existed between the short and long term rates. Slowly, we have begun to see the onset of a normalized curve. At this writing, the five year FHLB Advance rate is about 2.00%. A simplistic view of loan pricing looks something like this: + Interest Income + Non-Interest Income - Cost of Funds - Non-Interest Expense - Risk Expense = Income before Tax The example is pretty simple and straight forward, “back of the napkin” kind of stuff. We back into a spread needed to reach breakeven on a five year fixed rate loan by using the UBPR (Uniform Bank Performance Report) national peer average for Non-Interest Expense of approximately 3.00%. You would need a pre-tax rate requirement of 5.00% before you consider the risk and before you make any money. If you tack on 1.00% for risk and some kind of return expectation, the rate requirement would put you around a 6.00% offering level. From a lender’s perspective, a 6.00% rate on a minimal risk five year fixed rate loan doesn’t exist. They might as well go home. CFO’s have been asking themselves, “What do we do with this excess cash? We get such a paltry spread. How can we put higher yielding loans on our books at today’s competitive rates? We’ve got plenty of capital even with the new regulation requirements so can we repo the securities and use the net spread for our cost of funds?” Leveraging the excess cash and securities in order to meet the pressing rate demands may be a way banks have been funding selective loans at such low rates on highly competitive, quality loan originations of size. But you have to wonder, what about that old adage, “You don’t short fund long term loans.” Won’t you eventually have to deal with compression and “margin squeeze”? Oh and by the way, aren’t you creating a mismatch in the balance sheet which requires explanation. Are they buying a swap to extend the maturity? If so, are they really making their targeted return? If this is what they are doing, why not just accept a lower return but one that is better than the securities? Share your thoughts with me.  

Published: August 19, 2014 by Guest Contributor

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